Luminous Blue Chapter 1 By Iwami Kiyoko Translation by Multiball [1/46 (_269.jpeg)] この景色を私だけが見てる This vista, only my eyes see きれい… Pretty... [2/46 (_270.jpeg) (first page of two-page spread)] 第1話 Chapter 1 [3/46 (_271.jpeg) (second page of two-page spread)] YHC『透明な薄い水色に』の著者によるカメラを通した〝青春のあとの青春劇〟。 From the author of YHC's _Transparent Light Blue_, a view of a "post-youth youth drama" through the camera 恋と写真と青い夏ー Love and Photographs and bright blue summer [4/46 (_272.jpeg)] [5/46 (_273.jpeg)] (sfx) カシャ カシャ カシャ カシャ snap snap snap snap [6/46 (_274.jpeg)] [7/46 (_275.jpeg)] …あれ? ...Huh? 学校どこ…? Where's the school...? (sfx) ガラッ slide [8/46 (_276.jpeg)] (sfx) はあ はあ… pant pant... おはようございますっ Good morning! …誰? ...Who are you? 今日からこっちに転校してきました I've transferred here starting today. 垂水光です! I'm Tarumi Kou! ああ…垂水さん… Ah...Tarumi-san... 今何時間目だと思ってんの? Which period do you think we're on right now? …お ...Um お昼くらい? Almost lunchtime? …遅刻の理由は? ...What's your reason for being late? [9/46 (_277.jpeg)] …あの…朝ちゃんと家を出たんですけど ...Well...I left the house on time this morning はじめての街とか知らない道はワクワクして But it's my first time in town, and I was excited for all the streets I didn't know つい写欲が高まるというか And you could say my photolust bubbled up 気がついたら学校からかなり離れちゃって… And before I knew it, I'd gotten pretty far from the school... ゴメンナサ… I'm really sorr... 「しゃよく」 "Photolust?" ってなに? What's that? 写真を撮りたいよくぼうのことです! It's the passionate desire to take photographs! …よくわからないんが転校初日から遅刻だし ...Okay, whatever, but you're still late to your new school on the first day. それ持ち込み禁止だから没収な And you're not allowed to bring that in, so that's a confiscation. [10/46 (_278.jpeg)] えっ What‽ 「えっ」じゃない No "what" about it. (sfx) あ は は はっ Ah ha ha ha 変なヤツ Look's like a weird one. なんか面白そーじゃん? Seems sort of fun, don'tcha think 寧々 Nene? カメラ… A camera... (sign) 職員 Faculty 盗難の危険もあるんだから It's at risk of being stolen, too 明日からは持ってくるなよ So starting tomorrow, don't bring it in, okay? [11/46 (_279.jpeg)] 他の先生に見つかったらメンドーだろ If the other teachers find out, it'll be trouble 私が For yours truly. はい…でも Okay...but 写真部に入ったらカメラOKですか? If I join the photography club, could I have a camera then? …写真部? ...Photography club? はい! Yeah! 青高は写真部がスゴイじゃないですか! So Ao High has an incredible photography club, right? だから私ここに転校できたのめちゃくちゃ嬉しくて‼ That's why I'm so totally happy I managed to transfer here! スゴイ…? Incredible...? (sfx) ゴソゴソ rustle rustle やだな先生知らないんですか Come on, teacher, don't tell me you didn't know! (magazine) 写苑 PhotoGarden (sfx) ドサッ flop [12/46 (_280.jpeg)] (magazine) 第18回 (magazine) 18th (magazine) 全国高校生写真賞発表 (magazine) National High School Photography Prize Listing (magazine) 『写苑賞』 (magazine) The Sha-En prize ほら 去年もおととしも! Look, last year and the year before that! (arrow) 県立青山高等学校 (arrow) AoYama Prefectural Secondary School (magazine) 葉山うちほ(高二) (magazine) Hayama Uchiho (11th grade) 葉山さんの写真すごく憧れてて I was incredibly inspired by Hayama-san's photography. 私も応募して賞とれたらって… Like, "What if I submitted an entry and took the prize, too...?" だから絶対写真部に入部するんです! That's why I'm absolutely joining the photography club! 