Amagakure Gido I'm An Idiot 5 わー Whoa... 何だありゃ What's going on over there? センパイ Senpai! センパイ Senpai! ホラ、 That? Why, うちの王子様じゃん that's our Prince. あ バスケ部の Ah, from the basketball team? 上手くてカッコよくて物静かでカッコいーんだって She's really good but also quiet and handsome so they all line up and say "Eeek! So cooool!" なにそれー Honestly, now... あ Ah... 6 ほくろ That mole... ピアスの位置だ looks just like an earring. 7 五月リカです I'm Satsuki Rika. いらっしゃいませー Welcome, how may I help you. 23歳 フリータです 23 years old. I'm a "freeter"--I bounce from part-time job to part-time job. 280円になります That will be 280 yen. ありがとーございました Thank you very much. あ、 Ah, 小銭あります I've got change. はいどもー Great, thank you. ス brush あ Ah... 8 小林さん? Kobayashi-san? びくっ jump あっ Oh! いや 私同じ高校でっ No, um... we went to the same high school. すみません 声かけて Sorry for saying that out of nowhere. ぺこ bow いえ... No, it's fine... スタスタ stride stride やっちまった... Oof, I went and did it... 9 惣菜パンをつめこんで She scarfed down her sandwich... さっと彼女は立ち去った and was quickly on her way. そーだ Oh yeah, バイト先でさ guess who I saw when I was at work? 小林さん見たよ Kobayashi-san. あ~と 王子さま Uhmm... the Prince? 高校からの友だち Friend from high school いやいやOLでしたよ フツーの Not anymore... she's just an ordinary office lady. 10 ヘェ Wow, really? 王子様も卒業すればただの女か~ So even the Prince is just another woman once she graduates. なんか Well... ゲスな言い方だな that's kind of a harsh way to say it... で? So? ん? Hm? 仲良くなった? Did you two hit it off? なんで! Of course not! むこうおぼえてないしっ She didn't even remember me. そっかー Huh, I see. ホラ私委員会いしょだったんだー I was on the same committee as her, you know? そんなに仲良くはなかったけど We were never all that close, but... そういえばちょっと come to think of it, she あんたに雰囲気似てたよ reminded me a bit of you. 11 えーどこが? What?? Like how!? なんとなくだよー! I don't know! She just did. ピ beep まぁ Well, 悪い気はしないけど I'm sure she didn't mean anything bad by it, but... 元文系地味グループ現フリーター A kinda-nerdy high school mediocrity currently living as a freeter... と and... 元学校のアイドル王子様現キレイ系OL The princely high school idol turned pretty office worker. 似てはないね ...We don't have a /thing/ alike. あの A... カフェオレ café au lait, please. ハイ ...Sure! 12 うわさをすれば Speak of the devil... どーしよっかなー Now what do I do? 声かけろのもなー Do I talk to her or not? 五月さん Satsuki-san. うっ Euh! ハイ!? Yes!? あっ Ah... 昨日卒アル見て思い出して I was looking at our senior yearbook yesterday, and I remembered. 違うクラスだったから I guess it was because we were in different classes, but... わからなくてごめんなさい I'm sorry I didn't recognize you. あ、うん Ah, no, いーよ いーよ別に it's fine, it's fine! Don't worry about it. ん... Mn... じゃ Bye then. ぺこ bow どうもー Yep! Thank you! あードキドキしたー Ahh man, my heart was racing... 13 ーーさん ...-san! 伝線っ Your stocking! There's a run... えっ Huh? ほんとだ You're right... どうしよ... Now what do I do... 14 ストッキングなれなくて I'm still not used to wearing these... ゴクリ... gulp... うわーなんかっ Eughh, that was... なんかエロ~ kinda sexy somehow... ちょっとまって! Just a second! はい、私ストックいっぱいあるから Here you go! I've got plenty of them. え...でも What? No, I couldn't... いいからさ気にしないで Please! It's no problem at all. 15 ありがとう Thank you. そうだ That's right. 私 この子を見て When I used to look at this girl... 耳にしるし It made me want to ほしいなって思ったんだ make my ear look like hers did. これ代わりの... Here, to replace the ones you gave me... あ ありがと... Oh! Thank you. わざわざ Going to all that trouble... カフェオレ好きなの? You really like café au lait? すきというか Well, not that I especially like it... 他のやつあんまり飲んだことなくて so much as I really haven't tried anything else. 16 じゃあいくつか試してみる? Then, would you like to try a few out? 試飲ってことで You know, as free samples. いいの? Would that really be okay? キュ squeak 次どこ行くんだっけ? So, where are you going this time? ベィエトナム Vietnam! ホーチンミン Ho Chi Minh City! 17 いいなー Lucky you... 私も休みとれたらなー I wish I could go on vacation. まぁね これのためにフリーターやってるわけですから Well, this is why I'm living as a freeter. ベトナム Vietnam じゃー今のバイトもうやめんの? So you'll be leaving the job you're at now? いつ? When? あ、 一応今月中で... Sometime later this month, probably... どした What's wrong? んーいや 小林さん No, it's just... Kobayashi-san. ちょっと、話せるよーになってたからさー Lately we've started talking a little bit. ありゃ Oh? ならちゃんと言わないとね You'd better tell her you're quitting, then. んー Mm... うん Yeah, I guess so. 18 なんかいいのかな Is that okay, though? 重くないかな It's not a bit too heavy? ちょっと話すだけの人から Hearing something like that... え Eh? そうゆう事言われるの from somebody you've barely talked to. そっか 今月で Really... this month...? うん やめるの Yeah, I'll be quitting. ん? Hm? あ、 Ah, ううん no, なんでもない it's nothing. そっか、 I see. どもー Well, thanks again! 