For all the pages: You can use the ruler tool to straighten out the pages. To use it, just select an edge of the first panel and drag out to the edge of the last panel. Then click "Straighten layer." Be aware that the entire page rotates, so you might have to brush in transparent edges of the page. After using the ruler tool, you could try and center the panels as well if you want. -- Don't forget to add a credits page. -- pg 1 3rd panel, "That's right." -> Lower the font size a bit. 4th panel, "If we did / something / special on / top of that," 4th panel, "This / Christmas / would be / even better!" pg 2 2nd panel, "How / about / we each / request / one thing / of the / other?" 2nd panel, "I see..." -> Lowe the font size a bit. 4th panel, "E-Embar- / rasing, and / I might die, / so, no!" 4th panel, "Oh." -> "Oh..." pg 3 1st panel, "As / long as / it's not / naughty, / anything / is fine! / Bring it / on!" 2nd panel, "Well then, I want..." -> Put the heart at the bottom of the dialogue and treat it as part of the shaping 4th panel, "I-i-isn't" -> "I-I-Isn't" pg 4 1st panel, "Sorry, maybe..." -> "Sorry, maybe I went a little too far." 1st panel, "Sorry, / maybe I / went a / little / too far." 3rd panel, "...!" -> Make the size a bit bigger pg 5 1st panel, "I-I, you / know, just / having / you here / with me..." 3rd panel, "A kiss." -> make this bold pg 6 2nd panel, "I-is" -> "I-Is" 2nd panel, "I'm sorry, / I didn't mean / it like that." 3rd panel, "It's just, / I kiss you / all the / time." 3rd panel, "I just / thought / isn't it a / little late / to ask / that? " pg 7 2nd panel, "Mwah" -> make this bigger pg 8 2nd panel, "I had / planned / to kiss you / tomorrow, / anyway." Bottom of page, Remove the おわり and just put "End" You could also try and match the font of this, you can try the fonts "KG Piece by Piece", "For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic" or "Shadows Into Light".