葉山ねぇ… Yeah, Hayama... そういえば写真部だったか Now that you mention it, she /was/ in the photography club, wasn't she? …だった? ...Was? [13/46 (_281.jpeg)] 写真部 Well, as of this year 今年から廃部になったから The club is disbanded. ……へ? ...Huh? (sfx) はあ sigh やっほー転校生 Yoo-hoo! New kid! [14/46 (_282.jpeg)] 垂水さん…だっけ Tarumi-san...right? カメラ返してもらえたー? Did they let you have your camera back? 朝マジウケたわ That was seriously. Hilarious. This morning. …誰? ...Who are you? (flt) ひっどー Are you for real? 同じクラスでしょー Come on, we're in the same class! あたし秋本 雨音 I'm Akimoto Amane. あまねでいーよ You can just call me Amane. 私は…青野 I'm...Aono. 青野寧々 Aono Nene. よろしく Nice to meet you. [15/46 (_283.jpeg)] ねーねーたるたる♥ So hey, Taru-Taru. たるたる Taru-Taru? 寧々のことどっかで見たことない~? Think you might have seen Nene somewhere before...? 雨音!やめて Amane! Stop! 今日初めて会ったと思うけど… I think I met her just today... ほら…知ってるわけないでしょ Come on...There's no way she'd know. ほら! Look! (phone) タートルネックゆるトップ loose turtleneck top [16/46 (_284.jpeg)] え…これ this 青野さん? Aono-san? そ! Yup! すごいよね! Pretty cool, huh? ね⁉ Y'know‽ かわいい… Cute...! モデルしてるの?青野さん You do modeling work, Aono-san? 別に Not really. 可愛くないしモデルじゃないから I'm not cute, and I'm not a model. まだ Not yet. それお姉ちゃんの友だちのショップで That's from my sister's shop モデルがいないとき使ってもらってるだけど… And they'll let me do it if they don't have a model... まだ "Not yet?" ってことは Does that mean いつかモデルになりたいの? You wanna be one someday? え…いや… Um...I mean... まぁ… Well... なりたい I'd like to. かも At least ね… I think... [17/46 (_285.jpeg)] もー‼絶対なるって言いなよ! Come on!! Just say that you're totally gonna be one! 寧々はモデルのことはっきり言わないんだから You never talk straight when it's about modeling! そーいうのマジ良くない Seriously, it's like, a problem. …うるさい ...Oh, hush. 雨音は関係ないでしょ I don't see how it's your business. ひどーっ 誰よりも一番に応援してるのにぃ You can't be for real!! Here I am, your biggest supporter in the whole world! ちょ…やめて! Wai—Stop! あはは Ah ha ha! 二人は仲言いんだね You must know each other pretty well, huh? (sfx) カシャ snap [18/46 (_286.jpeg)] まーね♪ ♫Well, y'know...♪ 別に ...Not really... ただ中学から一緒ってだけ We've just been together since middle school. (sfx) ぱしっ smack …なんだよ… ...What was that for...? そういえば垂水さん溜息ついてたよね Come to think of it, you were sighing, Tarumi-san. …澄田先生に何か言われてたの? ...Was it something Sumida-sensei said to you? あ……私カメラ好きで Oh...So, I love cameras [19/46 (_287.jpeg)] 写真部に入ろうと思ってたんだけど…廃部になったって And I was planning on joining the photography club, but...she said it's been disbanded. そう… Oh... …ん廃部? ...Mm, disbanded? 写真部って Y'know, The photography club 北校舎の3階に部室残ってるよね? Still, like, has a room on the third floor of the north building. …ほんと⁉ ...Really‽ ありがとう ちょっと行ってみる! Thanks! Lemme just go check it out! …雨音 ...Amane [20/46 (_288.jpeg)] あんまりべたべたしないで Don't cling on me so much. …私そういうの好きじゃない ...I don't like that sort of thing. …なんだよ ...What's the matter? 友だちじゃんあたしたち Aren't we friends? ……そうだけど ...Well, yes, we are... (sign) 写真同好会 Photography Lovers' Association (sign) 写真同好会 Photography Lovers' Association (sfx) カララ… rattle すみませーん… Excuse me... [21/46 (_289.jpeg)] ……誰? ...Who is it? もしかして Are you by any chance はい? Yes? 葉山…先輩? Hayama...Senpai? [22/46 (_290.jpeg)] あああの2年の垂水です! Aaaaaai'm Tarumi, in year two! 