A World Without Freedom by Kodama Naoko Translation by Multiball [1/147 (1.png)] [2/147 (2.png)] [3/147 (3.png)] [4/147 (4.png) (table of contents)] 第一話 Chapter 1 第二話 Chapter 2 第三話 Chapter 3 第四話 Chapter 4 第五話 Chapter 5 第六話 Chapter 6 後書 Afterword [5/147 (5.png)] 茗子 こんなところにいたんだ There you are, Meiko. 帰るよ We're leaving. やだ Nuh-uh. まだ帰らなーい I'm not leaving yet. (sfx) ザワ ザワ chatter chatter 第一話 Chapter 1 [6/147 (6.png)] 誰? Who's that? メイコちゃんの友だち? Friend of yours, Meiko-chan? だったら一緒に飲もうよ If she is, we should drink together! (sfx) くす giggle 友だちじゃないよ She's not my friend. ね Are you? (sfx) ス… shp [7/147 (7.png)] 彼女は私の奴隷なの This girl is my slave. [8/147 (8.png)] ーー数年前 Years earlier ごめん茗子 Sorry, Meiko. 今日ちょっと用があるから送っていけなくて… I've got some stuff today, so I can't see you home... ひとりで帰れる? Can you get back on your own? うん 大丈夫だよ礼央さん Yeah. I'm fine, Reo-san. じゃまた明日 So, see you tomorrow! (sfx) ヌ.. lurk [9/147 (9.png)] (sfx) ガラン clatter (sfx) ハア ハア pant pant [10/147 (10.png)] (sfx) バン slam [11/147 (11.png)] ーーあの事件以来… Ever since it happened... じゃ ちゃんと戸縛りしな Okay, lock the doors tight. おやすみ Good night. 礼央さんは必ず私をドアの前まで送る Reo-san is sure to see me to the doorstep まるでそうしないと また忌わしいことが起こると信じるみたいに Just as though she believes that if she doesn't, some abominable thing will happen again ダメ! No! 帰らないで寄ってって! Don't leave! Stay here! (sfx) ギュ cling え… Uh... でも… But... 私 明日までのレポートが… I have a report due tomorrow... (sfx) バタン ka-chak (sfx) パサ。。。 shff [12/147 (12.png)] おフロ入るの I'm taking a bath. 礼央さん洗うの手伝って? Help me wash up? (sfx) ザアアア Pshhhhhhhhh [13/147 (13.png)] 跪いて服ビショビショにしちゃって… On your knees, getting your clothes soaked... 可哀想のね礼央さん Reo-san, you poor thing. ねえ Hey 礼央さんも服脱いじゃえば? Maybe you should take your clothes off, too? わ… I... 私はいいよ! I'm good! (sfx) キュ twist [14/147 (14.png)] じゃ ちゃんと温まってから出てきなね When you've warmed up enough, come on out. (sfx) ひょこ peek …ね ...Hey 帰らないで待っててね Don't leave. Wait. 一緒にDVD見よ? Let's watch a DVD together, okay? 礼央さんが見たがってたやつ借りてきたから… I borrowed one you wanted to watch... [15/147 (15.png)] (sfx) すーー… zzz あれ? Oh? 寝ちゃったの? 礼央さん Did you fall asleep, Reo-san? (sfx) ゆす… shake これからがいいところなのに This is where it gets good. ねえ Hey. [16/147 (16.png)] ふあ… *yawn* 安東さんすごいあくび That's quite a yawn, Andou-san. [17/147 (17.png)] 徹夜でレポートですか? Did you pull an all-nighter for the report? あ やば Oh, crap. レポートまだ終わってない… My report still isn't finished... ええ⁉ What‽ あの先生 そういうの厳しい…大丈夫ですか? That teacher is pretty strict about these things... Will you be okay? まずったなー… Boy, did I blow it... ゆうべ連れが帰してくれなくてさ… Last night, my companion just wouldn't let me go home... そ その… Um— That is... 恋人は自由ですけど…っ You're free to live a love life, but... 安東さんはもう少し彼氏を選んだほうがいいと思います! I think you shouldn't be choosing a boyfriend just yet! へ? Huh? [18/147 (18.png)] 院試前の大事な時期でしょう? The time before your quals is important, right? そんなときに成績落とすようなこと… If your grades drop off... ち 違う違う!! N— No, it's not like that!! 友だちってか… She's like, a friend... 後輩の…女の子だよ! A kouhai... A girl! は? What? 友だち? A friend? 友だちと遊んでてレポート終わんなかったんですか? You were hanging out with a friend, and your report wasn't finished? いや… No... 遊んでっていうか… Saying "hanging out" would be... …まあ… ...Well... ひとから見ればそうか… I guess that's how it would come off... でも そっか But Gee 私今まで彼氏いると思われたんだね You were thinking I had a boyfriend, huh? そ そりゃ… Th— That's... 『連れ』とか言われたらフツーはそう思いますよ If you hear "companion," that's what you normally think! [19/147 (19.png)] 高瀬さんは?彼氏いないの? How 'bout you, Takase-san? Don't you have a boyfriend? こんなメガネ黒髪の固そうな女がモテるわけないでしょう? No way would a stuffy-looking girl with black hair and glasses win any hearts, would she? そうかな I wonder? 高瀬さんけっこう美人だと思うよ I think you're plenty beautiful, Takase-san. ホラ Here. (sfx) ひょい yoink [20/147 (20.png)] (sfx) かああ… blush あ… Uh... あの… Um... ん? Hm? …私…男の人が苦手で… ...I...I'm not very good with men... 子どもの頃痴漢にあってそれで… I had a run-in with a molester when I was a kid, so... いい年して変ですよね… It's weird, at this age... 変じゃないよ 人に色々事情があるもん It's not weird. All sorts of things happen to people. そういう子…もうひとり知ってる I know...another girl like that. [21/147 (21.png)] 礼央さん Reo-san. 茗子! Meiko! 買い物つき合ってほしいの I want you to take me shopping. 授業サボって帰ろう? Let's ditch class and head out, okay? [22/147 (22.png)] あ うん… Uh, sure... わかった Got it. え ちょって… Huh? Wait... 授業… Class... じゃ See you. ゴメン 高瀬さん お先にー Sorry, Takase-san. Go on ahead. (sfx) ヒソ。。。 whisper ねえ あの人となに話してたの? Hey, what were you talking to her about? [23/147 (23.png)] (sfx) ヒソ whisper 別に…ただの世間話だよ Nothing much... Just small talk. (sfx) ヒソ whisper でもあの人 礼央さんのこと意識してるっぽいよ But that woman...It looks like you're on her radar, Reo-san. レズ なんじゃない? Isn't she a lesbian? (sfx) くす giggle なに言ってんの そんなわけないでしょ What are you talking about? Why would she be? そうかなー I gotta wonder...! 