Luminous Blue Chapter 2 By Iwami Kiyoko Translation by Multiball [1/34 (_107.jpeg)] ー二人中学のころつき合ってたんだよ In middle school, they were dating. 別れたと思ってたけどー I thought they had broken up... …つき合って ...So they were …たんだ…… (sfx) ぎゅ… clench [2/34 (_108.jpeg)] 今でも君を見つめている Even now, I gaze upon you 第2話 Chapter 2 [3/34 (_109.jpeg)] 葉山! Hayama! 澄田先生 Sumida-sensei. どうだ?ウチの垂水 How are things with Tarumi? She's one of mine. 迷惑かけてないか? Hope she's not being a pain. 垂水さん先生のクラスなんですか… Oh, Tarumi-san is in your class... 今はそれぞれ作品撮りしてて Right now, she's adding a variety of subject matter to her portfolio. あまり一緒にはいないんですけど… We aren't often together, however... すごくやる気があるみたいでありがたいです She seems incredibly motivated, and I'm grateful for that. [4/34 (_110.jpeg)] (flt) ははっ Ha ha! そっか 'Zat so? まーやる気っていうか "Motivation" is one thing you could call it. 写真のコトしか頭にないよーな奴だけど… She seems like the type who's got nothing but photography on the brain... この調子で部員が増えて At this rate, with your membership rising like it is また写真『部』に戻れたらいいな It'd be nice if you could go back to being a photography "club," eh? そうですね Yes, wouldn't it? [5/34 (_111.jpeg)] たるたるーっ Taru-taruuuuuu! (sfx) ギクッ spazz (sfx) そろ… wrrkk 帰ろーぜっ★ Let's head home! (flt) ぴーす☆ peace ……う ...Uh うんっ Sure. 帰ろ…! Let's go home! [6/34 (_112.jpeg)] なんで今の撮んないのー⁉ Why the frik didn't you take a picture there‽ (flt) シャッターチャンスだったのにぃ‼ That was, like, a killer photo op!! (flt) どこがよ… What was...? えぇっ What‽ ご ごめんね秋本さん… S—Sorry, Akimoto-san... でも ほんと… Seriously, though... この間の公園以来 Ever since that time at the park 垂水さん写真撮ってなくない? You've been taking like no pictures. (sfx) ギクッ spazz …どうかした? ...Is something the matter? い いや…別にその… Uh—No, not...that's not really... 最近なんか…ねっ Y'know, lately, it's been, uh... カメラが機嫌悪くって‼ My camera hasn't been feeling right!! (sfx) くわっ froosh ………調子…じゃなくて? ...Do you mean it hasn't been... working right? [7/34 (_113.jpeg)] あ…そうそれ…! Uh...Yeah, that! えっと…ほんとなんでもないよ! It's, um...Really nothing to worry about! 二人のせいとかじゃないし絶対! It's not because of anything you two did, not at all! 気にしないで…ねっ! Don't worry about it...okay? お腹空いてきちゃったなー Boy, do I feel hungry! 早く帰… Let's get go— (sfx) ガシッ whup たるたる Taru-taru. (sfx) キラッ bling …ちょっといいっ⁉ ...You gotta sec‽ [8/34 (_114.jpeg)] (sfx) ザ… frrsssh... ひゃーめっちゃ海‼ Yoooooo, we at the Beeeeach!! きもちー♥ Feel that wind and spray! …なんで海なワケ? ...Why are we at the beach? たるたるのカメラキゲン悪いっていうからさー Taru-taru's said her camera hasn't been feeling good, right? そういうときは海だよ海っ Well, that's when you go to the beach! That's what it's for! …むかし寧々が怒ってるときもよく来たよねー? ...You used to come here when you were mad, right, Nene? …はぁ?私じゃなくて ...Excuse me? That wasn't me. 雨音がグズってるときでしょ… That was when you were feeling sulky, Amane... [9/34 (_115.jpeg)] おっ? Oh? 覚えててくれてだー★ You remembered! …うざ ...Buzz off. あははっ Ah ha ha! 二人ってホントの仲がいい You two really /do/ know each other well! ……あっ ...Ah! (sfx) ピタッ clak あ あれっ シャッターが… H—Huh? The shutter's all... おかしいなー… Gee, that's strange... あはは… Ah ha ha... そうだ私なんかジュース買ってこよ… You know what? I'll go buy some drinks... たるたる Taru-taru. [10/34 (_116.jpeg)] 先輩からあたしたちがつき合ってたの聞いた? Did you hear from Senpai that we used to be going out? [11/34 (_117.jpeg)] え…⁉ What...