Someday, We'll Get There by Nishi Asuka Translation by Multiball [1/24 (00489.jpeg)] …休学扱いになってたから復学の手続きはできたけど… ...After acting like I was leaving, they did the paperwork to put me back in school... 転校するって言ったばっかりなのに気まずい… But I feel pretty bad, having just said I was transferring... (flt) 揺篭さんは転校することに As it happens, Yurikago-san (flt) なりました Will be transferring. (flt) あれ… Uh... (flt) 転校したんじゃ…? Didn't she transfer...? (upside-down textbook) 数学A Mathematics A とにかく目立てないように… Let's just try not to stand out... ミノ! Mino! (upside-down textbook) 数学A Mathematics A 教科書なんて読んでたら目が悪くなるわよ If you keep reading textbooks, your eyes will go bad. [2/24 (00490.jpeg)] 楽しむということ極めるということ Having fun, Getting good [3/24 (00491.jpeg)] 四条ちゃんなんで私のクラスに…? Shijou-chan, why are you in my class...? そうそう! That's right! 実はミノに渡したいものがあって… Actually, there's something I want to give you... (sfx) コソッ psst はいこれ Here. これで授業中も練習できるから! You can use this to practice even during class! まずは投げ抜けをマスターしてるね Start by mastering throw techs. じゃっ Later. こっちのほうが目悪くなりそうだけど… I think this would make my eyes get worse... ねぇねぇ Hey! Hey! 谷口さんと仲良いの⁉ Are you friends with Taniguchi-san‽ [4/24 (00492.jpeg)] …谷口さんって? ...Who's "Taniguchi-san?" 今話してたじゃない Weren't you just talking to her? 四条さん=谷口さん⁉ Shijou-san = Taniguchi-san‽ 本名あったんだ… So she had a real name... 谷口さんってすっごくきれいだし勉強も運動もなんでもできてすてきだよねー Taniguchi-san is /really/ pretty, and she's good at school and sports! She can do anything! She's wonderful! でも誰ともあんまり話さないしミステリアスな感じー But she doesn't talk to anybody much, and she's got this air of mystery... そこがいいんだよー I love that about her! (sfx) キャッ キャッ Squeal! Squeal! ところで揺篭さんて転校するんじゃなかったっけ? By the way, Yurikago-san, weren't you going to transfer? あ… 実は…… Oh... Actually... (flt) かくかくしかじかで… Blah blah blah... (flt) そうなんだー Oh, okay. (flt) へー Whoa... [5/24 (00493.jpeg)] (sfx) キーンコーンカーンコーン ding dong dang dong (sfx) サッ fwsh ミノー! Minooo! お昼ごはんどうするの? What are you doing for lunch? え… Uh... 購買でパン買おうと思ってるけど… I was thinking I'd by some bread at the school store... そんなのダメ! Not gonna happen! 私と一緒に来て! You're comming with me! ええ⁉ Whaat‽ [6/24 (00494.jpeg)] …部室糖 ...This is the clubroom wing. 四条ちゃんって部活やってるんだ Shijou-chan is in a club? まぁ四条ちゃんのことだから… Well, for Shijou-chan... (sign) ゲーム部 Video games club それ意外考えられない… I couldn't imagine anything else... (sign) 園芸部 Gardening club …四条ちゃんって園芸部だったの…⁉ ...Shijou-chan, you're in the gardening club‽ 今は私しか部員いないから正式には認可されてないけどね I'm the only member right now, so it's not officially recognized. ミノに見せたいものがあるの There's something I want to show you. [7/24 (00495.jpeg)] …畑? ...A plot? ミノは高等部からモス学だったよね? Mino, you started coming here in high school, right? う…うん… Uh... Yeah... 私は中等部のときから一人でこの畑を守ってきたの…! I've been taking care of this plot all by myself since middle school...! これ食べてみて Here, try this. (sfx) コトッ klak [8/24 (00496.jpeg)] ささ!がぶっと! Go on! Chomp it! え…丸ごと…? Huh...? Eat it whole...? (sfx) ガブッ chomp きゅうりなのに味が濃い! It's just a cucumber, but the taste is so strong! なんていうか…シャキシャキ感がすごい‼ It feels so... So incredibly crisp! でしょでしょ! I know, right? 中等部のときから試行錯誤してみた自慢の野菜よ I've been growing these vegetables through trial and error since middle school! They're my pride and joy! (flt) 土からちがうわ Straight outta the ground, they're something else 四条ちゃんにもゲーム以外の趣味があったんだね…! So even you have hobbies outside of video games...! (flt) 意外… I wouldn't've guessed... ゲームのためだけど I do it for video games, though. え What? [9/24 (00497.jpeg)] 私… So... お母さんから毎日お昼ごはん代500円もらってるんだけどね… Every day, I get five hundred yen from my mom for lunch, right? 