Ordinary Day By Sakanaya English translation by Multiball [1/16 (_077.jpeg)] 「いいね!」163件 Likes: 163 _yumin.1123 泣いた~ _yumin.1123 I cried~ #lFl #fff #followforfollowback #l4l #instugood #jk2 #instupic #instubite #love #タピオカ #タピ活 #タピオカのある生活 #泣きすぎ て#ブスすぎw #指ハートすな #ニコイチ #差し入れ渡せた #みゅーみゅー #だーいすき #lFl #fff #followforfollowback #l4l #instugood #jk2 #instupic #instubite #love #boba #bobalyfe #bobalifestyle #cantstopthetears #lolsofugly #fingerheart #made4eachother #pickmeupdelivered #myuumyuu #loveitloveitloveit [2/16 (_078.jpeg)] 私たちの日常はこんなにも最高。 We have the best day every day. 本誌再登録‼ Returning once more to our pages!! さかなや Sakanaya [3/16 (_079.jpeg)] (phone)ゆみ Yumi (phone)てかもう今日とか早すぎんだけど♥緊張やば♥♥♥♥とりまHR迹1F玄関 i mean its way 2 early 2 go 2day♥so nervous♥♥♥♥ne way 1f entrance after hr (phone)りょ。6限寝るなよ笑 K. Don't fall asleep 6th period haha (phone)お~い Hey (phone)一段玄関いんだけど I'm at first floor entrance though (phone)ゆみどこ? Yumi where you at? ねぇーソコ由美いるー? Heeey, is Yumi in there? いるよぉ Yep, she is! (flt) お迎えだー there's the escort! やほ Heya! (flt) 動くな‼ hold still!! な~んじゃこら? What's up with her? (flt)さ~? who knows? 6限くらいからずっとこんな感じ She's been like this ever since like sixth period. ゆーみんみゅーみゅー来たよぉ Hey, Yuumin, Myuu-myuu's here! (sfx) し~ん… nothing... [4/16 (_080.jpeg)] (sfx)ガタガタ scrape (sfx) どかっ thud なんで来ないの Why didn't you show up? (sfx) のそ….. lurch (sfx) ぎゅう… glomp (flt) いや no ココにじゃねーわ Not, like, here. [5/16 (_081.jpeg)] そろそろ行かないと間に合わなくなるよ If we don't get going, we're not gonna make it. いーの?先輩のライブ Don't you care about senpai's show? 由美楽しみにしてたんじゃん I thought you were looking forward to it. 差し入れも勝ってたじゃん You got a pick-me-up for them and everything. 行かない I'm not going. もういい… I don't care anymore... 理由は? And why's that? …ウチにも? ...Not even me, huh? あーそお Alright, then. (sfx) ベリッ rrrrrip (sfx) す fwp [6/16 (_082.jpeg)] これでもかぁ⁉ How about this‽ (sfx) わー waaaah (sfx) ぐぐぐぐ wreeeench ちょちょちょお!? Whoa, whoa, whoa‽ ちょっまだ男子いるって Wha—Wait, there are still boys here! ねぇ Hey! いたっ股ぁ Ow! My thighs! まじむり No, seriously— いだだだだ Ow ow ow ow 口割るかね? You ready to open your mouth? (sfx) はあ はあ pant pant くっ My— 口より先に股が割れるし…ッ! My thighs may open, but not my mouth...! ん~じゃ仕方ない Hmm...Fine, then. (sfx) ホ… phew... 力尽くで連れ出すか I guess I'm dragging you kicking and screaming. (flt) え" whut [7/16 (_083.jpeg)] ねぇやだって I /said/ I don't wanna! 待ってよみゅーみゅー Myuu-myuu, wait! ゆみ行かないってば I /said/ I'm not going! 振りとかじゃなくてっマジで嫌なの! I'm not just pretending or something, I really don't want to! わかってるわかってる I know, I know. 行かない行かない You're not going. (sfx) ずるずるずるずる shff shff shff shff (flt) ハイ! That's right! ずぇーったいウソじゃん‼ I am totally, definitely /not/!! だってこの電車乗ったらライブハウスに……… And if I get on this train, when we get to the venue... (sign)行 departing アレ? Huh? (flt)逆方向… wrong way... (sfx) プシュー pshh [8/16 (_084.jpeg)] (flt) マジで seriously 行かないんかい… We're not going...? だらか行かないって言ったじゃん Well, you said you weren't going, right? 行きたかったの? Did you want to? …ううんありがと ...No. Thanks. …ねぇ ...Hey みゅーみゅー怒ってる? Are you mad, Myuu-myuu? ウチが? Me? なんで? Why would I be? みゅーみゅーもライブ Well, Myuu-myuu 行くはず…だったし You were...supposed to go to the show, too. ぜんぜん As if. てかそもそも由美のおごりだし? You know I was just doing it for you? あんた先輩のチケノルマのために頼まれてもないのに何枚も何枚も… You even bought all those tickets to boost senpai's sales even though no one asked... そうだけど~‼ Yeah, I know...!! [9/16 (_085.jpeg)] ほれ降りるよ Here, we're getting off. (sfx) ぐい yank わ Wah どこ行くのよぅー Where are we going...? いーからいーから Don't sweat it. なんでタピ⁉ Why boba‽ [10/16 (_086.jpeg)] (sfx) ずら~ queue 'em up ねーもーマジで意味わかんないから… Come on, I seriously don't get it... ゆみミリもタピる気分じゃないんですけど I don't even feel like boba at all よりによって今一番列えぐい店だし…… And you had to choose the /one/ store that currently has the /nastiest/ line... てかみゅーみゅーこないだ二度と並ばねーって言ってたじゃん! And after last time, didn't you say that you were never going to wait in line again‽ (flt) うそつき‼ You liar!! うん Yeah. 