Motto Hanjuku Joshi Chapter 8 By Akiko Morishima Translation by Multiball [1/16 (115_1.png)] もっと半熟女子 More Softboiled Girls 初めて好きになった女の子 The first girl you ever fell in love with [2/16 (116_1.png)] あゆみちゃんは私の初恋の女の子 Ayumi-chan is the girl who was my first love. あーゆーみーちゃん Aayuumii-chan! なあに? What is it? 可愛くて大好きで私は…私は… She was so cute—I loved her so much! And I...I... いつもついイジワルをしちゃって… I'd always be picking on her before I knew it... これあげる This is for you! (sfx) きゃああっ Aaaaaah! でも私が風邪をひいて休んでいる間に But while I was out with a cold (sfx) キョロ キョロ flit flit あゆみちゃんは転園しちゃったのよ… Oh, Ayumi-chan changed to another kindergarten... ずっともう一度会いたいと思ってた I always wanted to see her again. [3/16 (117_1.png)] ほんとだ 私だ… Yup, that really is me... でしょ?覚えてる? Right? You remember? おぼえ…てる… I do...remember... ほんと⁉ Really‽ オマエあのときの悪ガキか‼ So /you're/ the brat from back then!! ごめんなさーいっ! I'm soooo sorry! っつーか女だったのかよ男だと思ってた Hold on, you're a girl? I thought you were a boy. 桃山女子幼稚園だってばさ Y'know, it's called Momoyama /Girls'/ Kindergarten... あゆみちゃんが大好きでイジワルばかりしちゃって…ゴメンね! I was always picking on you because I liked you so much...Sorry 'bout that! [4/16 (118_1.png)] よくそんなさらっと言えるよね You can say that sort of thing without missing a beat, huh. 同性が好きとか Liking another girl, and stuff. 八重にはよく注意されるんだけどね~ Yeah, Yae's always warning me about that! (flt) あははっ Ah ha ha! いろんな人がいるんだから相手を選んで言えって She tells me there are all sorts out there, so I gotta pick who I say it to. でもあゆみちゃんならいいよねー But I think I'm good to say it to you, right? 陽子ちゃんが好きなんだし You've got a crush on Youko-chan and everything. でもおどろいたよー! But man, I was surprised! 昔はあんなにちっちゃくて泣き虫だったあゆみちゃんが The same Ayumi-chan who was such a tiny crybaby こんなに大きくなって強くなって Got so big and strong! [5/16 (119_1.png)] また会えるなんてめっちゃ嬉… I'm super happy we got the chance to reconn... どうしたの⁉ What's wrong‽ 私なんか悪いこと言った⁉ Did I say something I shouldn't have‽ ご…ごめん… S...Sorry... 自分でも頭の中ぐちゃぐちゃで… My own thoughts just keep squirming around... こんなこと誰にも話せないし And I can't talk about this with anyone. [6/16 (120_1.png)] …そっか ...Oh. 辛かったね It's been tough, huh? ひさしぶりに会えたあゆみちゃんは After going so long without seeing her 強くなって私より背が大きくなってて Ayumi-chan had gotten strong, and bigger than me でもやっぱり泣き虫のままだった But after all that, she was still the same old crybaby [7/16 (121_1.png)] あ Oh! ちとせ盾川さんと会えたんだ Chitose got to meet up with Tatekawa-san. (phone) 着いたよ! I'm here! (phone) やっぱり盾川さん同じ幼稚園のあゆみちゃんだった!すげー‼ Tatekawa-san actually was the same Ayumi-chan I went to kindergarten with! OMG!! (phone) これからあゆみちゃんnお家に遊びにいくことのなった So we're gonna go hang out at Ayumi-chan's place now …え? ...Huh? たしか彼女ひとり暮らしだったよね? I'm pretty sure she lives by herself, right? 初恋の女の子と再会してふたりきりに…って? Reuniting with her first love, then going off alone with her...? やばくない⁉ This could be bad! ヤバいよね~展示会間に合うかな~? Yeah, it's pretty bad...! I wonder if we'll make it in time for the exhibition...? ハンクラぶの大詰め作業 Handicrafts Club Final Workshop そうだよね!急がなきゃね‼ Yeah! Right! We'd better hurry! 私も行きたいけど行けない‼ I wanna go, too, but I can't!! [8/16 (122_1.png)] ちとせのことは信じてるけど I do trust Chitose, but... また会えてうれしい… I'm so happy to see you again... わたしも I am, too... 初恋の女の子とふたりきりで甘~い気持ちになちゃったらどうしよう What if she's alone together with her first love, and those sweet, sweet feelings come around? (sfx) ううっ Uuugh そのころのちとせは Chitose, meanwhile えーと つまり Okay, so... 再会した初恋の女の子としょっぱ~い気持ちになっていた Together with the first love she had reunited with, was coming around to bitter, salty feelings. 