Luminous Blue Chapter 3 By Iwami Kiyoko Translation by Multiball [1/28 (_067.jpeg)] 秋本ー Akimoto! 放課後お前だけ補習 After-school lessons, just for you. 他は帰ってよし The rest of you are free to go. え? Huh? あたしだけ? Just me? [2/28 (_068.jpeg)] 終わった恋の観測者 An observer of ended loves 第3話 Chapter 3 『透明な薄い水色に』 好評発売中 "Transparent Light Blue" On sale to rave reviews! [3/28 (_069.jpeg)] てか小テストとかどーでも良くない澄ちゃん⁉ Come on, Sumi-chan, who cares about a quiz‽ 中間とか期末でいー点とれればさぁ As long as I do good at like midterms or finals! お前見たいな阿呆をあぶりだすために小テストがあるんだよ We have quizzes to flush the dumbasses like you out into the open. た…たるたるも似たよーな点数でしょう⁉ Ta...Taru-taru, you've gotta have like the same score I got, right? えっ Huh‽ カメラカメラ言ってるしー… Well, you're always all "camera this" and "camera that..." えって…あはは So, uh...ah ha ha! 編入試験のときそっごい勉強したから… It's from when I was studying /super/ hard to transfer in... (flt) 92点 92% [4/28 (_070.jpeg)] 二人ともちょっと待って Guys, wait up! 一緒に帰ろーよ! We'll leave together! 友だちだろー‼ We're friends, aren't we‽‽ 時間の無駄 Waste of time. 帰る光ちゃん Let's go home, Kou-chan. ががんばれー‼ Y—You can do it!! うー… Uuuuuuugh... ハクジョーものぉ… You're so heartless... 雨音ちゃん早く終わるといいね I hope Amane-chan finishes up quick. [5/28 (_071.jpeg)] いいよ あんなバカ That idiot's fine. またまたー There you go again... …あれ ...Hm? (sfx) ポッ plip [6/28 (_072.jpeg)] あーっ! Aaaaaaagh! やーだーぁ… This suuuuucks... 私のほうがイヤなんだが Yeah, well, it sucks worse for me. (flt) せめて席に着け… At least take a seat... …もうすぐ梅雨入りかなぁ ...I guess the rainy season's right around the corner. 雨 Rain 嫌いなの? isn't something you like? [7/28 (_073.jpeg)] うーん… Nah... 撮れる写真は好きなんだけど… I like the photos you can get... カメラもレンズも濡れちゃうし But your camera and your lenses get wet. 傘さしてると撮りにくくて And it's hard to shoot when you've got an umbrella. 写欲がむずむずするよねぇ… Man, my photolust is acting up...! (sfx) パシャ snap ふーん…… Hmmmm... はい Here. (sfx) コッ bap [8/28 (_074.jpeg)] これなら撮れる? How about this? Can you shoot? …あ ...Uh ありがと Thanks. [9/28 (_075.jpeg)] なんか She sorta すごく smells いいにおい incredibly する…… nice... …私 ...I think 何か頑張ってたり夢がある人って…いいと思う When people have dreams, and they're trying their hardest...that's good. [10/28 (_076.jpeg)] 前の学校でも写真やってたの? Did you do photography at your old school, too? えっ!……あ Huh‽ ...Oh. カメラ好きの友だちと色んな写真撮ってたん…… I took a bunch of pictures with a friend who liked cameras... だ…けど…… But...then... …はじめは ...At first 帰り道が一緒の子と二人だけでね It was just me and the girl I walked home with on the way back from school. しばらくしてその子と同じクラスの子も一緒に撮るようになって But after a little while, a girl from the same class as her started shooting with us, too. …楽しかったのにだんだん友だちが撮らなくなってきて… ...And it was fun, but eventually my friend stopped taking pictures... [11/28 (_077.jpeg)] ある日 One day 泣き出して She broke out crying どうしたのって聞いたら And when I asked her what was wrong... あの子に好きって言われた She told me that she loved me. 一緒にいるとドキドキするって… That her heart races when we're together... 