何もせず立ってんのって超しんどいしょ並んでたんじゃ遊べもしないし Standing around with nothing to do really chaps your ass—can't even play around, waiting there on your feet. (flt) 夢の国ならいざしらず maybe if you were dreaming or something はあ⁉ Hunh‽ だからぁ Then what the hell‽ おしゃべりしかすることなくない? So I guess the only thing we've got to do is chat, huh? [11/16 (_087.jpeg)] いつ買えんだかわからんくらいには I dunno when we'll get to the register, but it's safe to say 時間あるし We got some time. 未祐…… Miyu... (sfx) きゅ squeeze (sfx) じわ ploosh う~ Ugh! も~ Fine! ん Hm. 決めた!ゆみみゅーみゅーとつき合う‼ I made up my mind! We're dating now, Myuu-myuu!! (flt) 好き‼‼ I'm in love with you!!!! (flt) あはは Ah ha ha キレながら告りながら泣くな Don't cry when you're mad and making a confession. [12/16 (_088.jpeg)] (sfx) ぐるぐる swish swish (sfx) ちゅー slurp (sfx) ぽこぽこ glug glug もちゅ もちゅ もちゅ もちゅ もちゅ もちゅ…..(ゴクン) schlup schlup schlup schlup schlup schlup... (gulp) んっまあ~い♥ Soooo good! (sfx) ぱ~ beam (sfx) カシャ snap …ゆみも撮ろーと思ってたのに… ...And I thought you'd wanna snap a pic, too... (flt) 飲んじゃった… You just chugged it... はいはい向こうで自撮りしようね Yeah, sure. Let's get a selfie from the other side. 元気出てきたじゃん Looks like your mood's picked up, huh? うん Yeah. 言えてスッキリした You could say I'm feeling refreshed. ホントごめんねみゅーみゅー Really sorry about that, Myuu-myuu. [13/16 (_089.jpeg)] まさかセンパイの好きな人が友だちだなんてさぁ I never thought you'd be the one senpai had a crush on. なんか悔しーじゃん? Isn't that just hella frustrating? ゆみ言いたくなくて I didn't wanna say anything to you でもみゅーみゅーは悪くないし But it's not like it's your fault. なんかちょーモヤモヤ?しちゃって I just started feeling, like, super gloomy or something? ………二人つき合ったりしないよね? ...You're not dating, are you? するかって Psh, what do you think? でもみゅーみゅーのこと好きになんのはわかるもん But it's obvious senpai's got eyes for you. ゆみ…ゆみ頑張ってセンパイのこと諦める… I'll...I'll try my best to let it go and move on... (flt)や Uh てかさ Y'know そもそもウチを好きってどこ情報? Where'd you get this intel about liking me? ウチ先輩と面識ないし We're not acquainted あんたの早とちりなんじゃ And I gotta wonder if you're jumping to conclusions agai— ちがうもん!だって本人から直接LIMEで言われたんだよ⁉ No way! It's straight from the horse's mouth, told me on LIME!! (flt)あたしはもう見たくないので‼ I don't wanna look at it anymore!! ほらあ Here! どこ? Whatchu talking 'bout? え? Huh? [14/16 (_090.jpeg)] いやいやあるでしょ No, no, it's there! ないじゃんてどこよ Nuh-uh, I'm telling you. Where? (flt)ない… not there... 待ってじゃあ So hold on... あのLIMEって Was that message 夢か……? A dream...? (arrow)6限ねてた asleep during sixth period ライブーッッ The show...! (flt) センパ~イ Senpaaaai! ウソでしょあんた… You can't be real... (sfx)わーっ Waaaaah! (flt)走れ走れーッ C'mon, run...! あっはっはっはっはっはっ Ah ha ha ha ha ha! みゅーみゅー笑いすぎだから‼ Myuu-myuu, you're laughing too hard !! [15/16 (_091.jpeg)] (flt)つぎの日 The Next Day まってまってヤバい!‼ Whoa, hold on, this is big!!! 差し入れのお礼したいから今日バイト先遊びにおいでって Senpai wants to hang out with me at work as thanks for bringing a pick-me-up to the show! (flt)センパイが! Senpai! (flt) マ? okay? やったじゃん 'Grats, then (sfx) だ fwoosh ちょみゅーみゅーに言ってくる‼ I'm gonna go tell Myuu-myuu!! (sfx) てら~ See ya みゅーみゅー呼んで!大至急! Call Myuu-myuu at once! (sfx) ニマァ~ chuckle (sfx) バシバシ whap whap (flt) 楽しそうだな aren't you having fun あ?牧村?ムリムリ Huh? Makimura? No can do. え? What? (sfx) ゴゴゴゴゴゴゴ grrrrrr (flt)な? See? 朝担任に呼び出されたとかなんとかで She got called up for morning chores or something. 声かけらんねーって Can't say a word to her. [16/16 (_092.jpeg)] (sfx)しゅとしゅとしゅとと しゅしゅとしゅと しゅしゅとしゅしゅっ tikka tikka tikkatik taktikkatikka taktikkataktak (sfx) たっ step (flt) あっ ah! みゅーうーみゅーうー Myuuuuu-myuuuuu! 今日もタピろうぞ♥ Let's get boba again today! …由美 ...Yumi. あんた知ってる?タピオカ一杯ととんこつラーメンのカロリーは…… Did you know that one cup of boba has as many calories as a serving of tonkotsu ra... (flt) フ heh タピオカは丸いからカロリーゼロ The pearls are round—that means zero calories! まぁいーよどこの行く? Well, whatever. Where we getting it? (flt)んふふ~♥ heh heh heh 決まってんじゃん! Where else? うーんと列長いトコっ Wherever they've got a big, fat line!