5袋入り400円のチ●ンラーメンを毎日1袋ずつ食べたらお腹がすいちゃって… If I eat one bag from a four-hundred-yen five-pack of Chi●●●n Ramen every day, I'll be hungry... (sfx) ふっ Hmph そこで自分で野菜を育てることにしたの! So I started growing my own vegetables! ラーメン80円+種とか肥料とか雑費ちょとかかるけど合計してせいぜい100円で400円あまる! Eighty yen for ramen, plus seeds and fertilizer and stuff—there's the odd expense, but it doesn't come out to more than 100 yen—four hundred yen saved! 1日4クレよ4クレ‼ That's four credits a day! Four credits!! (sidebar) もっと安い場合もあります Sometimes, it's even cheaper (flt) 1クレ=100円… そんな単位が… 1 credit = 100 yen... That's the denomination... この季節はトマトやきゅうりが中心だけど This season is mostly about tomatoes and cucumbers (sfx) ぐつぐつ burble burble 夏になったらネギを植えるの! But when Summer comes, I'm planting leeks! チ●ンラーメンによく合うわ They go well with Chi●●●n Ramen. (flt) ゆくゆくはにわとりを飼ってたまごも… Someday, I'll keep chickens for eggs, too... ごはん代まで削ってゲームしてるんだ… You're skimming off even your food money to play video games... 大変じゃない? Isn't that hard on you? 全然! Not at all! [10/24 (00498.jpeg)] いっぱいゲームできるほうが嬉しいから 'Cause it makes me happier if I can play a lot of video games! あ そうだ! Oh, that's right! ミノ一人暮らしなんだから持って帰って食べなよ! You live by yourself, so take these home and eat 'em! (sfx) モリ モリ stack pile そういえばオクラもそろそろ食べごろなはず Now that you mention it, the okra should be about ready for harvest, too. [11/24 (00499.jpeg)] wikiは覚えた? Did you memorize the wiki? うーん… No... そもそも意味がわからないから頭に入らないというか… I don't understand what it means, so you could say it's in one ear and out the other... フレームって何? What's a "frame?" …そうか……知らない人もいるよね…… ...I see... There are people who don't know... (flt) そんなびっくるすること? Is it really so surprising? 簡単に言うとー To put it simply... [12/24 (00500.jpeg) ] フレームっていうのは… A "frame"... ゲーム内の時間を表す単位のことで「一秒=60F(フレーム)」なのよ 格闘ゲームのフレームレートは基本的60fpsだからね アニメーションのコマ割りのことを指して使うことのほうが多いかもね Is the unit of time in video games. 1 second is 60 frames, 'cause fighting games basically run at 60 frames per second. It's probably used more often to indicate cell divisions in animation. 3D格闘ゲームの動きは一秒間に60枚の画で構成されたアニメーションデータで表現されているのよ Movement in 3D fighting games is expressed with animation data that's formatted to have sixty images in a one-second window. (bubble) 1秒=60F 0.1秒=6F 1 second = 60 frames 0.1 seconds = 6 frames ちなみにゲーム中の動きを指してモーションって言ったりするわね By the way, when a character in a video game moves, people talk about the move's "animation." 技モーションのフレーム Attack animation frames 発生13F(総フレ52F)の左アッパーの例 Example: left uppercut active frame 13 (52 total frames) (timeline 1F) 開始フレ Start frame (arrow) アニメーション補間 tween frames (timeline 13F) ヒット発生フレーム hitbox becomes active (timeline 38F) キャンセルフレーム ココまで硬直 Cancellable frames Won't accept inputs before now (timeline 52F) 終了 Ending frame かまえ→予備動作(タメ)→ヒット→フォロースルー→かまえ neutral stance → startup → active → recovery → neutral stance 硬直フレーム………… Neutral frames: 技の入力後操作可能になるまでのフレームのこと 硬直フレーム以後は別の動作に移行可能 キャンセルフレームともいう The frames during which you can input moves. Once you do a move, your inputs won't be accepted until a certain point. A move is said to be "cancellable as soon as" the first frame that will accept a new input. 持続フレーム………… Active frames: 発生フレームから攻撃判定終了までのフレームのこと The frames from when a move's hitbox comes out until its hitbox ends. 発生フレーム………… "Active on frame X:" 入力してから攻撃判定が出るまでにかかるフレームのこと A move whose hitbox first becomes active on frame X is said to be "active on frame X," or to "come out on frame X." アニメーチョン補間… Tween frames: 入力直後の動作からなめらかに画がつながるように仲割りを入れるシステム アニメーションデータ間をブレンドしたりもする 補間が入ることで相手がどの技を出したのか視認可能になるまでに数フレーム必要(設定されている補間フレーム数による) A system for filling in frames to make the images flow seamlessly into motion following an input. Sometimes combined with gaps in animation data. Because of the interpolation, it takes a number of frames before your opponent can recognize which move you've performed (depending on the number of tween frames the system uses). 