111 Summer and the Pool and Deck Brushes 112 ごっしゃごっしゃ scrub scrub ワハハ Wa ha ha! エー Yahh! ゴシゴシ scrub scrub ふぅ Whew... ありゃ? Oh? ポタッ drip 113 茜ちゃーん 水出ないよー? Akane-chan, nothing's coming out of this hose. えー?めっちゃひねってるんだけどー Huh? Really? I've got the faucet turned all the way on... キュキュキュ squeak squeak squeak おっかしーなぁ... That's weird... ギュー clamp 茜の足 Akane's Foot ブシャッ PSHEWF! うわぁーっ!? Awagh!? ビクッ jump 114 ザァァァ zshhhhh キャー つめたいっ Eeeek! It's cold!! ポタ drip サァァ zsshhh 夏だなぁ... That's summer for you... こらーっ 水をムダにするなー Hey! Quit wasting water!! わー Aghh! 115 数日前 A Few Days Previous 喜べ諸君 Rejoice, ladies! 仕事の依頼だ We've had a request for work. おおーー! Ohhh---! それで内容は? And so? What sort of work is it? うむ Yes. It's... 116 どーん ba-bumm プール掃除だ Pool cleaning. え... Huh? なにそれー 超期待外れ What!? Pool cleaning!? What a disappointment... カワイイ衣装のリコちゃん見れると思ったのに I thought I'd get to look at Riko-chan in some cute outfit again. ブーブー Boooo いいじゃないですか 地味で Sounds fine by me. Nice, plain work. フッ Heh 実はな You see... 町営プールで掃除の人手が足りておらず What happened was there weren't enough people on hand to clean the public pool. プール開きが遅れているらしいのだ So now it's gonna end up opening late. 117 そこで! Thus! イルカワ町をよりよくし広めていく使命を持つ This is where the Iruka club, dedicated to the betterment and promotion... イルカ部の出番というわけだ of the district of Irukawa, steps in. わーい やるやるー Yes! All right!! We'll do it! ゔえー Uegh... この炎天下に掃除? Pool cleaning in this record heat? ちなみに仕事が終われば And also, once your work is through... 既に水を入れてある方のプールで遊んでいいそうだ you'll be allowed to play in the one pool that is filled. 各自水着を持参してくるといい So you'll probably want to bring your bathing suits with you. 泳げるんですか? We get to swim? 可愛い水着買わなきゃ! We should buy some cute new swimsuits! ピクピクッ PRICK 水着 Swimsuits!? 118 *サービスカットにつき胸盛ってます。 *Size of breasts increased for the purposes of this pandering. キラキラー glitter glitter やりましょう Let's do it. ぐっ jab 茜ちゃんわかりやすーい... You really don't hide your motives at all, Akane-chan. イルカワ町営プール Irukawa Public Pool 119 ひゃっほー Yahoo!! サプー splash こらーっ Hey!! 120 まずは働けー! I said /work first/!! /Then/ play! ピピー tw-tweeeet あと飛び込み禁止だー And no jumping in the pool! 121 うわー... Uweegh... すっごい数のアメンボ... Look at all the pond skaters... え? Huh? どこどこ? Where? Let me see. わぁっ リコちゃんは見たらダメッ! Ack! No, Riko-chan! You can't look! 気絶しちゃうっ You'll faint! 122 まずはコレ流さないとですね Guess we have to start by clearing those away. うえー Ugh... うん Yeah. スッ lift はいはい ごめんね アメンボさんたち~ Well then... sorry for what's about to happen to you, pond skaters. ピチャー pshtt 葵先輩ってけっこう怖い人ですよね You're... a bit scary, aren't you, Aoi-senpai? ビャー bssssssh え? Huh? 駆逐完了 Extermination Complete 123 うっしゃっしゃー Wahh ha ha ha! 私のバックは誰にも奪えないのだー Nobody's taking the puck away from me! なにをぉぉぉぉ!! What's that!? どりゃっ Hi-yah!! おーっそい Whoops! Too slow! げっ Geh! ちょっ...