‽ ……う ...Y うん… Yeah... きい I た… heard... ごめん…… Sorry... [12/34 (_118.jpeg)] やっぱりなー変だとおもった Yeah, figures. You were acting kinda weird. ……え…先輩って ...What...? By "Senpai," you mean 葉山先輩…?写真部の Hayama-sempai...? From the photography club...? …なんで? ...Why? うちほちゃん 幼なじみだもん Uchiho-chan and I grew up together. 寧々に言ってなかった? Didn't I ever tell you, Nene? (paper) 葉山うちほ Hayama Uchiho そうじゃなくて…! That's not what I mean...! なんでそんな恥ずかしいコトを同じ学校の先輩に話してんの……? Why would you talk about something so embarrassing to a senpai who goes to the same school...? バカなの…? Are you an idiot...? 寧々こわい~ Gawd, Nene, that's scary...! え…葉山先輩 Huh...? You and Hayama-senpai 秋本さんと幼なじみなの? Grew up together, Akimoto-san? あ うんパパたちが仲間良くて Oh! Yeah, our dads were friends 小さいことからよく一緒に遊んでた And we'd play together like all the time when we were little. そ そうなんだ… I—I see... まあそれより… But forget about that for a sec. [13/34 (_119.jpeg)] あたしたちがもう別てるから…撮りたくないの? We've already broken up, so, like...Do you not want to take our picture? そんなんじゃ…! No, that's...! …ないよ…でも ...Not it ...Just …二人の気持ちがわかんなくて… ...I don't know how the two of you feel about it... 私たちの…気持ち? How we...feel about it? …私 ...When I 写真のコトになると周りが見えなくなるときがあって… start getting into taking pictures, I can't always see the things around me... 『二人を撮りたい』って思ったら頭の中それだけになっちゃって Once I get it in my head that I want to frame you two up, it pushes everything else out. それで二人に無理にお願いした… So I asked you for something I shouldn't have... [14/34 (_120.jpeg)] 青野さん最初は嫌って言ってたのに Even though Aono-san didn't want to at first 二人の気持ちとか…関係とか知らないで撮って… I went ahead with the shoot without knowing how you felt...or about your relationship... 先輩から二人のこときいて When I heard from Senpai about the two of you 本当の本当は嫌だったかもってやっと…気づいた… That's when it finally occurred to me... that maybe you really, truly didn't want to. でも…でもね…… But...But you know... 撮った二人の写真 The more I look at the photos I got of you two... 見れば見るほどすごい…… The more incredible they are... 可愛く笑顔がキラキラしてて…… Cute smiles sparkling... [15/34 (_121.jpeg)] 写真の二人と目の前の二人 Between the two of you in the photos and the two of you in front of me どっちがほんとかわかんない… I can't tell which is real... ……あたしは ...Well, like [16/34 (_122.jpeg)] 好きだよ I still love you. 今でもずっと… Even now, forever... 寧々のコト Nene. ……ほんと ...I really そういうトコが嫌い Don't like that about you. [17/34 (_123.jpeg)] ひどい!なんで‼ I cannot believe you! Why‽‽ 終わったコトいつまでもずるずる引きずって Because you drag stuff that's over and done with around for who knows how long ベラベラ他人に喋って… And you'll go on and on about it in front of anyone... 子どもっぽくて成長しないから! And you're childish, and you never mature! あたしは今恋愛なんかに興味ない I don't have any interest in romance right now. (sfx) ぐす… sob …じゃあなんで一緒に写真OKしたんだよ ...Then why did you agree to having our picture taken together? 