礼央さん女のくせに無駄にイケメンだもん You're handsomer than a girl has any right to be. ねえ キスしよ Hey, let's kiss. [24/147 (24.png)] え ここで? Huh? Here? だって 高瀬さんいる… But Takase-san is there... うん Yeah. あの人に見せたいの I want to show her. 礼央さんから私にキスすること You kissing me. やだよ そんなの…! No, that's not...! (sfx) ガッ grab [25/147 (25.png)] なんでも言うこと聞くんでしょう? You do anything I say, right? 私の奴隷になるって言ったじゃない You said you'd be my slave, didn't you? ……っ ... [26/147 (26.png)] [27/147 (27.png)] 第二話 Chapter 2 [28/147 (28.png)] あんたさー So listen. いいかげんにしてくれない? Can you cut it out? マジ うざいんだけど It's totally annoying, you know. ご… I... ごめんなさい… I'm sorry... [29/147 (29.png)] でも…そんなつもりはなくて… But... I didn't mean to... うわ Gosh! そんなつもりはないとか(笑) Like, she didn't mean to! Ha ha! よく言うよ めっちゃ色目使ってたじゃん They always say that. But like, you've totally been making bug eyes. ひとのカレシにさあ At peoples' boyfriends. ちが… I wasn't— (sfx) トン slam 事情はわかんないけど I don't know what's happening [30/147 (30.png)] 大勢でひとりを とか やめたら But how 'bout you quit taking one person on as a gang? [31/147 (31.png)] はい Here. え? Huh? ハンカチのほうがいいんだろうけど持ってなくて A handkerchief would be better, but I don't have one on me. (sfx) くす giggle なんでかな I wonder why 私 女の子に好かれないんです I don't get along with girls. [32/147 (32.png)] そりゃこんだけ可愛けりゃ… Hell, if you're cute as all that... 嫉妬もされるわ They'll be jealous, even だから 嬉しかったです That's why I was glad. 女の人にかばってもらうとかあんまりなかったから… It hasn't been often that a girl would cover for me... 友だち全然いないし I don't have any friends, even. よし Alrighty じゃ 友だちになろう! Then we'll be friends! ふえ⁉ Fwah‽ [33/147 (33.png)] え? Huh? えっ? Hunh? でもっ But 私と友だちとか迷惑かけます…っ It'll be bothersome to be friends with me... そんなことないよ Naw, it won't! あ Oh 友だちに年齢は関係ないからタメ語でいいよ Age doesn't matter among friends, so no need to watch your language. (arrow) 1年カラー上ばき First-year-color slippers (arrow) 2年カラージャージ Second-year-color tracksuit 私 安東礼央 I'm Andou Reo. あなたは? Who are you? [34/147 (34.png)] か… Ka 柿崎茗子 Kakizaki Meiko. 礼央さーん♥ Reo-saaan! [35/147 (35.png)] きゃっ Whaa! (sfx) コケッ trip 大丈夫? You okay? (sfx) わら わら hustle bustle 俺がやるよ I'll take care of this. (sfx) ちやほや much ado あの娘 なんのために入部してきたの? That girl— Why did she join the club? さあ Beats me. 男に媚びるためじゃない? Wasn't it to flirt with the boys? うーん… Uuugh... これはトラブルを呼ぶわ… This is asking for trouble... (arrow) 女子テニス部部長 Captain of the girls' tennis club なんで急に入部したのー Why'd you join the club out of the blue? え 礼央さんと同じ部に入りたかったから Huh? Because I wanted to join the same club as Reo-san. へー Oh, really? (sfx) ガラッ ka-shak 茗子! Meiko! [36/147 (36.png)] 礼央さん Reo-san 部活中に誰かに転ばされたって? Someone tripped you during club? ごめん 私の注意が行き届かなかったから… I'm sorry. All because my warning didn't go through... そんな… Not at all... たまたま足がひかかっただけよ Our legs just happened to get caught, that's all. でも… But... それじゃ不便だよね That's gonna be inconvenient. 治るまでの間は家まで送るよ I'll see you home while it's healing. [37/147 (37.png)] 礼央さんに送ってもらえるならずっとケガしてたいな If I get to have you see me home, Reo-san, I want to be injured forever. そういう可愛いことは将来の彼氏に言ってあげなよ~ Say the cute lines like that to the boyfriend you'll be getting soon. ういやつ~ You gloomy goober! え What? 彼氏とかいらないもん! I don't need a boyfriend! ずっと礼央さんと一緒にがいい! All I ever need is to be together with you, Reo-san! [38/147 (38.png)] (phone) 木正 uki Tadashi (phone) 携帯 phone call (phone) 拒否 Reject またコイツかぁ /This/ guy again? (sfx) ピッ bip 一回一緒に飲んだだけなのに超しつこい We had /one/ drink together. Super persistent! 気持ちわる Gross. 削除…と And...deleted. [39/147 (39.png)] もうやめなよ Stop it, already. そういう人の心を弄ぶようのことはさ… You know, toying with the hearts of guys like him... 礼央さんは私に説教できる立場じゃないでしょ Reo-san, I don't think you can lecture me in your position. 奴隷なんだから You're a slave. 茗子のためになるならいくらでも奴隷になるよ Meiko, if it's in your best interest, I'll be any kind of slave. でも… But... [40/147 (40.png)] 私がしてることって茗子のためになってるのかな… Is what I'm doing really in your best interest...? 礼央さんの考えなんてどうでもいいよ It doesn't matter what you think, Reo-san. …あの日 ...That day ケガしてた私を送っていかなかったから… Because you didn't see me home when I was injured... だからあんなことが起きたって責任感じてるんでしょ You feel responsible for what happened, don't you? [41/147 (41.png)] (sfx) ガッ grab 私が知らないオッサンに顔ぶん殴られて Some old guy I didn't know battered my face 処女だったのにいきなり突っ込まれて And thrust right in, even though I was a virgin. それは全部自分のせいだって思ってるんでしょ? You think all that is your fault, don't you? [42/147 (42.png)] だったら大人しく私の奴隷になってればいいの If you do, then you can obediently be my slave. しらけさせないで Don't make me lose interest. ーー苦しい… The pain... あの日に限ってケガをした茗子を家まで送らなかった理由 The reason I didn't see the injured Meiko home that day, that one day [43/147 (43.png)] そのせいで私は私を許せない Because of it, I can't forgive myself え? Huh? 