今日転校してきてあの私 I transferred in today, and I, uh— (sfx) ずいっ zoom 先輩の撮る写真が好きで写真部に入部したくて! And I love the pictures you take so much and I want to join the photography club! あ…ありがとう Ah...Thank you. でももう部はなくて But the club is already gone 同好会なの… And it's an appreciation group... どうして…? Why...? 去年も一昨年もぜーんぜん入部員が入らなかったの Both last year and the year before, no one joined the club, no one at all. 人気ないのかな写真… I guess photography must not be very popular... そんな…先輩の写真はステキです! No way...Your pictures are fabulous! (flt) なんかコイツ… This guy... あのあの I gotta ask— [23/46 (_291.jpeg)] 2年前に受賞された「少女斜陽」なんて So, the "Girl with Setting Sun" that won the prize two years ago. どうやったらこんな風に撮れるんだろうって What do you have to do to take a picture like this? 私何百回も見て… I've looked at it hundreds of times... (magazine) 審査員特別青山高等学校 Committee Special Prize: AoYama Prefectura (magazine) 『処女斜ほ(高一 tting Sun" by Hayama Uchi …ありがとう ...Thank you. 垂水さん写真好きなんだね You're really into photography, aren't you, Tarumi-san? はい! Yeah! 大好きでしゅっ I love it! …そっか ...I see. 先輩? Senpai? …ううん 私… ...It's just that I'm... 今ちょっとスランプっていうか… In a bit of a slump right now, I guess you'd say... 最近あんまり撮ってなくて I haven't been shooting much lately. [24/46 (_292.jpeg)] もうすぐ賞の締切なのに… Even though the deadline for the contest is already almost here... 部もなくなって1人だし… And the club is gone, so I'm on my own... あ でも オースチンいるから1人じゃないけど Ah, well, Austin's here, so that's not quite true... (sfx) ねー Isn't that right? (sfx) 部室飼い…? Does it live in the clubroom? もう今年で最後なのに Even though this is my final year... どうしよ… What to do... ……先輩っ ...Senpai! 二人で応募して We can submit a joint entry 一緒に賞をとりましょう‼ And win the prize together!! [25/46 (_293.jpeg)] 二人で…? A joint entry...? (flt) はっ Oh! あ…で でもきっと Uh...B—But I'm pretty sure 私の写真なんかじゃ That any photo of mine 賞は無理…ですよね Wouldn't have a chance at the prize, would it... 何言ってんだろ あはは… I'm not sure what I'm talking about... Ah ha ha... …ありがとう ...Thank you. お互い受賞できたら If we can win a prize for each other また部に戻れるかもしれない Perhaps we'll be able to return to being a club. …一緒にがんばってくれる? ...Will you make the effort with me? [26/46 (_294.jpeg)] は… Y... はいっ‼ Yes!! なに撮ったらいいのかなぁ… I wonder what I should be shooting... (boxes) おひっこし インベーダー センター Invader Moving Centers …………どうしよう… ...Whaddo I do...? 普段気軽に撮ってるスナップか… Lighthearted snapshots like I typically do...? 先輩みたいに女の子の写真もいいよね~… It'd be nice to do photos of girls like Senpai does, too, though... (pillow) HANPEN <"Hanpen" is a sort of fishcake that's commonly served in oden and other soups. If you want to add this as a fun note at the back, you can.> [27/46 (_295.jpeg)] …あ ...Oh. モデル…なりたい …かも ね… I'd be a model. At least, I think... 二人は仲言いんだね You must know each other pretty well, huh? まーね♪ ♫Well, y'know...♪ ……そうだ! I've got it! [28/46 (_296.jpeg)] 私たしの写真を撮らせてほしい? You want us to let you take our picture? お礼はするから I'll make it up to you. …お願い! ...Pretty please! え~♥ Really? なに買ってもらおうかな You are /so/ buying me something! 