Morita-san wa Mukuchi Silence 96 ---[ 1 / 7 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_023.png ]--- 女子高生森田真由 High school girl Morita Mayu. 人よりちょっぴり無口です A bit quieter than most people. またケンカ… Are they fighting again...? 何が原因? ここの所お父さん帰って来るの遅かったし…何で?? What's it this time? Dad usually gets home late, so why? s もんもんもん Agonize Agonize あ Ah. だ 大丈夫だ つまらないことでケンカしてただけだから D- don't worry. We were just arguing over boring stuff. f な 母さん Right, Mom? ええ Right. あなたにとっては「つまらないこと」なんですものねぇ I'm sure it's "boring" to /you/. s にこにこ Grin s ゴゴゴゴゴ Rumble f あれ? Uhm? どうフォローしていいのかわからないからです Because she never knows what to say in these situations. ---[ 2 / 7 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_024.png ]--- ゆ 由美 Y- Yumi! s ごそ Rustle 忘年会の戦利品なんだ I won a prize at the year-end party! 一緒に行こう Let's go there together! f 真由はすまんが留守番で… Mayu will have to stay at home unfortunately. TICKET)温泉宿泊ペア券 Onsen Pair Ticket あなた… Dear... 10回以上出席されてるんですものねぇ You've been going to these for over ten years, right? f そりゃ何かしら当たりますよねぇ About time you won something. f どうしても断れなくて… There's no way I can get out of them. ケンカの原因は多すぎる忘年会でした The reason for the fight was the many year-end parties. +++++++++++ なんだかんだいいつつ夫婦で出掛ける事に I don't know how they settled it, but they left on good terms. f おかずは冷蔵庫に… Snacks are in the fridge. f 戸じまりはしっかり Lock up properly. じゃあ *お*留守番よろしくね Take care, you got the house /all/ to yourself. まだまだ子供扱いだなぁ… They still treat me like a kid. 「お」をつけられると何となくそんな気持ちになります How she emphasized /all/ like it's a big deal. ---[ 3 / 7 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_025.png ]--- s ピンポーン Ding Dong 心配だから見に行って来れって I was worried so I came to check on you. f 由美さんからメール来た Yumi-san e-mailed me. 元気だった? Are you okay? s くま→ Eye bags→ 雪乃さんの方が心配なんですけど I'm more worried about Yukino-san. f 仕事ぶっ飛ばして片付けて来たよ− I finished work and cleaned up like a tornado to get here. +++++++++ あ ありがとう T- thanks. f おいしいそー That looks good. 晩酌していい? Mind if I have a drink with that? f お酒持って来たの− I brought some. 酔っ払うのやだなぁ… I don't want to see her drunk... s どん Thud LABEL)滋養強壮 + 薬用 + Yo命酒 + 肉体疲労等用法・用途を守って正しく服用 Nourishing Medicinal /Youmei Sake/ Avoid when fatigued and keep to daily dosage limits. 何で謝るの? Why are you apologizing? ---[ 4 / 7 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_026.png ]--- お風呂も一緒に入りました We took a bath together. f あははは あははははは Ahahah Ahaha 何だか学生時代に戻った気分 I feel like a high schooler again! せっかくだからパジャマ交換しようよ Since we're at it, let's have a pajama party. f 友達とよくやったよ− I did that a lot with friends. あー 私 最近寝る時はパンツだけだから Yeah, lately I only wear panties to bed. +++++++++ まだ寝るの早いかな? I guess it's still too early to sleep. OOF)←結局予備の着た Ended up wearing a spare. 何かテーマ決めて話そうか? What shall we talk about? f こそ Whisper 私の恋話?長いわよ−? My love stories? That'll take a while, you know! 今夜は長い夜になりそうです Tonight will be a long night. ---[ 5 / 7 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_027.png ]--- s かぼーーーん Foggy 女湯 Women's bath. f ウチのダンナったらさー You won't believe my husband... f そーそー Yeah, yeah. f ゴミ出しもしてくれなくて Wouldn't even take out the trash. f ウチの末 結婚記念日忘れてるし− Mine forgot our wedding anniversary. こういう話聞いてると Hearing these stories... お父さんの良さを再認識しちゃうわね I have a new appreciation for my husband. f こーだ And this. f あーだ And that. +++++++++++ 男湯 Men's bath. f 腰が痛くって My hips really hurt. f 妻に送迎してもらって My wife had to drive me here. f 何回も手術で切って− It's been cut so many times in surgery. f 病院の順番待ちがキツくて… Hospital waits can be so painfully long. こういう話聞いてると Hearing these stories... f 病気とわかった途端リコンだとよ The second he got hospitalized she wanted a divorce. f うちもなー入院中に出てったよ That happened to me in the hospital, too. 真由に捨てられないよう気をつけなければ I have to be more careful not to get on Yumi's bad side. ---[ 6 / 7 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_028.png ]--- s かぽーーーーん Foggy ここは静かだな It's quiet here. 二人っきりですもの It's just us now. 混浴 Mixed bath. 最終まで貸切でした Reserved until closing. +++++++++ s ぴかぴか Sparkle BOX)おんせんまんじゅう Onsen Manjuu ただいま We're back. s つやつや Shining s よろり Stagger ど…どうした? W- what's wrong? 何かあったの? Did something happen? f 真由ちゃーん次の話行くよ− Mayu-chan, time for my next story! s びくう Shock! 一晩中聞いた雪乃さんの恋話が濃い話だったので The love stories Yukino-san told all night were very juicy. ---[ 7 / 7 | morita-san_wa_mukuchi_vol06_029.png ]--- 雪乃さんが帰りました Yukino-san is going home. f またねーーー Bye! 部屋がこんなに静かだったっけ I didn't know my room could be this quiet. s しーーん Silence 本でも読も… I'll read a book. …つまんない ...How boring. s ふーーー Phoo 雪乃さんの話がすごすぎたので Yukino-san's stories were too exciting.