植田先輩っていい人だよね Isn't Ueda-senpai a nice guy? (arrow) 男子テニ部長 Boys' tennis club captain なに? 茗子 What? Meiko 植田が気になるって? Does this mean you're interested in Ueda? ちがうよっ It does not! 男の子はみんな親切にしてくれるけど「親切な俺を見ろ!」っていわれてるみたいで All the boys are nice to me, but it's like they're telling me, "Look at me! I'm so nice!" 自意識過剰っぽくてあんまり素直に感謝できない They're sort of excessively self-conscious, and I can't honestly be grateful. でも植田先輩だけはナチュラルに親切なんだ But Ueda-senpai is the only one who's nice naturally. [44/147 (44.png)] めずらしい…茗子が男子を褒めるなんて… That's unusual...Meiko is complimenting a boy... やっぱ植田のこと好きなのかな Maybe she does like Ueda. 否定してるけど Though she's denying it は? What? だから… So... 俺とつき合ってほしいんだけど… I want you to go out with me... ま… Wa... 待って… Wait... なんで私… Why am I...? 返事 Your response 今すぐじゃなくていいから Doesn't have to be right now. [45/147 (45.png)] その植田に告白されて That same Ueda confessed to me あの日の放課後に返事をすることになってた I ended up giving my response on that of all days (phone) From:植田 From: Ueda (phone) 今日の放課後 部室の裏で Today after school behind the clubroom ごめん茗子 Sorry, Meiko 今日ちょっと用があるから送っていけなくて… I've got some stuff today, so I can't see you home... ひとりで帰れる? Can you get back on your own? うん 大丈夫だよ礼央さん Yeah. I'm fine, Reo-san. じゃまた明日 So, see you tomorrow! [46/147 (46.png)] 男の子に好かれたことなんてなかったから舞い上 A boy had never liked me before, so I was walking on air しかも What's more あの可愛い茗子より自分を好きになってくれたことが嬉しくて I was happy that he liked me better than the adorable Meiko だから茗子ご彼を好きかもしれないのに So even though Meiko might have liked him 私は返事を迷っていた I was torn about my response そして And so それが後ろめたくて茗子にはなにも言ってなかった Guiltily, I said nothing to Meiko [47/147 (47.png)] その日にあの事件が起きたんだ That's the day it happened あの… Excuse me... ちょっといいですか? Could I have a minute? …なに? ...What? [48/147 (48.png)] …あなた ...Are you 安東さんの… And Andou-san... 安東礼央さんの恋人なの? And Andou Reo-san a couple? [49/147 (49.png)] 男の人が苦手だった I wasn't very good with men 子どものころ痴漢にあったせい 人にはそう説明していて I had a run-in with a molester when I was a kid That's the explanation I gave people それも嘘じゃないけれど And while that's not a lie 第三話 Chapter three [50/147 (50.png)] きっと それがなくても男なんて好きじゃなかった I'm sure that even if I hadn't, I wouldn't have liked men あなたは… 安東さんの恋人? Are you... a couple with Andou-san? なにそれ What the hell? なんであんたにそんなこと言わなきゃいけないの? Why do I have to tell you that? ……まあ… ...Well... 恋人でも親友でもいいですけど… A couple, or best friends, it doesn't matter... [51/147 (51.png)] 近しい間柄ならちょっとは安東さんのこと考えてあげたらどうです? If your relationship is close, perhaps you could have some consideration for her? 安東さんは院試を控えてるんですよ Andou-san is in preparation for her quals. 今 成績落とすわけにはいかないんです She can't allow her grades to fall right now. 別に安東さんじゃなくてもそうやってチヤホヤしてくれる男の人いっぱいいるんじゃない And even if it's not Andou-san per se, don't you still have plenty of boys who will make ado over you? 院試ってなに? What's "quals?" え… Ah... 安東さん大学院に進学したいって Andou-san wants to proceed to graduate school. 知らないんですか? Don't you know? [52/147 (52.png)] 知らなかったけど… I didn't know, but... そもそも私たちの間に「礼央さんがどうしたいか」なんてことは関係ないの Between Reo-san and me, it doesn't matter what she wants to do in the first place. 彼女は私の奴隷で She's my slave 私の言うことを聞くだけの存在だから And exists only to do what I say. は? What? [53/147 (53.png)] 奴隷って…それどういう… "Slave"...? What do you... あんたに説明する必要ない I don't need to explain to you. じゃあね Later. …なにそれ ...What the hell 奴隷ってどういうこと? What does she mean, "slave?" なんで安東さんはあんな子の言いなりになってるの…⁉ Why is Andou-san going along with what that girl says...‽ [54/147 (54.png)] 大学のとある授業で知り合った安東さんは The Andou-san I met in a particular university class 誰にでもやさしくてさばさばしてて Was friendly and candid with everyone 他の子みたいに誰かの悪口言ったり男子に媚びたりしなくて Unlike other kids, she never badmouthed anyone, or flirted with boys だから憧れた So I idolized her 完璧な人だと思ってた I thought she was perfect 勉強会? A study session? うん Yeah. 斎藤さんちで At Saitou-san's place. 先輩から過去問もらったからさ 'Cause, we got some past problems from a senpai. 皆でやったほうが気合入るし! And you give it more fighting spirit when you do it as a group! おお! Let's do it! もう試験も近いしねー The test is already pretty close, isn't it? (sfx) ビルルルルッ Bip blip blip blip blip なのに Even so (phone) 茗子 Meiko (phone) 拒否 Reject (phone) 応答 Answer [55/147 (55.png)] ちょっとゴメン Sorry, give me a second. 彼女の普通じゃない部分 I'm getting the feeling I've brushed against 深淵みたいなものに触れてしまったきがしている A part of her that's not normal A thing like a deep abyss ごめん私やっぱ不参加 Sorry, I won't be participating after all. 急用できちゃって… Something just came up... えー そうなの? Man, it did? 残念ー That blows. じゃ See you. ホントにごめんね! I'm sorry, really! [56/147 (56.png)] 安東さんってさー That Andou-san. いい人だけどなにげにつき合い悪いよね She's a good person, but she doesn't know what company to keep. あれは束縛したがる男とつき合ってると見た That looked to me like dating a boy that wants to keep her on a leash. うわ 気にるー Gosh, now I'm curious! …ごめん ...Sorry ちょっと私も抜ける! I'll duck out for a second, as well! 