140 check your blacks for white specks 141 panel3: middle girl's shoulder >> redraw needs improvement 142 p3: SFX What is that? >> could you put "that" back to its original position? p4: noticeable remnant of the original sfx last panel: first and third "pant" stroke 143 p1b2: untranslated p2: check the raw and check how the font sizes shifted here. p4: Like heck it was!! >>larger p6: zoom >>horizontal 144 >>text should always be above the leveling layer >>looks overleveled: black 145 p1&8: sfx -san >>the hyphen should be on the same line as Torikai 149 p2: missing sfx 150 p3: sfx 151 p4: sfx p4: I'll never forget it. >>type horizontally or like this http://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/backwards_cinderella#17 ======= >> missing credits page >>leveling: read this: http://wiki.yuriproject.net/editing_tutorial#leveling >>You didn't touch some SFXs, replace them all. if you're having difficulty with SFXs, you can arrange the translated SFX next to the original Japanese ones: http://i.imgur.com/qnzfU.png >>Check the raw's font size to get an idea of how big your fonts should be >> avoid the one-line-one-word habit: http://puu.sh/hQt8D/53ee1a117d.png