『もう友だちだから』だよ Because "we're friends at this point." …雨音が自分で言ったんでしょ ...Didn't you say so yourself, Amane? それにカメラとかモデルに興味あったし… And I'm interested in cameras and modeling... 自分のため For myself. 別に雨音のためじゃない It's not like I'm doing it for you. …勘違いしないで ...Don't get the wrong idea. [18/34 (_124.jpeg)] 友だち…なら If we're friends...then もっと優しくしてくれてもいーじゃんか…っ Couldn't you be nicer to me...? …は? ...Excuse me? …なに期待してるんだか知らないけど…… ...I don't know what you're expecting, but... だっ So だからっ‼ So that's why!! そんな風に…っ If this... ケンカしちゃう原因になるんなら… Is the sort of fighting it's gonna cause... もう二人のコト撮らない……… I won't take pictures of you anymore... …撮りたくない ...I don't want to. [19/34 (_125.jpeg)] 写真を撮るのは Because taking pictures 楽しいから Is fun. 好きだから… Because I love doing it... だから私だけが楽しいんじゃだめで So it can't be only fun for me. 二人にも楽しい気持ちになってほしいのに I want it to be fun for both of you, too. 嫌な気持ちにさせるなら But if it makes you feel bad もうやめるから……っ I'll stop it, already... [20/34 (_126.jpeg)] ごめん I'm sorry. ……大丈夫 ...It's okay. 嫌じゃなかったよ It didn't make me feel bad. 雨音とはいつもこうで… It's always like this with Amane... もうちゃんと友だちだから But we really are friends at this point. …ね 雨音 ...Right, Amane? …うん ...Yeah. 友だち We're …だよ ...friends. [21/34 (_127.jpeg)] 本当に嫌なときはちゃんと伝えるし I'll let you know when it really doesn't feel right to me. 私だって光ちゃんに And /Kou-chan/, I can tell you 私たちのコトで悲しい気持ちになってほしくない I don't want you to feel sad on our behalf. それにあのとき And anyway, the time before …一瞬でも楽しかったから……… ...I had fun, if only for an instant... じゃなきゃあんな風に笑ったりできないよ I couldn't have smiled and laughed like that if I weren't. 青野さん… Aono-san... 寧々 /Nene/ でいいよ is fine. [22/34 (_128.jpeg)] 友だちでしょ? We're friends, right? うん Yeah! よしっ Alright! せっかくの海だし遊ぶぞー! We've come all the way to the beach—leeeet's party!! [23/34 (_129.jpeg)] [24/34 (_130.jpeg) (first page of two-page spread)] [25/34 (_131.jpeg) (second page of two-page spread)] [26/34 (_132.jpeg)] (sfx) くかー… conk …バス来ないね ...Man, the bus is taking forever. …寧々 ...Nene …写真のことありがと ...Thanks. About the pictures. …別に ...If you say so. 言ったでしょ 自分のためだって Didn't I tell you? I'm doing it for myself. [27/34 (_133.jpeg)] ……なんか懐かしいなぁ ...It sure does bring back memories. 海 The beach. よく来たよね二人で We came here with each other a lot, didn't we? 放課後とかだ……デート Like, after school, or, like...on dates. …もう忘れた ...I'd forgotten. えー? F'real‽ はじめて手を繋いだのも海だったのにー? But that's where we held hands for the first time and everything! …うるさい光ちゃん起きちゃう ...Pipe down, you'll wake up Kou-chan. ……ねぇ ...Hey 寧々 Nene [28/34 (_134.jpeg)] キスしたい I wanna kiss you. ……な ...y'know? [29/34 (_135.jpeg)] …だって ...I mean あんなに色々んなコトしたのに After we did so much of that sorta thing …どうして今手も繋げないの ...Why can't we even hold hands anymore? いいよ That's fine. [30/34 (_136.jpeg)] でもしたら But once you do [31/34 (_137.jpeg)] 雨音のこと完全に嫌いになる I won't want anything to do with you. 友だちでもない Not even as friends. …絶好だよ ...A clean break. ……すれば ...If you do it. [32/34 (_138.jpeg)] [33/34 (_139.jpeg)] …そ ...I んなの Don't want ヤだよぉ that... …ばかっ ...idiot. [34/34 (_140.jpeg)] …だめだよ ...It's not okay.