うわー!? Hey!... Wait... whoa!? ん? Mn? 124 よけてー!! Clear the way!! ハッ gasp あぶっ Oh no! ドーン WHAM きゃんっ Eyagh! いったた Ouch... う... Ugh... 125 はー ビックリした Boy you gave me a start... ってうわぁぁっ!? Yyy-WHOA! HOLY COW! 茜ちゃん 大丈夫!? Are you all right, Akane-chan!? とっさにかばったけど... I sort of covered you up instinctively... だ...だっだだだっだだ Y- Y- Y- Y- Yeah, I'm all... all... 平気ですよ 茜先輩頑丈だし She'll be fine. Akane-senpai's tough. それしかとりえないし It's her only redeeming feature, really. それより早く離れてあげたほうが... More importantly, I think you'd better hurry up and let her go... え? What? ダラーン sag なーにやってんだ あいつらは What in the world are they doing over there? 元気でいいじゃないですか ハハハ Ha ha ha... well, kids that age /ought/ to have fun. 126 キラキラ sparkle sparkle いっくよー Here goes! せーのっ Ready, and... キュッ squeak ザァァァ plshhhhh わー Ooh! 127 よっしゃー これにて任務完了! Anddddd mission accomplished! パンッ slap いえーい! Wahoo! みんなご苦労だったな Well... good work, everybody. あとは自由に遊んでいっておくれ Feel free to play around as much as you like now. やったー! Yes!! Woo hoo! お前ら...掃除中も散々遊んでだろうに... You two already played around the whole time you were working. ぎくっ Urk... 128 はぁ~ Phew... 疲れたぁ... I'm exhausted... けど楽しかった Still, it was fun. スイー gliiide だね Sure was! 129 ちょっと Wait, 入らないの?プール you're really not getting in? 私が水着なんて着ると思います? You seriously expect me to put on a bathing suit? うっわー ノリ悪っ! Man, you /really/ can't get in the spirit of these things! 先輩命令だ 今すぐ飛び込め This is an order from your elder! Jump in here right now! マッパでな! Naked! バシャッ splash わっぷl!? Bwegh!? 変態 Pervert. ポタ drip 130 ちょ...やめっ! Hey...! Cut that out! あっ! Agh! バシャ バシャ splash splash バシャバシャバシャ splish splish splish あはははは! Ah ha ha ha ha! バシャバシャバシャ plish splish splash ふぎぎ...! Erngh-gh-gh...!! あ...あとで覚えとけよ この性悪女ー! I... I'll remember this! You sadist!! バシャバシャ plish plish はははは Ha ha ha ha ha! は~ Hoo... おもしろっ She's funny. クスッ giggle 131 もうすぐ夏休みかぁ Summer vacation's coming up... ねぇ Hey. 夏休みって部活...するの? Will we keep doing club activities over summer break? もっちろん! But of course! そっか I see... このメンバーなら退屈しなさそう Well, with a group like this, at least I know I won't be bored. 132 ゴロゴロ rumble rumble お...? Eh...? この音もしかして... That sound wasn't... プクプク bubble bubble 雷だね Yep. Thunder. ひいっ Heegh! 早く上がろう! We need to get out of here quick! 帰ろう! Let's get back home! あはは Ah ha ha... やだなーリコちゃん C'mon now, Riko-chan. この辺じゃ雷くらい日常茶飯事で... Thunder's an everyday occurrence around these parts. カッ flash 133 ピシャン crack ビクゥッ JUMP ドドォ... ..ン rrrrrrrumble 134 う...うわぁぁぁぁ!! U... uwaaghhhhhh!! 退避! 退避ぃぃぃーっ!!! EVACUATE! EVACUATEEEEEEEE!! お前らー! You lot! 先生 Sensei シャワーはちゃんと浴びていけよ~ Make sure you take a shower before you go. ドザーーッ fssssshh 雨の強制シャワー Non-optional Outdoor Shower ヒィィィ Heegh! ゲリラー Guerrilla rain!