総フレーム………… Total frames: アニメーションデータの開始から終了のフレーム The frames from the animation data's start until its end. [13/24 (00501.jpeg) ] 発生フレーム Active frame フレーム的に五分の状況で技を出し合った時は基本的に発生の早い技が勝つ Fundamentally, when two moves are thrown out at the same time, the move with the earlier active frame wins, all other things being equal. (flt) 発生14F Active on frame 14 (flt) 発生10F Active on frame 10 ステータスによる攻防 Offense and defense depending on state 発生の早さで勝っていても上段判定の技はしゃがみステーツに負ける ちなみにしゃがみステータスの技はジャンプステータス技に負ける Even if a move wins by coming out faster, a move with a high hitbox will lose against an opponent in a crouching state. Incidentally, crouching moves lose to moves in a jump state. (flt) しゃがみ crouching (sfx) スカッ whiff (flt) たち standing (flt) 生ロー raw sweep 有利フレーム Frame Advantage 技のヒット/ガード時に硬直差で有利になるフレーム 相手よりも先に動ける状況 When your move hits or is blocked, the difference between your opponent's stun and your move's cooldown can leave frames where you have an advantage; a situation in which you can move before your opponent can. 例)ヒット+2とか Ex.: +2 on hit (flt) ドリャ Hi-yah! (sfx) バリバリバリ reeling (flt) 動ける can move (flt) 動けない cannot move 不利フレーム Frame Disadvantage 技のヒット/ガード時に硬直差で不利を背負うフレーム 相手の方が先に動ける状況 マイナスフレームと言ったりもする When your move hits or is blocked, the difference between your opponent's stun and your move's cooldown can leave frames where you shoulder a disadvantage; a situation in which your opponent can move before you can. Also called "minus frames." 例)あの新技マイナスいくつ? Ex.: That new move is minus how many frames? (flt) ライトウー WR4 (flt) ガンッ whack (flt) 動けない cannot move (flt) 動ける can move 確定反撃(確反) Reversals 略して"確反" ガード後反撃が確定するフレーム状況に適した技を出すこと Throwing out an appropriate move in the frames after blocking during which you can begin a counter-attack. 例えばガード硬直ー16の技の場合発生16F以内の技が確定反撃として可能する For example, against a move that's minus 16 on block, you can use a move that comes out faster than 16 frames as a reversal. フレームの知識があれば確定反撃の部分で大きくリターンがとれるからね!情報戦も重要よ If you've got frame knowledge, you'll net big returns off of reversals! The information war is critical, too! [14/24 (00502.jpeg)] いやいやいや No, no, no. フレームの知識なんて最初はいらないでしょ You don't need frame knowledge right off the bat. え?この前の… Huh? You're from that time... このお店よく来るんですか? Do you go to this arcade a lot? あんまり来ないんだけど Well, no, not much. やってみたい新作がこの辺だとここしか入らなくて But it's the only place around here that has the new game I wanna try. なんでZTTが‼ What's ZTT doing here‽ 四条ちゃんなんでさっきから暗号叫んでるの? Why'd you start screaming in code, Shijou-chan? ああ ZTTっていうのは私のプレイヤーネームだよ Oh, ZTT is my gamertag. [15/24 (00503.jpeg)] 久しぶり It's been a while. 二人はお友だち…? Are you two friends...? 友だちじゃない! We're not friends! 四条は相変わらず頭でっかちだなぁ I see you're still stuck on theorycrafting. フレームは慣れてきてから覚えたらいいよ You can memorize the frames once you've gotten a feel for things. まずはコンボ覚えてみたら? How about learning some combos first? [16/24 (00504.jpeg)] ミノは私が教えるの I'm the one teaching Mino! 余計なこと吹き込まないでよ Don't go mouthing off! No one asked you! 教え方か悪ければ伸びるものも伸びないんじゃない? If your teaching's bad, even a natural student won't learn a thing. 下手したら格ゲー嫌いになっちゃうかもね If you suck at it, who knows? She might end up hating fighting games. よければ格ゲーも私が教えようか If you don't mind, I guess I could add fighting games to my curriculum. 