安東さん! Andou-san! あれ? 高瀬さん Oh? Takase-san? 皆で勉強会行くんじゃないの? Weren't you going to the study session with everyone? さっきの電話… The phone call just now... [57/147 (57.png)] 急用ってあの娘ですか? Was the "something" that came up that girl? え? Huh? こないだの… From the other day... その… That is... 安東さんがキスしてた娘 The girl you were kissing. 勉強会抜けて行かなきゃいけないほどの大事の用事ですか? Is it something so important you have to run out on the study session? このあいだもあの娘と買い物行くからって授業サボりましたよね Just the other day, you skipped class to go shopping with her, right? [58/147 (58.png)] 院試前の大事な時期なのに… Even though it's an important time before your quals... なんであの娘の言いなりになってるんです? Why are you going along with what that girl says? 言いなりになんて… Going along with what she says, that's... …あの娘 ...She 安東さんのこと『奴隷』って言いました Said you were a "slave." 茗子と話したの⁉ You talked to Meiko‽ う… Uh... はい… Yes... [59/147 (59.png)] 安東さんがあの娘につき合って授業とかレポートサボってるのが心配で… Andou-san, I'm worried about your going out with that girl, skipping classes and reports... その… That is... ごめんなさい Forgive me. 余計なお世話なのはわかってるんですけど… I know this is attention you didn't ask for... そっか I see. ありがとう 心配かけちゃったんだね Thanks. Went and made you worry, huh? …でも ...But [60/147 (60.png)] このことは放っておいて Leave this alone. 詳しくは言えないけど I can't tell you the specifics, but 私むかし あの子にひどいことしちゃったんだ I did something terrible to that girl, once. だから今あの子のわがままを聞くのは償いなの So acting on her whim now is making it up to her. (sfx) ビルルルルッ Bip blip blip blip blip (phone) iko (phone) 拒否 Reject [61/147 (61.png)] あ Oh 茗子 Meiko (sfx) ビルルルルッ Bip blip blip blip blip そのとき どうしてそんなことをしたのか At that time I wonder, why did I do a thing like that? ぴ beep あ Oh もしもし Hello? (sfx) ばっ snatch 茗… Mei... もしもし Hello? 礼央さん? Reo-san? まだー? ずっと待ってるんだけど… What's taking you? I'm waiting and waiting over here... [62/147 (62.png)] あ…っ A... 安東さんは行きません…! Andou-san isn't going...! ゼミのメンバーで大事の勉強会があるんです There's an important study session with students in her lecture! 安東さんの勉強の邪魔しないでください! Please don't get in the way of her studies! (sfx) ブッ boop (sfx) ハア ハア pant pant (sfx) ハッ gasp [63/147 (63.png)] ご…っ Fo... ごめんなさい…! Forgive me...! でも… Still... お二人の間になにがあったかはわからないけど… I don't know what's happened between the two of you... こんなこと償いにならないと思うんです But I don't think this is making up for anything. 本当に彼女のこと想ってるなら If you're truly thinking of her こんなやりかたじゃなくて… This isn't the way to... その… That is... うまく言えないけど… Ugh, I can't make it come out right... [64/147 (64.png)] こんなの言い訳ですね I guess I'm just making excuses. ごめんなさい Forgive me. 最悪なことしました… I've done something terrible... …こっちこそごめん ...No, it's me who's sorry. 私が情けないやつだから… 'Cause I'm a pitiful bozo... いいよ Alright 皆のところに戻ろう Let's go back where everyone is. え? Huh? [65/147 (65.png)] でも… But... 茗子にはメール入れとく I'll send a text to Meiko. ちゃんと謝ればきっと許してくれるから If I make a good apology, I'm sure she'll let it slide. (phone) メール受信仲… Loading mail... (sfx) ピ bip [66/147 (66.png)] (phone) FROM:礼央 FROM: Reo (phone) Sub:ごめんね Sub: Sorry (phone) やっぱり勉強会行くね 終わったらでんわする I'm going to the study session after all I'll call you when it's over [67/147 (67.png)] じゃーねー See you later! おつかれ! Good work today! (sfx) ぴ。。。 beep この電話は電波の届かないところにあるか電源がh入っていないためーー… The phone you have dialed is outside the service area, or is not powered on. If you would like... 茗子ーー…? Meiko...? 第四話 Chapter Four [68/147 (68.png)] (sfx) ピンポーン… ding dong 電気消えてるし And the lights are off まだ帰ってない…? Is she not home yet...? (sfx) ドクン。。。 Buh-Dmp まさかまた なんてことないよね? Not again No, it couldn't have...? 私が茗子の誘いを断ったからーー…? Because I refused her beckons...? (sfx) ダッ dash [69/147 (69.png)] もし茗子にまたなにかあったらーー…! If something happens to Meiko again...! どうしたの?今日は What's with you today? ペース早いね You're going pretty fast. そろそろいつもの彼女が迎えに来るんじゃない? Won't the usual girl come to get you soon? 今日は来ないよ? No, she's not coming today. 彼女にはフラれちゃったの She blew me off. だから今日は帰らなくていいの So today, it doesn't matter if I go home. [70/147 (70.png)] ホントに? Really? 嬉しいな I'm glad. じゃあ… Then... 今日は朝まで君をひとりじめしていい? Today, can I keep you all to myself till morning? (sfx) ス.. shp (sfx) ビク… twitch あ… Ah... [71/147 (71.png)] 茗子…‼ Meiko...!! [72/147 (72.png)] もう心配かけないで… Don't make me worry anymore... 約束破ったの礼央さんでしょ Aren't you the one who broke your promise, Reo-san? 私のこと邪魔になったんでしょ Don't I just get in your way now? ちがうよ…! That's not it...! あのね So, hey... 今まで黙っててごめん I'm sorry for keeping quiet until now. 私 大学院に進学したいと思ってる I'm thinking that I'd like to advance to graduate school. [73/147 (73.png)] だから勉強会とかレポートとかはちゃんとやりたいんだ So I want to do study sessions and reports, like I ought to. それ以外ではできる限り茗子につき合うから… Outside of that, I'll go out with you as much as I possibly can, so... (sfx) ス。。。 