1 Ozone Makise Ren 2 あなたの眠っている頭脳回路を使う Making Use of Your Slumbering Brain Circuits 3 4 5 Blue Tali ある所にハルハルとミチルと云う心優しい子供がおりました。 Once there lived two kind-hearted children named Haru-haru and Michiru. ある眠れない夜 On a certain sleepless night... 2人の前にや仙女が現れました。 a fairy appeared before the two of them. ピカッ flash 6 おねがいです 心優しい子供たち I have a request of you, kind-hearted children. 3つのタリを探して下さい。 I want you to find three talis for me. どうして? Why? 青いタリならそこに I know where we can find some blue talis. いいえ もっともっと純粋なタリなの No... the talis I mean are much purer, more genuine ones. 世界を沈黙から救うためにー Ones that can save this world from stillness. 7 そして2人は旅立ちました And so, the two of them set off, 青いタリを見つけるために looking for the blue talis. これもタリスマンじゃない This one isn't a talisman either. 暗い森の中も2人なら怖くありません Even in the midst of the dark forest, they weren't afraid. そうして旅してゆくうちに2人は風が騒ぐ声や And in the course of their journey, the two started to become able to hear... 海の荒れる声を聞けるようになりました the voice in the bustling wind, and the voice in the raging sea. 8 もう夜が明ける Dawn is already breaking. もう帰らなくっちゃ We'd better get home. ギィ creak とうとう見付からなかったね In the end, we never managed to find them. うん Yeah... すると But then... ああっ Ahh! 9 タリスマンが...!! The talismans!! あんなに探してもなかったのに We didn't even have to search for them. タリスマンはこんな所にあったんだ...ね They were right here... もし皆さんが近くでタリスマンを見かけたら And readers, if any of you ever happen to find a talisman so close to yourself... そっと返して下さい。 please return it to them. それは2人の心の結晶なのだから (笑) Those are these two's Heart Crystals (lol). 10 11 12 13 14 14 Scandalous Blue はるか Haruka. 良くこれだけ散らかせるわ 私が来なかった You've really turned this place to a pig-sty since I last came here. 3日間で!! Since I last came here //3 days// ago!! ああ Well... 面倒臭かったから I mean, it's just such a pain. その調子じゃロクなもの食べてないんじゃなくって? That's your attitude, and you still expect to eat good food every day? 15 嫌だわ 私 Oh, what's the matter with me. はるかの前では怒ってばかり I'm only ever getting mad in front of you. ごはん! Dinner's ready! 一人で食べるの苦手なんだ I don't like eating on my own. それにみちるが近くにいて怒ってくんないと And if you weren't around to get mad at me, Michiru, 張り合いがなくってさ things would get awful dull around here. 16 怒った顔も可愛いよ Besides, you're cute when you're angry, too, みちるは Michiru. にこにこにこにこ beeeeeeeeam うわっ ディープサブマージ Deep Submerge はるかったらおだててもダメよ Oh, Haruka! You know flattery won't get you anywhere! グシャ squash あ。 Ah. 慣れた Used to it この照れるとディープサブマージをあびせることさえなければなー If only you wouldn't hit me with a Deep Submerge every time you got embarrassed... とは恐ろしくて云えんぞ But I'm scared, so I won't say that. 終 The End 17 18 オゾン Ozone 小玉利津子 O3 Kodama Ritsuko - O3