四条よりうまいよ I'm better than Shijou. 教えるのも対戦自体も At both teaching and in the ring. …教え方が悪いかどうか… ...Why don't we see... (sfx) ぐっ clench たしかめてみればいいじゃない… Whether or not my teaching is bad... [17/24 (00505.jpeg)] 私がミノを強くしてみせる I'll make Mino strong, you'll see! あんたにも勝てるくらいに Strong enough to beat even you! 一種か…いや二週間… In a wee— No, two weeks... やっぱり1ヶ月で! Well, okay, in a month! (flt) ひよったなぁ… Way to lame out... 私にミノちゃんと勝負しろってこと? You want me and Mino to fight? なんでわざわざ You asked for it. ご褒美でもないとやる気でないなー But gee, if there's no prize, it's hard to get serious, you know? ごほうび……? A prize...? ええと…じゃあ… Well... Then... 負けたほうが勝ったほうのお願いなんでもきく…とか Like... The loser has to do the winner any favor she wants? 言ったね You said it! [18/24 (00506.jpeg)] もし私が勝ったら So if I win 格闘ゲーはほどほどにして Cut back on the fighting games 私といっぱい音ゲーやろうね And play a ton of rhythm games with me, okay? 6になってからはあんまり触ってないからブランクはあるけど I haven't touched it much since 6 came out, so I'm out of shape 1ヶ月もあれば十分 But a whole month will be plenty. それにしても四条は自信家だね Even so, that's some confidence you got, Shijou. 自分が私に負けてたのに You always lost to me ミノちゃんを勝たせられると思うなんて But you still think you can make Mino win! (flt) 6買って買えろ~ Let's buy 6 and head home! [19/24 (00507.jpeg)] どどどど どうしよう… Wh—Wh—Wh—Wh— Whaddawedo...? 売り言葉に買い言葉で言っちゃたけど1ヶ月って時間なさすぎでしょ… I know I said it just to get back at her for picking a fight, but one month is way too little time... 四条ちゃん… Shijou-chan... 四条ちゃんってZTTさんに負けたの…? You lost to ZTT-san...? 直球で聞かないでよ‼ Don't just ask straight up!! 最近は全然やってないみたいだけど It doesn't seem like she's been playing at all recently (flt) ミャオ使い Myao player あいつ…ZTTは But she... ZTT... 5時代には有名プレーヤーだったの She was a big name during 5. 今やったら負ける気はしないけど… I don't feel like I'd lose if we played now, but... 一昨年対戦した時は3タテくらった… Year before last, she handed it to me three times straight... [20/24 (00508.jpeg)] 四条ちゃん 私…ZTTさんに勝てると思う? Do you think... I can beat ZTT? ……正直わからない ...I honestly don't know. …よかった ...Thank goodness. え…? Whu...? わかならいってことは勝てる可能性もあるって思ってくれるんでしょ If you don't know, then that means you think it's at least possibile I might win. それなら In that case がんばってみる価値はあるんじゃないかなって… I figure it's worth it to give it my best shot... ミノ… Mino... [21/24 (00509.jpeg)] よし! Alright! こうなったら徹底的にZTT対策やるわよ! Now we gotta completely flesh out an anti-ZTT strategy! ZTTとの対戦まで合宿よ! It's boot camp here until you fight ZTT! 1ヶ月も⁉ For a whole month‽ 寝てる…… She's sleeping... (flt) 勝手におふとんしいてるし… And she helped herself to that futon... (sfx) すー すー zzz zzz ちゃんとお家に連絡したの? Did she call home, at least? (flt) かぜうぃくよ She'll catch a cold [22/24 (00510.jpeg)] 四条ちゃんって…… Man, Shijou-chan... (sfx) カチャッ カチャカチャ tik tik tik …ミノ まだ起きてたの? ...Mino, you're still awake? 私ももう寝る I'm going to sleep, too. …私さ ...Y'know ん? Hm? 何かを真剣にやろうとしたことってなくて I'd never decided to try seriously at something. [23/24 (00511.jpeg)] …少しだけ格ゲーがんばりはじめてみて ...And when I started to try at fighting games, just a little 一生懸命やるって大変なことだなって思ったの I thought that playing like your life depended on it must be really tough. ZTTちゃんはゲームは楽しむのが一番っていってたけど ZTT-chan said that the number-one thing in video games is having fun いつのまにそんな会話を… When did they talk about that...? 本番で失敗したらどうしようとか But what if I lose the day of? 緊張して全部忘れちゃったらどうしようとか What if I get nervous and forget everything? 練習すればするほど不安になっちゃう The more I practice, the more nervous I get. 対戦するのまだ先なのにね Even though the fight isn't for a while yet. …ねぇ 四条ちゃん ...Say, Shijou-chan. 何…? What..? [23/24 (00512.jpeg)] 格ゲーって何がおもしろいの? What's so interesting about fighting games?