137 チチ... Twee twee... すやすや zzz おっ Time きろー! to get up!! ドス whump ぐえッ Gugh! えへへー Eh heh heh のそ drowse ゔー Ngh... チッ tick 138 夏休みなんだし まだ... It's summer break... just a little longer... ガクッ drop おきろー! Time to get up!! ドスンッ whump ぎゃう!? Gyagh!? うっ... Eugh... この声は... That voice could only be... 蜜柑ちゃん... Mikan-chan. にゃはー Nwa ha! 追撃成功ー Successfully ran her down! 139 Riko and Haru and Summer Break and Mikan 140 ほんとにいいんですか? You're sure you're all right with this? 蜜柑の面倒頼んでしまって... Looking after Mikan for us... はい! Of course! 大切にお預かりします We pledge to take the very best care of her. たまには夫婦水入らずを堪能してくださいな A young couple like you needs time to spend with just the two of you. 蜜柑いい子にできる? Can you be a good girl for us, Mikan? うんっ! Yep! 141 というわけで And so... 今日一日蜜柑ちゃんを預かることになったから We'll be spending all day today looking after Mikan-chan. 一緒によろしくね Hope I can count on your help! はふ Mmh... テンテテテーン Da da da dun da dun doo 142 おっはよ~ Goood mornin'! おっ Oh! いっらしゃい Welcome! ふわ~ Yawn... あっ ハル... Ah... Haru. とリコちゃんっ ...and Riko-chan!! オー Yo! 143 んっ? Nn? その子は...? Who's the little girl? うちの民宿のお客さん! She's a guest at our place! もりしたみかんでしゅっ I'm Morishita Mikan! Hi! あら Oh! ちゃんとご挨拶できていい子だね Well, aren't you well-mannered. 葵です Hello, I'm Aoi. こっちは茜ちゃん And this is Akane-chan. よろしくね Great to meet you! 144 おねーちゃんたちおかおがそっくり... Why do you two have the same face? あぁ Oh! 生まれたときからそっくりなんだよ We've been like this since we were born. 私は双子だから We're twins! ふたご! Twins! しゅごい! Amazing! あっ! Ah! そろそろラジオ体操はじまるっ Sounds like the radio exercises are starting. 145 たいそー! Exercise! みっちゃとくい! That's my specialty! おっそれは楽しみ! Ooh! I can't wait to see! わふ... Yawn... ブンブン wave wave いちにっ One, two! さんし Three, four! ガッ whack じょうずだねー My, you ARE good...! わー Wow... 146 ほりゃー ちゃんと並べ Come on now, get lined up! ワイワイワイ chatter chatter ということで森下蜜柑ちゃんです So, allow me to introduce Morishita Mikan-chan. よろしくおねがいしましゅ! Nice to meet you! あらーいい子! Ooh! What a polite little kid. それっ Up you go! ヒョイッ lift ん? Hm? じー stare ぽにゅっ squeeze 147 This page is all yours. おっぱいきもちいー! しゅごーい! あははっ やだ蜜柑ちゃんてば~ こ... こっちにもおいで~ は~い ゆーちゃんじゃなくて じー... やっ! プイッ ガン よしよしみーちゃんにもあとで揉ませてあげますからねー 148 じーー... staaare キャ キャッ chatter chatter 蜜柑ちゃん Mikan-chan, あそこの子たちと一緒に遊んでくる? you want to go play with those kids? はっ gasp ブンブン shake shake サッ slide ありゃ...恥ずかしいのかな? Oh...? Is she too shy? 149 ほら Here, 蜜柑ちゃん 見て look, Mikan-chan! お魚だよ Fishies! わー! Waoww! おさかなすごーい! Fishies... amazing! おいしそー! They look tasty! 食べちゃダメェ!! No!! Don't eat them!!! 150 あははははは Ah ha ha ha ha! あはは Ah ha ha... 食べてもおいしくないよー! Even if you /could/ eat 'em, they wouldn't be "tasty"! うちのお店のお魚の方がおいしいよ If you want some tasty fish, try the ones at my family's shop! え? Huh? おさかなかってるの? You have fishies for pets? 飼ってないよー They're not /pets/. 死んでるもん They're dead. でもいっぱいいるの But there's a whooole lot of them! ももちゃんのうちはお魚屋さんなんだよ Momo-chan's family runs a fish market. 食べれるお魚いっぱい売ってるの They sell all different kinds of fish for you to eat. 151 しゅごーい! Wowww! Amazing! あはは Ah ha ha! なんでもすごーいってね You think everything is "amazing"! キャッキャッ chatter chatter こうやってちっさい子たちと遊んでると Playing around with little kids like this... 