shp 私と同じ目に遣ってみる? You wanna try looking through my eyes? …え? ...What? [74/147 (74.png)] レイプされてみる? You wanna see what it's like to be raped? それで If you do 同じ目に遭ってもまだそんな勝手なことが言えるか試してみるといいよ Then we can find out if you can look through those same eyes and still say these selfish things. …え… ...What... ちょっと…まさか… Wait... You don't mean... [75/147 (75.png)] そう 私がするの Yeah. I'll do it. 女同士なんてありえないと思う? You think it can't happen between two girls? (sfx) パタ。。。 flop [76/147 (76.png)] いいよ… Go ahead... 痛いの? 礼央さん Does it hurt, Reo-san? …っ ...Hh (sfx) ビク ビクッ twitch twitch そっか Oh, yeah. 私のせいで男の子とつき合うわけにいかなかったもんね Because of me, you couldn't have gone out with a boy, could you? [77/147 (77.png)] 指だけで痛がるなんて… You're hurting from just fingers... 笑っちゃう Don't make me laugh! (sfx) かあっ blush (sfx) ス… shp うそ But no 嬉しいよ I'm happy. 礼央さんの処女 私のものになったんだもん Now, Reo-san, your virginity is mine. 本当は The truth is [78/147 (78.png)] 指なんかじゃなくて It wasn't my fingers I had in mind 男の人の身体になって彼女に性器を挿入したい I wanted to take on a man's body and insert my genitals into her あの男がしたようの乱暴なのじゃなくて Not violently, like the man who raped me ゆっくり礼央さんの身体を開いてやさしくしたい I wanted to open Reo-san's body slowly and be gentle ううん No... やっぱり乱暴にしたいかも… Maybe I do want to be violent... [79/147 (79.png)] …っ ...Hh (sfx) ビクッ twitch 礼央さんーー… Reo-san... え? Huh? 『安東先輩』ってなんかよそよそしいからさ It's just, "Andou-senpai" is sort of standoffish. 礼央でいいよ "Reo" is fine. [80/147 (80.png)] れお… reo... 変な名前でしょ It's a weird name, isn't it? ちょっと男みたいだよね Kinda boyish, eh? へ… It... 変じゃないよ! It's not weird! レオってライオンのことだよね? Reo is Leo, the Lion, right? 高潔で…すごく似合ってると思う! It's noble...And I think it suits you really well! (sfx) ハッ gasp [81/147 (81.png)] (sfx) ペタ。。。 pap 茗子…? Meiko...? (sfx) ザーー. pssssssssh (sfx) ザアアア psssssssh [82/147 (82.png)] ここまでしても I've gone this far 私は茗子を救えない… And I still can't save Meiko... (sfx) ザアアア psssssssssh [83/147 (83.png)] (sfx) ス… shp 礼央さん! Reo-san! 今日 買い物つき合って Take me shopping today. ごめん Sorry 今日はレポートがあるから I've got a report to do today. [84/147 (84.png)] 今日はダメだけど So I can't do today 提出期限は明後日だから明後日の午後なら時間空けれるよ But the submission deadline is the day after tomorrow, so I could make some time that afternoon. [85/147 (85.png)] あの時 病室で Back then In the hospital room 責任を感じて泣き崩れる礼央さんを見て欲が出た I saw Reo-san, feeling responsible, broken down crying, and my desire was manifest 第五話 Chapter Five これを理由に 彼女を縛りつけられるんじゃないかって I thought, "With this as a reason, I can put her in chains, can't I?" [86/147 (86.png)] (sfx) ザワ ザワ murmur murmur あの子 どうしたの? Hey, what happened to her? しばらく休んでたよね? She was out for a while, right? なんか事故にあったんだって They're saying she was in some sort of accident. え? 通り魔って聞いたけど… Huh? I heard that she got randomly attacked... (sfx) ヒソ ヒソ psst psst ずっと危機感を抱いてた I'd always held a sense of crisis: (sign) テニス部 Tennis Club いつか礼央さんを失うんじゃないかって "Won't I lose Reo-san some day?" 自分と違って友だちがたくさにて Unlike me, she had lots of friends 彼氏もできるかもしれなくて And she might get a boyfriend その上ひとつ年上の礼央さんは先に高校を卒業してしまう And on top of that, she was a year older, and would graduate high school before me [87/147 (87.png)] 新しい世界に飛び込んで Leaping into a new world 私のことなんてどうでもよくなってしまうんじゃないか Won't I stop mattering to her? 礼央 植田に告られたって? So Reo, Ueda fessed up to you? えっ Huh? な なんで知ってるの⁉ H— how'd you know? (sfx) ニヤニヤ smirk 植田本人に聞いた Asked Ueda himself. で?つき合うの? So? You gonna go out with him? わからない… I dunno... それもいいかな と思ったけど I've thought it would be nice, but ちょっと色々あって… There's more to it than that... [88/147 (88.png)] 茗子ちゃん ラケットの振りかた変えたほうがいいかも Meiko-chan, it might be best if you change your swing. もう少し手の角度を… If you adjust the angle your hand... (sfx) バッ jerk え? Huh? [89/147 (89.png)] その… Uh... 大丈夫? Are you okay? そんなに辛いなら無理しないで If it's that hard on you, don't push it. もうしばらく部活休んだほうが… A bit more time off from club... 誰のせいでこんなことになったと思ってるの… Whose fault do you think it is things turned out this way... [90/147 (90.png)] 礼央さんが送ってくれなかったからじゃん! Isn't it because /you/ didn't see me home‽ 私 足 ケガしてたのに…‼ Even though my leg was hurt...!! ーー…っ ... ちがう No 本当はわかってる The truth is, I understand 礼央さんのせいじゃない It's not Reo-san's fault でも止められない But I can't stop どうしたらいい…? What can I do...? [91/147 (91.png)] 私にできることならなんでもするよ! If I can do it, I'll do anything! だから… So please... ふーん なんでもするんだ? Oh? You'll do anything? じゃあ これからずっと私の言うこと聞いてくれる? Then, will you always do what I say from now on? 植田先輩からの告白断って Refuse the confession from Ueda-senpai. なんで知って…! How did you...! [92/147 (92.png)] 責任感じてるならそれぐらいできるよね? If you feel responsible, you can do that much, right? 