陽子ちゃんから彼氏とあゆみちゃん二股かけたいって言われて Youko-chan told you she wanted to two-time her boyfriend and you それをオッケーしちゃったってこと? And you said okay to that? (sfx) うへえ~ Wuugh (snack bag) 塩辛ジャガ salty spicy spuds [9/16 (123_1.png)] そう言うと身もフタもないけどさ That's certainly a blunt way of putting it. ミもフタなくてもフタマタはフタマタでしょ! I'll blurt a blunt "two-timer!" any two-timer two times! …早口言葉みたいだな ...That sounds like a tongue twister. でも嬉しかったんだよ Still, I was happy. ずっと望みはないと思ってたのに I always thought I didn't have a prayer 私のこと好きだって言ってくれて But she told me she liked me. あゆみちゃんが嬉しいならいいけどさあ~ I guess as long as you're happy, that's fine, then... あっ サーブル(※)用の剣だ Oh, a weapon for saber*. ※フェンシングの標目のひとつ *One of the ways to get into fencing ぜんぜん嬉しくない I'm not a bit happy! やっぱりヤダッ I can't handle it after all! どっちだよ Well, which is it? [10/16 (124_1.png)] (sfx) シュッ fwsh なら奪っちゃいなよ So steal her away. 陽子ちゃんは彼氏もあゆみちゃんも好きなんでしょ? Youko-chan likes both you and her boyfriend, right? つまり今は引き分けの同ポイント So it's like the score is tied. とっとと攻めてポイントとって勝っちゃえばいいんだよ Just get right on the attack, take some points, and win. え…でも…攻めるって… Huh...? But..."The attack..." なにをどうすれば… What...? How...? (sfx) かああぁ.. blushhh [11/16 (125_1.png)] やっぱ男役女役って決めるもんなの? You're talking about deciding who has the male role and who has the female role, aren't you? タチネコのこと? You mean like a top and a bottom? そりゃま人それぞれじゃね? Well, you know. Everyone's different, right? 姉ちゃんの持ってる百合漫画だてリバが多いかな~ The yuri manga my sister has have a lot of reversals in 'em, I'd say でも片方がボーイッシュな設定だと最初はそっちががんばるのが王道な気がする But when you've got the set-up where one of 'em's boyish, I get the feeling that it's easiest for her to be the one who's making the effort at the start. (flt) よく知らないけど But it's not like I know that much (cover) 0グラブティ 0 Gravity (cover) エンパイアライン Empire Line ボーイッシュって……だれのこと? "Boyish...?" ...Who do you mean? まあ…陽子ちゃんと比べれば… Well...Compared to Youko-chan... ショートってだけで男役って雑すぎるだろ! How crass do you have to be, giving me the male role just because my hair is short‽ 勝手に決めるなよクソが‼ You don't get to pick on your own! Goddamn!! あくまで漫画の世界の話だから‼ The only thing we're talking about is what happens in manga!! (sfx) イメージ イメージ‼ It's all imaginary!! [12/16 (126_1.png)] 知りたいのは漫画の話じゃなくて! Well, I don't wanna know about what happens in manga! 早水たちはどんなかんじなの? What's it like between you and your girlfriend? んー Hmm... 私は言ってもいいんだけど八重から怒られちゃうかなーって I don't mind saying, but I think Yae might get mad at me. 今ごろちとせと盾川さんなにしてるんだろ… I wonder what Chitose and Tatekawa-san are up to right now... あーあ…私もついて行きたかった Aaah...I wanted to go along, too. 言うのがダメなら見せて‼ If you can't tell me, then show me! 見せるかっ As if I would! [13/16 (127_1.png)] …あーもうどうひていいかわかんねー ...Agh, I have no idea what I'm supposed to do! (sfx) ぱたり… flop このままでいいよべつに Things are fine like this, honestly. どうしてもエッチなことしたいわけじゃないし It's not like I'm hung up on doing sexual stuff with her, anyway. それならそれでいいけどさ In that case, you should be good, but hey— さっき陽子ちゃんとキスしたんでしょ? You kissed Youko-chan earlier, right? どうだった? How was it? [14/16 (128_1.png)] 陽子ちゃんも同じ気持ちだといいね Wouldn't it be nice for Youko-chan to feel the same? え…部活出ずに帰ったんですか? What? ...She went home without coming to club? うん急用ができたからって Yeah. She said something urgent came up. もう一度ちょっとでいいからあゆを見たかったのに But I wanted to see Ayu again, even just a little. 急用ってなんだろう I wonder what was so urgent. きいてみようかな Should I ask? [15/16 (129_1.png)] あゆのくちびるの感触が I can still feel まだのこってる Ayu's lips あゆ… Ayu... [16/16 (130_1.png)] (sfx) バッ whap 陽子ちゃんから? From Youko-chan? うん… Yeah... なんて書いてあるの? What'd she write? (phone) もういちどキスしたい I want to kiss again