81 ねぇ 私とどう? "Hey, why not give me a try?", そんな風に声を掛けた she said to me. 遊びでいいなら ...As long as it's just playing around. うれしい I'm so glad! 出会いの記念に今夜は沢山飲みましょう To honor us meeting, we'll have to drink lots and lots tonight! 私は振られたばかりで寂しいかったし I had been dumped too many times, and I was lonely. 82 そして彼女も同じように見えただけ And she seemed like she might be the same way. もう二年も前の話 That was two years ago now. 83 84 ぴく prickle 麻矢! Maya! ばっ jump ここはやめてって言ってるでしょ? How many times do I have to tell you not to touch me there? おはよう エリ Good morning, Eri. にこーっ beam 朝ご飯食べてく? Would you like something for breakfast? しゅっ slide 要らないわ No. コーヒーだけ頂戴 I'll just take some coffee, if you would. 85 今日はお休みでしょ?デートしない? Aren't you off today? Let's go on a date? そういうのは愛人として That kind of thing is for lovers. 寂しい返事ねぇ What a lonely thing to say... あんなに愛しあったのに And when we've loved each other so much. それとこれは別よ Different story. カ... tap じゃ... Well then. またね See you soon! えぇ Yeah. 来週? Next week? メールするわ I'll text you. 待ってる I'll be waiting. 86 コッコッコッ tap tap tap ほんと What... 背中がセクシー... a sexy back she has... ほーっ siiiigh いつまで遊んでくれるのかしらねぇ...? How long will we get to play around like this? カタ clunk 遊びの約束で始めた関係だけど At the beginning I promised it was just playing around, but... とっくに私は彼女に惚れてしまっている I fell in love with her long ago. っ... slide 二年よ 二年 Two years, it's been. どーなのよ Two years... 87 あの刺青の万分の一でも Is there anything left of you? 貴方に何か残せてるのかしら...? Even one-ten-thousandth part of that tattoo? ケイさん... Kei-san... 88 もう三周間もメールが無い It's been three weeks and she hasn't texted... 無い Not once... あら...麻矢さん ひさしぶりね Oh!... if it isn't Maya-san. It's been a while. ママ 私 失恋しちゃったみたい Maman, I think... I had my heart broken... 89 そう... Is that right... 二年も一緒に居たのに...何も残せなかったわ... We were together for two years... but now there's nothing left... ねぇ ママ...良い彫り師さん知らない? Hey, Maman... do you know any good tattoo artists? 入れたいの? You want a tattoo? カラン... swing 彼女には何も残せなかったけど...私は欲しいの Yes... even if there's none of her left... ぼろ drip 彼女と同じ所に同じ刺青が欲しい I want the same one she has, in just the same place... それはやめて Cut that out. 90 そんなの やめてよ Don't do something like that. エリ...! Eri...! エリぃぃぃぃ Eriiiiii...! ガチャン smash パリーン crash ドッ whump ひらり Hirari ちょっと! Hey! 麻矢さん 暴れないで! Maya-san! Quit destroying the shop! うううっあああ Uoooghh... wauhhhh... う うっ うぅ うぅ uooooogh 急にメール来ないし...っ うっ ううっ... Going silent on me out of nowhere... weughhh... もう...ダメなんだって...! I thought we were through...! うおおー Eughhhhh そこはごめんなさい I'm sorry about that. こんな風に泣かれるとは思わなかったわ... I never thought it would make you cry like this... 91 泣くわよ こんなの! Of course it would! ぶあっ bwoon 泣いたりするのエリは嫌なの判るけどほんとは私 面倒くさい女なの! I know you hate crying... I know I'm a pain-in-the-ass woman... but... ぼろ ぼろ drip drip 私にとってずっと前から遊びじゃないの! It wasn't just "playing around" for me! Not for a long time! 好きな人に振られたら悲しいに決まってるでしょ!? Who wouldn't be sad getting dumped by the person she loves? 麻矢... Maya... わたしも... I'm... 92 とても面倒くさくて a pain in the ass too. ずるい女だわ... And petty. 恋をしても捨てられるのが怖くて Even if I fall in love, I'm afraid I'll just get thrown away. 最初から遊びなら傷つかないと思ってた I thought if I treated it like a game from the start, I couldn't get hurt. この間 昔好きだった人を見かけたの The other day, I saw somebody I used to be in love with. 彼女の為にあの刺青も入れたわ She was the one I got that tattoo for. でも捨てられたの 子供が出来たって But she threw me away. "I'm pregnant," she said. 家族連れで幸せそうだったわ She really did look happy, walking with her family. 捨てられた時とても傷ついて辛かった Getting cast aside like that... was painful. It hurt me very deeply. ぎゅ clench 刺青と共に一生消えない傷だと思った It felt like a wound that would never go away, just like the tattoo. 93 でも But... あのひとを見た時 何も感じなかった looking at her the other day, I didn't feel anything at all. あの時の傷は You... とっくに貴方が癒してくれてたの healed that wound inside me, long ago. 94 ごめんなさい... I'm sorry... そっ reach 今更 こんな事 that I'm only saying it now. 伝えるのが怖くて... I was scared. 好きなの I love you. 嬉しい...! I'm so happy...! がしっ grab 痛っ...! Ow!! 95 う. Ugh... まだ傷が It's still pretty raw... え! What!? 怪我してるの? Did you injure yourself!? するっ slip 手術したの I had an operation. どきっ ba-dump あのままじゃイヤだったから I couldn't stand leaving it like that. こういうのも重いのかしら Though I wonder if this is a bad enough reminder on its own. 病院をママに相談したの Maman helped me pick out the doctor 傷跡は少し残る程度だって... They said the scar will never totally go away. 96 その傷を私がずっと愛していいの? And it is okay if I keep loving that scar the rest of my life? 愛してください "Yes, please love it." そう彼女は応えくれた That was what she replied.