私わかんない I don't get it. あの子のこと I can't think of her 友だちとしか思えないのに… As anything but a friend... どんな顔したらいいの……? What sort of face do I make...? [12/28 (_078.jpeg)] 私なんて言っていいか I didn't know what I should say どうしたらいいかわからなくて… Or what I should do... それからなんかぎくしゃくしちゃって Things got sort of awkward after that みんなバラバラになっちゃった… And everyone drifted apart... そう… I see... ごっ…ごめんねっ S—Sorry...! 困るよねこんな話されても… I'm putting you on the spot, talking about this stuff... ううん… No, it's fine... [13/28 (_079.jpeg)] ……………私が恋とか知ってたら違ったのかな ...I wonder if things would have been different if I'd known love. 寧々ちゃんたちのコトもそういう気持ち解ってあげられたら… With you guys, too. If I could understand those feelings... なにか… Maybe... …誰かを好きになったこと ...Have you never been ないの? in love? うーん… No... カメラばーっかり見てるからかなっ Maybe because the only thing I've /ever/ been looking at is cameras! あはは… Ah ha ha... [14/28 (_080.jpeg)] 今も? Even now? [15/28 (_081.jpeg)] [16/28 (_082.jpeg)] [17/28 (_083.jpeg)] …ねえ ...Say 光ちゃん Kou-chan 今度… If you're free... あー! Aaaaaaaaah! 裏切者ー‼ You traitor!! [18/28 (_084.jpeg)] なにー? What is it? 人聞きの悪い… Such slander... たるたるに寧々とのコトしゃべった‼ You told Taru-taru about Nene and me!! …ああ垂水さんのコト? ...Oh, Tarumizu? しゃべっちゃダメって一度も言われてませーん You never /once/ told me I couldn't tell anyone. 告白されたとかキスしたとか別れたとか Getting a confession, kissing, breaking up— 聞きもしないのに話してくれたのは雨音でしょ? I didn't ask about any of that, Amane. But you told me about it anyway, didn't you? わあああ‼ Waaaagh!! もーっサイアク‼ Gawd! You are the /worst/!! まあまあ Oh, come now. ほら Here... [19/28 (_085.jpeg)] …お茶でも飲んでく? ...Won't you at least have some tea? 雨もやまないし The rain isn't letting up. 写真 Seems like 撮らせてるみたいね You're getting her to take the pictures. んー… Nnnng... …寧々ちゃんとは解れたんでしょ? ...You broke up with Nene, didn't you? 中学の卒業式で At your middle school graduation. [20/28 (_086.jpeg)] …知ってんなら聞くな ...If you know already, don't ask. イジワル Meanie. でも Yet こんなにかわいい顔 The faces you can make できちゃうんだ Are this cute. …なーんか妬けちゃうなぁ… ...Makes me sort of jealous... …は? ...Huh? なにそれ Like, what? 誰に? Of who? [21/28 (_087.jpeg)] さぁ Who indeed? …なんだよ ...What's your deal? 別に? Nothing, really. …友だちってさ ..."Friends." なんだろ What's that mean? [22/28 (_088.jpeg)] (flashback) 今はもう… And like, at this point... (flashback) 友だちなんだから We're friends. (flashback) ……嫌とかゆーな ...Don't say it feels wrong. 寧々ちゃんとのコト? You're talking about Nene-chan? (flashback) 雨音とはもうちゃんと友だちだから Amane and I really are friends at this point. (flashback) …ね 雨音 ...Right, Amane? (flashback)…うん ...Yeah. 友だちって I wonder if 言わなきゃよかった I shouldn't have called us "friends." のかな Y'know? [23/28 (_089.jpeg)] もうなんか I just can't ……苦しい ...take it anymore. カノジョでも友だちでもなかったら If not girlfriends, and not friends …何になりたいの? ...What do you want to be? [24/28 (_090.jpeg)] ……わかんないよ ...Whatever. そんなの I dunno! (sfx) パシャ snap [25/28 (_091.jpeg)] …勝手に撮んな ...Don't take my picture just 'cause you feel like it. 許可なんて必要? Oh, do I need permission? …また撮らせてよ ...Give me /another chance/ to frame you up. …やだ ...Nuh-uh. …あたし可愛くない ...I'm not cute. [26/28 (_092.jpeg)] 雨音は誰よりもかわいいよ You're cuter than anyone else, Amane. 小さいころも When we were little …今も ...And right now あのときも And then, too. [27/28 (_093.jpeg)] 光ちゃん Kou-chan. 日曜日… Next Sunday... [28/28 (_094.jpeg)] デートしよ Let's go on a date.