調子に乗るな Don't get carried away. …それに ...And 私は良いって言ってない I haven't said it's okay. なんで私と雨音なの? Why me and Amane? …私は嫌 ...It feels wrong to me. [29/46 (_297.jpeg)] そっか… Alright, then... …でも ...But 昨日撮った二人の写真 The picture of you two I took yesterday... すごい 可愛くてドキドキしたの ...Was incredible. It made me excited how cute it was. みんなは知らない二人だけの表情をもっともっと見たい No one knows about the expressions just the two of you make. I wanna see a whole lot more of them. …私は今 ...Right now 二人をどうしても撮りたい I want to take pictures of the /two/ of you, no matter what. [30/46 (_298.jpeg) (first page of two-page spread)] …そんなの ...I don't— いーじゃん Come oooon! 寧々モデルになりたいんでしょ Don't you want to be a model, Nene? 賞に出す写真のモデルなんて絶好のチャンスじゃんっ Couldn't modeling for a contest entry be just the break you need? …それに ...And 今はもう… And like, at this point... 友だちなんだから We're friends. [31/46 (_299.jpeg) (second page of two-page spread)] ……嫌とかゆーな ...Don't say it feels wrong. …わかった ...Alright. いいの⁉二人とも So it's okay‽ With both of you? (flt) お礼忘れないでよ Don't forget, you're making it up to me! (flt) もちろんっ Of course! [32/46 (_300.jpeg)] (flt) はっ gasp ちょ… Wait... ちょっと待ってて‼ Wait right there a second!! はいコレ Okay, here! …アイス? ...A popsicle? ごめんね Sorry 'bout that. いきなり写真撮るって言われても If someone just tells you she's taking pictures どんなポーズしたらいいのか分かんないよね It's not like you know how you should pose or anything. [33/46 (_301.jpeg)] 小道具があればそういう手持ちぶさたは解消させるし When there's a prop involved, it dissipates that feeling like you don't know what to do with yourself. 特に菓子は「可愛い」+「食べる」って行動ができるから And candy especially can get you in that "cute plus eating" mood. 便利なんだー It's pretty handy! ふーん… Hmmm... はい 撮るよー Okay, here we go! え⁉ What‽ ちょっと待っ… Hold on a... ほらほら 早くしないと Come on, if we don't act fast アイス溶けちゃうから! The popsicle's gonna melt! え~! Whaaat‽ [34/46 (_302.jpeg)] [35/46 (_303.jpeg)] [36/46 (_304.jpeg)] [37/46 (_305.jpeg)] (popsicle stick) あた winn (popsicle stick) あたり winner [38/46 (_306.jpeg) (first page of two-page spread)] [39/46 (_307.jpeg) (second page of two-page spread)] [40/46 (_308.jpeg)] [41/46 (_309.jpeg)] …ん? ...Huh? 秋本と青野に… Akimoto and Aono, and... 垂水? Tarumi? あいつ あの様子だとまた That girl! I know what this means! カメラを学校に持ってきて…… She brought a camera to school again...! あははっ Ah ha ha! やめてよもーっ Geez, cut it out! キャハハ Pffah ha ha! かわいーよふたりとも You two are sooo cute! …まぁいいか ...But what's the problem? 放課後で校外だし It's after school hours, off school grounds. …それになんだか…… ...And it's also sort of.. (sfx) くす snicker [42/46 (_310.jpeg)] 垂水さん Tarumi-san 作品撮りしたの? Did you do a portfolio shoot? はい! Yes! クラスの友だちでこの間… This time, I was with some friends from class... [43/46 (_311.jpeg)] えっ… Huh... へぇ… Hmm... こんな上手だと思わなかった I didn't think they'd be this good. そっ そうですか⁉ You—You really think so‽ 先輩のほうは…どうですか? And Senpai...What about you? なにか撮りたいイメージとか… Do you have any images in mind that you want to capture...? ……あれ?この子たち… ...What's this? These girls... [44/46 (_312.jpeg)] 雨音と寧々ちゃん? Amane and Nene-chan? …先輩知ってるんですか? ...Do you know them, Senpai? うん… Yeah... 中学が一緒だったの We went to the same middle school. …まだ仲良いんだ ...So they're still close. まだ? "Still?" [45/46 (_313.jpeg)] 二人 中学のころつき合ってたんだよ In middle school, they were dating. え Huh? [46/46 (_314.jpeg)] 別れたと思ってたけど I thought they had broken up (popsicle stick) あたり winner 違うのかな But maybe I was wrong. 元カノ…どうし mean って…コト…ですか……? That they're...each other's...ex-girlfriend?