断って Refuse それでずっと私と一緒にいてよ And be together with me forever. そうして And that 礼央さんは私の奴隷になった Is how Reo-san became my slave 礼央さんはやさしかった Reo-san was kind 壊れ物を扱うように私に接して それは私をひどくイライラさせた She treated me like she was handling a broken object That made me horribly irritated 大好きだったはずなのに Even though I was supposed to love it [93/147 (93.png)] その人を独り占めできてるのに Even though I'd gotten her all to myself 今日はレポートがあるから I've got a report to do today 今日はダメだけど So I can't do today 提出期限は明後日だから明後日の午後なら時間空けれるよ But the submission deadline is the day after tomorrow, so I could make some time that afternoon. な… Wha... ごめん Sorry でも But 茗子につき合って自分のするべきことをサボるのは もうやめる I'm going to stop skipping the things I should be doing to go out with you. [94/147 (94.png)] (sfx) ドクン ドクン buh-dmp buh-dmp 茗子? Meiko? …っ ... (sfx) タッ tak もういい! Enough already! (sfx) バタン slam 安東さん… Andou-san... [95/147 (95.png)] (sfx) フー… phew すっごい勇気いった…! That took a hell of a lot of nerve...! え Huh 大丈夫ですか? Are you alright? 大丈夫…かな どうだろう Am I alright? I wonder... あの子ホントになにするかわからないから Because I really don't know what she's going to do. でも… But... いつまでもこのままじゃいけないと思ったんだ I didn't think things could stay this way. [96/147 (96.png)] 高瀬さんのおかげだよ It's thanks to you, Takase-san. 高瀬さんが本当にあの子のためを思うなら言いなりになるべきじゃないって言ってくれたから… 'Cause you told me that if I was really thinking of her best interests, I shouldn't go along with what she said... そんな… Well, that's... それに Also 思い出したんだ I remembered something. 私が高2 あの子が高1のときに知り合って We got to know each other in my second, her first year of high school それですごくなついてくれたんだけど… And she held me amazingly dear, but... [97/147 (97.png)] あの子が好きになってくれた私は When she came to care so deeply for me あんなに臆病で人の言いなりになるような私じゃない I wasn't this coward of a girl who goes along with what people say. (sfx) ズキ… stab …あの子の言いなりになってる安東さんを見るのが嫌だった ...I didn't like to see Andou-san going along with what that girl said [98/147 (98.png)] でも それをやめたからって But now that she's stopped 安東さんの目はやっぱりあの子に向いてて… Sure enough, she still has eyes for that girl... 私のほうを見てくれるわくじゃない No way would she spare a glance my way [99/147 (99.png)] なにしてるのあの子… What is that girl doing...? まさか安東さんが態度変えたからショックで飛び込むつもりじゃ… Don't tell me she's so shocked that Andou-san changed her attitude that she means to jump... いや そこまではしないよね? No, she wouldn't go that far, would she? でも…本当に死ぬ気はなくても But... Even if she doesn't really want to die 安東さんの気を引くために自殺未遂ぐらいするかも…? She might at least attempt suicide to get Andou-san's attention... (sfx) イラッ rage 絶対にそんなことさせない…! I will absolutely /not/ let that happen! [100/147 (100.png)] (sfx) フラ フラ wander wander なに考えてんの? What is she thinking? こんな繁華街ひとりでフラフラして… Wandering a bustling neighborhood like this alone... おねーさんひとり~? Hey, lady, you all by yourself? (sfx) ズイッ vwp ん? Hnm? なんだこの女 目がイってる What's with this chick? Her eyes are blank. (sfx) ぐい grip アタマ弱いんじゃね? I bet she's just stupid. こっち来て俺らと遊ぼうよー C'mon, come hang out with us. [101/147 (101.png)] ちょ… W... ちょっと待ちなさい…っ Wait a moment... (sfx) ドキ ドキ b-dmp b-dmp なんだァ? Whadda /you/ want? お前関係ねーだろ Why dontcha mind your own business? (sfx) ぽかん blink (sfx) ガッ grab なにボーっとしてんの! What's with the space cadet act‽ [102/147 (102.png)] 逃げるよ! Get out of here! (sfx) ダッ dash (sfx) チッ cheh (sfx) ハー ハー pant pant な… なにやってるの? Wha... What on Earth are you doing? あんあ自分を粗末にするようなこと… Acting like you've got no respect for yourself... 自分を粗末? No respect for myself? [103/147 (103.png)] (sfx) フ。。。 heh 粗末とか… No respect... 別に Whatever. 今さらどうなったって… At this point, who can say how things have... (sfx) パン smack [104/147 (104.png)] ふ… Don't... ふざけないで… Don't give me that... ふざけないでよ…! Don't give me that crap! 私が欲しくてたまらないものを当たり前のように持ってて The thing I want so much it tears me apart, you take for granted そのくせ その幸せにも気づかず不幸ぶって All the while, you don't see how blessed you are, and you play at misery 私… I... あんたが世界で一番嫌い…! Hate you, of everyone in the world, the most! [105/147 (105.png)] いい? Okay? ちゃんと家に帰りなさいよ!? Get back to your house, you hear‽ バカなことしたら許さない…‼ If you do something stupid, I won't forgive you...!! [106/147 (106.png)] 悔しい I'm so torn up 腹が立つ…! Pissed off...! (phone) 安東礼央 Andou Reo 安東さんと話したい I want to talk with Andou-san でも なにを…? But what about...? [107/147 (107.png)] あの子を助けたって言ったら感謝されるだろう If I say that I helped that girl, she'd probably be grateful それを言わず今ちょっと落ち込んでて…とか言ったら If I don't say that, but say I'm feeling a bit down, or something 優しく話を聞いてくれるだろう She'd probably kindly hear me out でも But あの人が私のものになることはない That woman isn't going to become mine (sfx) パタン clap [108/147 (108.png)] だったら いい If she won't, fine そんな友だちに対する優しさなら欲しくない If I'll get a kindness shown to friends, I don't want it [109/147 (109.png)] あれ以来 Afterwards あの子は安東さんにくっついてこなくなった That girl stopped clinging to Andou-san 話はしてるみたいだけど It looked like they were speaking 前みたいに一緒にいようとしない But she wasn't trying to be together like before 学校にいるときは When she was at school 取り巻きの一人だった男子学生と過ごしているみたいだ It looked like she was spending her time with a male student from her entourage 最終話 Final Chapter [110/147 (110.png)] 安藤さん… Andou-san... 