童心思い出してワクワクするよね really does bring back that child's spirit in you, doesn't it? 152 ちっちゃい頃はいろんな遊びしたなぁ We used to play all kinds of games back when we were little. 池に泳いでるメダカを延々眺めたり Swimming in the pond, looking at all the killifish... こうやって Or... ぐっ squeeze ヒメジョオン飛ばして遊んだりね firing off the heads of daisies, like this. ピン pwing! あいたっ Ow! 柊の実干して干しブドウみたいにしたり Drying up holly fruit to make it look like raisins... あーやったやった! Ooh, I remember that! つい気になってヘビイチゴ食べてみたりね Eating up false strawberries, just to try them out... でも今になって考えるとあれ食べちゃダメだよね Though come to think of it, we really shouldn't have been eating those. あはははは Ah ha ha ha ha ha 153 田舎の子って恐ろしいな... Country kids are a bit frightening... リコちゃんは子供の頃 Y'know, when you were little, Riko-chan... ガマが毛虫みたいでこわいって言ってよく泣いてたよね You used to be afraid of cattails because they looked like caterpillars. They'd always make you cry. ビェー Bwahhhhhh うん...あれは今でも苦手だわ Yeah... I'm still not particularly fond of them. 154 すずや Suzuya さぁ~ 子供たち! All right, kiddies! Step right up! 蜜柑ちゃんと仲よくなってくれたお礼に As thanks for being so nice to Mikan-chan today... なんでも好きなものを奢ってあげるわ! you can pick out whatever treats you like! みーちゃんの自腹で All on Mii-chan. ワーイ Yay! そこはゆーちゃんのオゴリじゃ!? What!? Not on /you/, Yuu-chan!? さすがの守銭奴っぷりだわ... Never underestimate a born cheapskate. 155 夏休みはにぎやかでいいねぇ How lively! This is what summer should be like. エッヘヘ Eh heh heh ばあちゃーん Grandma. カルピスウォーターちょーだ... Can I get a bottle of Calpis Water... あづー... Lord, it's hot... ガララ slide って うげっ ...Oh. Yuck. うげっ とはなんだこら "Yuck"? Really? おおー たえちゃんちょうどいいところに! Oh ho! Tae-chan! Great timing! これでイルカ部全員集合だねっ Now we've got the whole Iruka Club together! いや Nah, 私 図書館で宿題する途中なので... I'm actually getting my summer homework done down at the library, so I'll just get back to that... 156 は!? What!? こんな夏休みの初めから宿題とかバカじゃないのあんた! You're doing your homework /right at the start/ of summer break!? Are you a total /idiot/!? クスクス giggle そこまで焦らなくてもいいのにー I think you're in a bit /too much/ of a rush. ねー Isn't she! イラッ twitch バカはあんたらだ /You two/ are the total idiots!! 来年受験生じゃねーのか 勉強しろ!! You're applying to college next year!! Do some studying!! 157 もうすっかり馴染んじゃって Look at that... already the best of friends. さすがの我が町の未来を狙う子供たち! Because the children of our town always look towards the future! そうね~ That's right. あなたたち5人もすっかり仲よくなってるしねぇ Just like the five of you becoming best friends. えっ... Eh? そ...そう見えますか? Is... is that how we come off? うんうん You bet. だってほらグリコちゃんなんてもう表情からして... Why, just look at the expression on Glico-chan's face. まだ名前間違うかい アンタ Getting my name wrong again? 158 すや すや zz zz 大丈夫?重くない? Are you okay? She's not too heavy? 全然イケル鍛えてるし I got this! It's muscle training. ハッ Hah! あれ...みんなは? Huh? Where'd everybody... キョロ turn 残念 Sorry. もう帰っちゃったよ They all went home. 159 しょんな... Aww... みっちゃまだばいばいっていえてないのに... I didn't get to say bye-bye... はいっ これ Here you go! ももちゃんたちからだよ This is from Momo-chan. 160 また会えるおまじないだって It's a charm that means, "We'll meet again"! わぁ... Wow... しゅごい...! Amazing! みっちゃぜったいまた I'll definitely, definitely... おんせんあそびにくるねっ! come visit here sometime again! うんっ Any time! いつでも待ってるよ! We'll be waiting for you!