Object Dignity by Nekota Translation by Multiball [1/8 (0563.jpg)] ごめんなさい 私… Forgive me, I... 誰かを好きになるって気持ちがわからなくて……っ I don't know what it feels like to fall in love... そう言って振られたあの日から And from the day she turned me down with those words... 茅乃には I wanted to teach Kayano 東條茅乃さん! Toujou Kayano-san! お願いしますっ I beg of you! 清く正しい女女交際を順序よく教えていきたかったのに About clean, upright feminine society, in the proper order あぁ 純粋ど穢れを知らない茅乃…… Ah... Kayano, pure and ignorant of filth... ふふっ ドキドキわくわくして誰かのことをもっと知りたくなるだなんて Oh ho! It's getting nervous and excited, and wanting to know more about someone... 恋をするって好奇心旺盛になることだったのね Being in love is a flourishing of curiosity, isn't it? 変な虫がつかないよう常に見張ってたのに I kept an eye on her doings, so as to keep strange insects off her 貴方に出会って私は生まれ変わった Meeting you, I have been reborn... どうか 私の… If you could, my... 私を Make me... どうしてーー So why...? [2/8 (0564.jpg)] どうして Why 貴方の Please 椅子にしてくださいっ Make me your chair! (sfx) ざわ ざわ murmur murmur こうなった Is this happening? (sfx) ドンッ fump KAGU NO HINKAKU Object Dignity このド変態めーーっ カヤになんてハードなこと聞かせてんだゴルァ‼ You damn superfreak! What's your game, putting the hardcore stuff in Kaya's ears? そういうプレイはまだ早いっ She's still not ready for that kind of play! ムッ 変態とは失礼だな! Hmph! "Freak"... How rude! 私はただ茅乃さんに人間以下の扱いを受けたいだけだっ I merely want Kayano-san to treat me as less than human! (sfx) ドドンッ buh-dong それを変態と言うんだよ‼ And that's what makes you a freak! [3/8 (0565.jpg)] ていうか誰ですかあなた! Who are you, anyway‽ (sfx) ざわ ざわ murmur murmur いきなりそんなこと言われたって困りますっ You're bothering us, coming out of nowhere and talking this noise! 誰……だって? 君は私のことを知らないのかい? "Who" ask? Do you not know of me? は? Hunh? 知らないも何も初対面ですよね私たち…… Whether we do or not, this is the first time we've met you... なに⁉ WHAT‽ 君は本当に私を知らないと言うのか⁉ Are you saying you truly do not know of me? しつこいな!知らないってば‼ Aren't you insistent⸮ We don't know you! (sfx) すくっ fshp フッ…… Hah... この学園に私の存在を知らない子がいたとは To think there was a girl in this academy who knew not of my existence... フーッ Pfff (sfx) イラッ rage 明日の校内新聞は君のアホ面で一面が埋まるだろうね I imagine your stupid face will bury a page of tomorrow's school paper! なんか 言うことがいちいち上からで腹立つな Everything she says gets more on my nerves than the last... これ以上こんな奴に付き合ってたらカヤに悪影響が… If we spend any more time on this bozo, it'll be a bad influence on Kaya... どうやら私が誰か言う前にーー It seems that before I say who I am 私と茅乃さんの出会いを知ってもらうべきのようだ I should see that you know how Kayano-san and I met. あ"ー~っ AGH そうだね あれは一週間前のことだった That's right, it happened one week ago... ちょっと汚い手でカヤに触んなっ Hold it! Don't touch Kaya with your filthy hand! (sfx) キーン コーン カーン ding dong dang 時刻は丁度今くらいかな It must have been about the time it is now... 聞けよっ Listen! [4/8 (0566.jpg)] ごめんね 子猫ちゃんたち デートはここまでのようだ Apologies, kittens, but it seems our date ends here. えーっ Aw, man 木崎様は授業にお出にならないんですか? Kizaki-sama, will your presence not grace the class today? 親衛隊としては教室までご一緒したいのですが… As your honor guard, we would gladly see you to the classroom... ありがたいけ As much as I woul ちょっと待て‼ Hold on a second!! ムッ 許可なく人の回想を止めないでくれないか? Hmph! Would you stop interrupting people's reminiscences unbidden? なんで親衛隊とかいんの⁉ 金の力⁉ Why do you have an honor guard‽ The power of money‽ 何言ってるののあんた! What are you saying‽ こんなに美しい木崎様に親衛隊がいないわけないじゃない‼ There's no way Kizaki-sama, beautiful as she is, would be without one!! そうよ! それに木崎様のご自宅は借家の平屋でとっても小さいんだからっ 私たちにお金を出す余裕なんて欠片も無いのよっ That's right! What's more, Kizaki-sama's abode is a rented