大丈夫 I'm fine. きっとこれでよかっただよ I'm sure this is a good thing. [111/147 (111.png)] あのままの関係じゃきっと壊れてた The way it was, I'm sure our relationship was breaking down. このまま あの男の子とちゃんとつき合って This way, if she goes steady with that boy 幸せになってくれればそれで… And becomes happy... 茗子は電話をかけても出ないことが多くなって Meiko doesn't much pick up the phone anymore, even when I call her (phone) 茗子 Meiko (phone)し中 lling (phone)留守録 recording 留守番号話サービスに接続します… Now connecting to the voice mail service... [112/147 (112.png)] 心配になって家まで行っても居留守を使われた Even when I got worried and went to her place, she gave me the cold shoulder 灯りはついてる… けど… The lights are on... But... たまに電話に出ても会話は途切れる And on the rare occasion she does pick up the phone, she cuts the conversation short 久しぶり It's been a while. ちゃんとご飯たべてる? You eating solid meals? うん Yeah. 食べてるよ I am. そっか Okay. [113/147 (113.png)] だから So 心配しないで Don't worry. (sfx) プッ bip (phone) 通話終了 call finished 仕方がない I had no choice 私が手を離した I let go あの子を見放したんだ I had to give up on the girl 私と離れたほうがあの子のためだったんだ… It's in her best interest to grow apart from me... (sfx) バサ flap 私は私のことに集中しよう I'll concentrate on my own things [114/147 (114.png)] そうじゃないとなんのためにこうしたのかわからない Otherwise, I don't know what I've done this for それからは穏やかな日々が続いた From then on, the days that passed were calm 学校に行き ゼミの友だちと一緒に勉強をして I went to school and studied together with friends from lecture 家でも勉強をして Studied at home, too (book) 発展する Developing たまに息抜きで友だちと遊んだりする And occasionally took a break and hung out with friends これが普通なのかな I guess this must be normal [115/147 (115.png)] 茗子といたときの感情の浮き沈みが嘘みたい… It's like the emotional highs and lows from when I was with Meiko were a lie... ストレスは少なくてすむなー I'm ending up without much stress, huh? でも But 平坦すぎて It's too flat 生きてるか死んでるかわからない気持ちになるけど It's starting to feel like I don't know if I'm living or dying [116/147 (116.png)] 世界から色がなくなったみたい… It's like the color is gone from the world... [117/147 (117.png)] (sfx) ピンポーン ding dong 久しぶりに来てみたけど… It's been a while since I stopped by... 茗子 嫌がるかな I wonder if Meiko hates me now. 留守…? Not home...? え? What? [118/147 (118.png)] カーテンがない…? No curtains...? (sfx) ダッ dash [119/147 (119.png)] どういうことーー…? What's going on...? ああ Yeah. あいつ学校やめて実家帰るって She said she was quitting school and moving back home. どうして… Why...? 知らないっすよ I dunno, man. 君はその… Weren't you... 茗子とつき合ってたんじゃないの? The guy going out with Meiko? つき合ってないですよ We aren't going out. 俺は好きだったけど… I did like her... [120/147 (120.png)] 俺と一緒にいたのはきっと楽だったからじゃないですかね But I'm sure she must have been with me because it was easy. 俺あんまりごり押しでつき合って とか言わないようにしてたから I was trying not to twist her arm and tell her to go out with me and stuff. (sfx) ガタン タタン ka-chunk ka-chonk [121/147 (121.png)] 私が奴隷をやめる決心をして I made up my mind to stop being a slave そのせいで茗子は心を閉ざした And because of it, Meiko closed her heart off そのとき 私の心にも恐れが生まれた At that time, a dread fear was born in my heart, as well: 『奴隷じゃないならいらない』と茗子に捨てられるんじゃないかって "Won't Meiko think I'm useless and toss me aside if I'm not a slave?" 心を閉ざした茗子を追いかけることもなく I didn't even chase after Meiko once she'd closed off her heart 『私と離れて彼氏でも作ったほうが…』なんて綺麗事で I just glossed over it, "She's better off growing apart from me and finding a boyfriend" 恐がってる自分を守っていただけだったんだ I was only protecting my terrified self だから So あのタイミングで茗子から手を離したのは自分のためでもあった Letting go of Meiko right then was in my own interest, too. [122/147 (122.png)] 捨てられたと思ったのは茗子のほうだ Meiko's the one who thought she was tossed aside (nameplate) 柿崎 Kakizaki ごめんなさい あの子いま留守にしてて I'm sorry, she's not in right now... そうですか… Oh, I see... 桜… Cherry blossoms... もうそんな季節か… That season already...? [123/147 (123.png)] そういえば Now that I think about it この道 なつかしいな This street sure brings back memories 毎日この道を通って怪我してた茗子を家まで送った Every day, I saw the injured Meiko home down this street あの事件が起こる日までは… Until the day it happened... レオってライオンって意味よね Reo means Leo, Lion, right? 高潔な感じがしてすっごく似合ってる It's got a noble feel, and it suits you really well! 礼央さんが送ってくれるならずっとケガしてたいな If you're seeing me home, Reo-san, I want to be injured forever 礼央さん Reo-san [124/147 (124.png)] ……っ ... 茗子と離れてからの日々は穏やかだったけどただ生きてただけ The days since I separated from Meiko have been calm, but I've only been staying alive 無感動だった They held no emotion 満開の桜を見てもなにも感じない Even looking at the cherry trees in full bloom, I feel nothing いつのまに When was it [125/147 (125.png)] 私はこんなふうになってしまったんだろうーー… That I became like this...? 