19 ゴロゴロ rumble rumble ザーー... pouuuur あーあ Ahhh, man. こりゃ今日はヒマだな This is going to be one slow day. パシャパシャ splash いらっしゃい! Welcome! 雨 大丈夫 You're really okay in the rain? うん Yeah. ソイ ラテ Soy latte, ホットで hot, please. 20 雨だよ It's pouring rain. お弁当どこで食べるの Where are you going to eat that lunch? 大丈夫 Will you really be all right? お弁当 You're always... いつも ひとりなの eating lunch on your own. ひとりなの All on your own... ぱんっ fw- tmp こっちおいで Here, come this way! え... Huh? 中せまいけど It's a bit cramped inside, but... ホラ here, come on in! 21 しん silence な S... なんか ごめんね sorry about this. いいよ今日ヒマだし! Oh, it's fine! There's no business anyway. 聞きたいこととか There are so many things I want to ask her... 話したいことたくさんあるのに So many things I want to talk about... あるはずなのに... There... /should/ be so many things I want to talk about... ザー vsshhhhh 22 ここのコーヒー好きだった I really loved the coffee here. あ Th... ズキ sting ありがとう thank you. わー私 My... hobby is... お金たまったら every time I've saved up enough money... フラッと海外行くのシュミで... I cut out and go visit somewhere overseas. ここも元々短期の予定だったんだ I started here knowing it would just be a short-term thing. 店はなくならないからまた来てよ The shop will still be around once I leave, so come back anytime. 海外? Overseas? すごい That's amazing. いいなぁ I'm jealous. はは... Ha ha... やっぱり I guess... 会社勤めだとなかなか休めない? working for a company, you don't get much time off? ん... Mm... そうだね No, you really don't. 今は仕事おぼえるのでいっぱいかな Right now I'm still learning my work, so my hands are always full. 23 私けっこう Turns out... 要領悪かったみたい... I'm pretty clumsy... ふ Heh... 王子さまが? /You/ are, Prince? しまった Oh, shoot そうそう That's right! 笑っちゃうよねー Makes you want to laugh, doesn't it? 高校のころのアダ名も懐かしいな My high school nickname... that brings me back. あれだけ夢中だったバスケもやめちゃったし I got so caught up in all that I even stopped playing basketball. 今はなんにも残ってないよ Now I don't have any of it left. 24 私は I... 私から見たら小林さん I think that you're... きちんとステップアップして生活してて偉いなって思うけど very admirable, Kobayashi-san. You're taking mature and responsible steps forward in life. 私は好きなことばっかしてるから I spend my time just doing what I want to. いつかシケがくると思うし... I'm sure I'll have to pay for that later on. そっか I see... どっちがいいのかな I wonder which is right? 今楽しいのと To enjoy yourself now, いつか楽しいの or work so you can enjoy yourself later? 25 もし高校の時仲よくなってたら If we had gotten to know each other in high school, その言い方 I really... 好きだな like the way she put that. 真剣な話ができる友達になれてたかも could she have become a friend to talk about serious stuff like this with? 友だちに A friend... あ Ah, 昼休みおわっちゃう my lunch break's over. 26 じゃ... See you... then. さん! ...-san! 私ピアス I got my ear pierced... 小林さん見てあげようって思ったの because I wanted to look like you. 27 なんで? How's that...? ぶはっ Pbbt! な なに Wh... what? なんで? What is it? あ ごめん Oh... sorry. 私意味分かんないこと言ったなーって! Just realized I said something that wouldn't make any sense. あの頃 Back then... ごめんね Sorry. 他の子と同じようにあこがれてた I idolized you just like all the other girls did. 今もすごく素敵だよ Even now I think you're wonderful. 魅力的だよ I think you're charming and beautiful. 落ちこまないで So please don't be sad. 28 昔 あなたを好きな子が Remember that there used to be... ...っ ... たくさんいたこと a lot of girls who really loved you. 大事にしてほしい Please hold on to that. って But... 言わないと伝わらないって If I don't say any of that, it won't get across. 私 馬鹿... I'm an idiot... 29 あの... Um... れ、 M- 連絡先とか聞いていい May I have some way to contact you? やめる前に Before you quit. えーーいい... Eh? S... いいけど Sure, of course. よかった... That's great...! メール? LINE? E-mail? Line? う Y... うん Yeah... どっちでも Either one's fine... じゃあ今度は Maybe sometime... 飲みにでも we can go out for a drink or something? 飲める? Do you drink? のむのむ Oh yeah. Big time. コクコク nod nod わー Ooh hoo... GETだぜー I reeled it in! 30 かわ... That was adorable... あ じゃあ また Ah... well then... see you! もう行くから I really do have to get going. あ うん Oh... yeah! またね See you then. 雨やんでる The rain has stopped. ラッキー Lucky me! 私 The... ほくろつぶせないから mole is in the way, so... ピアスあけられないんだけど I can't get my ear pierced, but... 31 五月さんがあけててくれるのは It kinda makes me happy... なんか that you did, 嬉しい Satsuki-san. 32 同じ人をまた好きになった I fell in love with the same person twice. 私ってほんと I really am a huge... にもつ少ないね!? That's all you're bringing!? クセでー Light packer ところでどこが似てるかというとー By the way, when I finally got her to explain how we were alike... 仲良くなるまでにじれったいとこ You were both sort of irritating until I got to know you. あ、ホントそうですね Ah... you may have a point