one-story house, and very, /very/ small! She wouldn't have a spare red cent to give us! (headband) きざきさま♥ Kizaki-sama♥ こらこら君たち よさないか Come, now, won't you give us some space? なんて言うかごめん I guess I should apologize... とにかく 彼女たちと別れた後私は一人木の下で寝そべっていたんだ At any rate, after parting from them, I lay alone, sprawled under a tree. う~~ん こかげで優雅に眠る美少女……絵になれねぇ Aaaaaah... A beautiful girl sleeping elegantly in the shade of a tree... Picturesque. (sfx) たっ たっ たっ たっ たっ pat pat pat pat pat そこへーー And then 今までに受けたことのない衝撃が私を襲った A shock the like of which I had never received before assaulted me! (sfx) ドスッ stomp どふっ fuough [5/8 (0567.jpg)] な…… 何が今…… Wh... What just... (sfx) ピューッ pew 起…き…… Hap... pened... やだっ Oh my goodness! もしかして踏んじゃいました⁉ I didn't step on you, did I? ごめんなさい 今遅刻しそうなんですっ I'm sorry, right now it looks like I'm going to be late! (sfx) だっ dash なにぃーーっ What‽‽‽ あとで絶対謝罪に来ますので /ごめんなさい~~っ/ Later, I'll absoutely come and apologize! /I'm sorry!/ こんなに美しい私に気づかないどころか Did she fail to notice me, beautiful as I am? 腹を思い切り踏み抜いて「ごめんんあさい」の一言で済ませただて……っ⁉ And stomp whole-heartedly through my gut, concluding with that one word, "sorry?" (sfx) ガーン shock そのとき私は心から思った At that time, I thought with my very heart あぁ この人にまた踏まれたい……って "Ah, I want to be trod upon by this person once more!" なんでだっ‼ What the hell‽ だが この後なんの手掛かりもなかったから探し出すのと一週間もかかってしまったさ However, she gave no sign, so I set out to find her, and it took me all of a week! えっ でもカヤも後で謝りに行ったんじゃ…… Huh? But didn't Kaya go back and apologi— 忘れてたのかよっ Did you forget? 人を踏んでおいて⁉ Stepping on people and leaving them there‽ [6/8 (0568.jpg)] 東條茅乃さん Toujou Kayano-san 私は あのとき At that moment 貴方に踏まれたときの胸の高揚が忘れられない When you trod on me, I cannot forget the thrill in my chest. 椅子になりたいの言ったのは I said I want to be your chair 椅子として扱ってくれたら四六時中貴方の尻に敷いてもらえると思ったからだ For I thought that if you were to treat me as a chair, I could know the burden of your butt at all hours. 茅乃さんの尻に‼ Of Toujou Kayano's butt! そこ強調すんなっ Skip the emphasis, there! ーーでも And yet きっとそれじゃ足りない I'm sure solely that would not suffice. 私はまた貴方に土足で踏んでもらいたいっ I want you to tread me with your shoes once again! 私はっ I believe... [7/8 (0569.jpg)] 貴方だからこそ That you, and no one else こんなにも踏まれたいと思うんだ! Make me so desire to be stepped upon! 足にする口付けは隷属の証だそうだよ It is said that a kiss to the feet is tetament of servitude. ご主人様? My mistress? なっ Look 何コイツ頭おかしいんじゃないの⁉ This girl must not be right in the head. カヤ! こんな変態放っといてもう行こ…… Kaya, leave this freak already, let's g... [8/8 (0570.jpg)] カヤ⁉ Kaya? (sfx) ポーーッ wärm gaze どうしおう 胸のドキドキとわくわくが止まらない What should I do? The nervousness, the excitement in my chest won't stop... (sfx) カアア… blush 私誰かにこんな熱い気持ちをぶつけられたの初めて…… This is the first time I've been stricken by such passionate feelings from someone... 私の告白は⁉ And my confession? そっか 今分かった気がする Yes, I feel like I understand now. この気持ちが…… This feeling is... 恋 Love. いや違うよ確実に違う‼ No, that's not right, that's definitely not right!! まだ分からないことだらけですが There are so many things I still don't understand 木崎さんがして欲しいこといっぱい教えて下さいね! So Kizaki-san, please teach me all the things you want to do! くっ Hah. 口約束じゃし尿できないな きちんと態度で示してもらわないと… I can't have faith in a verbal promise. If your behavior doesn't precisely express your... えいっ Hi-yah! んほおおおおおっ NGhaaaaah 木崎さん! Kizaki-san! 私あなたの申し出を受けることにします! I'm accepting your proposition! なんて言ったのかしら? I wonder what she said? 祝福の言葉じゃないかな! I think it must have been a word of blessing!