礼央…さん…? Reo...san...? [126/147 (126.png)] [127/147 (127.png)] 茗子…? Meiko...? (sfx) びく twitch (sfx) ダッ dash 待って! Wait! [128/147 (128.png)] …礼央さんに… ...I don't... 話すことなんてなにもない…っ Have anything to say to you, Reo-san... [129/147 (129.png)] せ…せっかく… When...When here I am... ひとりでも大丈夫なように頑張ってるのに…っ Trying so hard to make out okay by myself... え… Huh...? どういうこと…? What do you mean...? …私はあんな歪んだ方法でしか礼央さんに傍にいてもらえない ...Reo-san, I could be at your side only in that twisted way. でも本当はわかってたんだよ But the truth is, I understood. [130/147 (130.png)] 礼央さんに人生の邪魔してるって… That I was a drag on your life... ごめん 茗子…! I'm sorry, Meiko...! そんなふうに思われちゃってたんだな… So that's how you thought of it... 茗子をひとりにしたかったわけじゃないよ…! Meiko, I wasn't trying to leave you by yourself...! [131/147 (131.png)] 礼央さんはやさしいからそう言ってくれるけど… You say that because you're kind... いつか彼氏ができたりもっと仲のいい友だちができたりして礼央さんは私をひとりにするよ But you would have eventually gotten a boyfriend, or made friends you were closer with, and left me by myself. だからそうなる前に So before you did あの事件にかこつけて礼央さんを縛ってやろうって思ってたけど… I thought I would use what happened as an excuse to chain you up, but... やっぱりダメだね It didn't work, did it? そんな不自然な関係続かないや An unnatural relationship like that just doesn't last. [132/147 (132.png)] 礼央さんが好きよ I love you, Reo-san. [133/147 (133.png)] 私なんかの言いなりにならない The Reo-san that doesn't go along with whatever I say 高潔で女のくせに無駄にイケメンな礼央さんが… Noble and handsomer than a girl has any right to be... 今まで縛っちゃってごめんね I'm sorry I've kept you in chains until now. [134/147 (134.png)] そうだよ That's right. 私は茗子の言いなりになんかならない I don't just go along with what you say, Meiko. [135/147 (135.png)] だからこの手も離さない So I won't let go of this hand. ……っ ... なんで そういうこというの…? Why Are you saying this...? 期待 させないで… Don't get my hopes up... [136/147 (136.png)] [137/147 (137.png)] [138/147 (138.png)] この道… This street... なつかしいよね Brings back memories, eh? うん Yeah. 私にとってはあの事件があった場所でもあるけど… But for me, it's the place where it happened, as well... ごめん…! Sorry...! いいよ It's alright. それより… More importantly... ひとつお願いがあるの I have a request. え? Hm? [139/147 (139.png)] 本当に If you really 私と一緒にいてくれる気があるなら… Feel like you want to be together with me... (sfx) プチ プチ snap snap ここでしてほしい I want to do it right here. [140/147 (140.png)] ちょ…っ Hold— 誰か来たら… If someone shows up... (sfx) バサ flap 大丈夫だよ It's okay. この道 ホントに人通りが少ないの その茂みに隠れちゃえば誰にでも気づかれない Not many people come down this street. If we hide in that thicket, no one will notice us. まあ だから犯罪が起こるんだろうけど… Though that's probably why crimes take place... あの日のことを上書きして I want to overwrite what happened that day 私も礼央さんが初めてだって思いたい And think of you as my first, too. 礼央さんが私に初めてをくれたみたいに Like you gave me your first. [141/147 (141.png)] 私も礼央さんに捧げたい I want to dedicate myself to you, too, Reo-san. …わかった ...I understand. 予感がする I have a feeling [142/147 (142.png)] あの事件の前みたいに We can never go back 無邪気な二人にはもう戻れない To the innocent twosome we were before it happened (sfx) ピク spasm きっと I'm sure 一緒にいたらまた振りまわされて Once we're together, I'll be jerked around again 感情が絡みあったりねじれたりして 自分を見失う My emotions will get tangled and wrenched, and I'll lose sight of myself [143/147 (143.png)] でも But それでも離れられない Even so, I can't back away …礼央さん ...Reo-san 愛してる I love you so much. [144/147 (144.png)] そう… That's right... 知ってしまったらもう戻れない Once you've found out, you can't go back. 私も愛してるよ I love you, too 茗子 Meiko. [145/147 (145.png)] [146/147 (146.png)] [147/147 (147.png)] あとがき。 Afterword. はじめまして こんにちわ Hello It's good to meet you コダマナオコと申します I go by Kodama Naoko (sfx) ペコリ bow このたびは「不自由セカイ」をお手に取ってくださってありがとうございます Thank you for seeing fit to take "A World Without Freedom" into your hands 今回はまるっと書き下ろしということだったので自分の萌え要素を詰め込んでみました This time, I wrote the whole thing from scratch, so I packed it full of my personal elements of moe ・ウェーブロング美少女 ・Pretty girl with long, wavy hair ・ヤンデレ ・Yandere ・巨乳 ・Big tits ・高身長イケメン少女 ・Tall, handsome girl ・天然タラシ ・Unwitting ladykiller ・そしてドロドロの愛憎劇…! ・Thence, a soapy love-hate drama...! ドレイになってよ Be my slave. 私がレXプしてあげる Here, I'll r*pe you. はー 楽しかった! Man, that was fun! ドロドロ最高! The soapier the better! ヤンデレは至高! The Yandere is supreme! 萌えを叩きつけることができて大満足です I got to beat moe into it, and I'm thoroughly satisfied. あとは少しでもいいから Now, I don't mind if it's only slightly (sfx) チラッ glance いるよね? 1人ぐらいはいるよね? There must be, right? There must be at least one, right? (arrow) 小心者 timid この萌えに賛同してくれるかたがいてくれたら嬉しいです So I'd be happy if there's someone out there who approves of this moe 担当のノラさん、アシスタントのHさん、デザイナーさん、そしてよんでくださった皆様、本当にありがとうごさいました! To Nora-san, the cheif; H-san, my assistant; the designer; and everyone who saw fit to read, my heartfelt thanks!