Someday, We'll Get There By Nishi Asuka Translation by Multiball [1/24 (501.jpg)] 常にオバヒで動けなくなるまでブースト使ってるけどそれじゃ勝てないからね You always use your boost until you overheat and you can't move. You can't win like that. あぁ それと Oh, yeah, and— ミノ! Mino! 四条ちゃん!ZTTさんも! Shijou-chan! And ZTT-san! …何してるの? ...What are you doing? 今リプレイ動画を見ながらお説教してもらってるところ I was just getting a lecture while we were watching a replay. [2/24 (502.jpg)] 悲しいけど、これってゲームなのよね It sucks, but that's the game. [3/24 (503.jpg)] …まぁ無事ならそれでいいわ ...Well, if you're not hurt, then that's fine. (sfx) ぐいっ grip 帰ろう Let's get going. (sfx) ぬっ lurk ちょっと待った Hold it. わっ! Wah! …あんたが四条? ...You Shijou? じゃああなたが… Then, you're... [4/24 (504.jpg)] 二代目北条政子… Houjou Masako the... ちがうよ!XXー二代目北条政子ーXXちゃんだよ‼ No! She's Double-X Houjou Masako the Second Double-X-chan!! 普段はXXXXって名前使ってるんだって! She says she usually uses the name XXXX (Double-X Two)! ……?あぁそう…… ...? Uh, okay... 大体なんでミノがこんなとこでジャングルVSやってるの? Why are you playing Jungle Versus here in the first place? 四条に聞いたときは焦ったよ When I asked Shijou, she freaked out. やーかくかくしかじかで Oh, you know, this, that and the other... (sfx) ぐうう~ grrrr~ (sfx) チリン チリン ting ting なんの音? What's that sound? 店員さん呼ぶベルじゃない? Isn't that a bell for calling the staff? うちのメイドの呼び鈴だよ It's a chime for calling our maid. メイド…⁉ Maid...‽ [5/24 (505.jpg)] ゼロ! Zero! (sfx) そっ fwp ……零子です ...It's "Reiko." はじめまして純偶家の家政婦を務めております 零子と申します Pleased to meet you. I'm employed as a housekeeper to the house of Jinguu. You may call me "Reiko." (sfx) ふか ふか shff shff どうぞよろしくお願いします I hope our acquaintance be agreeable. あ…こちらこそ… Ah... I do, as well... ゼロ Zero この子の分も夕飯用意して Make enough dinner for her, too. えっ⁉ Huh‽ 丁重にもてなして It's the hospitable thing to do. ミノを私の相方として育てることにしたから After all, I'm grooming you to be my partner now. ちょっ…… Wai— [6/24 (506.jpg)] お腹すいたから家に行こう I'm hungry. Let's go. 四条ちゃん ZTTさん Shijou-chan, ZTT-san 心配かけちゃったみたいでごめん I guess I worried you, and I'm sorry for that. 来てくれてありがとう Thanks for coming for me. 早く早く Hurry it up. (sfx) ぐいっ grab わあっ Waaah! まぁよかったじゃんなにかトラブってるって感じもないし So I guess it's fine. Doesn't even seem like she's in any sort of trouble. ……とりあえず ...So anyway もう帰っていい? Can I go home now? [7/24 (507.jpg)] このお城自体がXXXXちゃんのおうちなんだ…… So Double-X Two-chan lives in the castle itself... ミノー 夕食なにがいい? Mino, whaddaya want for dinner? 牛肉?豚肉?鶏肉? Beef? Pork? Chicken? すみません球にお邪魔しちゃって…… I'm sorry for dropping in so suddenly... (flt) お夕食まで For dinner, even いえいえ Not at all. ひさしぶりのご来客でうれしゅうございます I'm delighted to be entertaining after so long. 以前はよくお友だちがいらっしゃってたのですが… There was a time when we would often welcome friends... あぁそうでした Ah, yes. お食事の前に親御さんにご連絡を Before the meal, you may desire to contact your parents. あ…… Oh... 私今一人暮らしなので…… I live by myself right now, so... あんたも苦労してんろね It's been a hard life, hasn't it? え…?別に… Huh...? Not really... [8/24 (508.jpg)] わああ…! Wow...! おいしそう!いただきます This looks great! Thank you. ねぇミノ Hey, Mino 今日はうちに泊まっていくでしょ? You're sleeping over tonight, right? (flt) 明日日曜だし It is Sunday tomorrow うーん…それは…… Actually... I think... 決まりね! Alright, it's on! えっ Uh ちょっと待って Wait a minute ゼロー 支度してー Zero! Get everything ready! [9/24 (509.jpg)] (sfx) バッ bam (sfx) バッ bam (sfx) ババッ ka-bam (flt) 息子が塾から帰る時間ですのでこれで It is time for my son to return from his lessons, so here I take my leave (flt) おつかれ様です Thank you for your work ミノ!家庭用使って練習するから私の部屋に来て Mino, come to my room! We'll practice on the console version. (sfx) ブー ブー vvvvvvvt vvvvvvvt (sfx) 早く早く Hurry it up (phone) 四条ちゃん Shijou-chan (phone) 通信中 Calling (sfx) ブー ブー vvvvvvvt vvvvvvvt …出ない ...She's not picking up. [10/24 (510.jpg)] 普通にさっきの子と一緒にいると思うけど I think she's just with the girl from earlier, like normal. それならそれで連絡くらいはくれてもいいでちょ If that were case, then you'd think she'd at least let me contact her! 重… Clingy... ねーもう帰っていい? So can I go home now? 何がそんなに気に入らないのさ How come this bugs you so much, anyway? だってあの子がミノの才能に気づいて本気で相方にしようのしてたら…… Well, if she recognizes Mino's talent and seriously tries to make her her partner, then... そういえばミノちゃん初めて音ゲーやった時もいきなりフルコンきめてたな Now that you mention it, she got a full combo the first time she played a rhythm game, too. 別にいいじゃんいろんなゲームやったって So she plays all sorts of video games. So what? そこから得られるものもあるかもしれないし Maybe she can get something out of them, too. (flt) ジャングルVS私もたまにやるけどおもしおりよ I play Jungle Versus too every once in a while. It's fun. プロゲーマーだってメインでやってるゲーム以外は一切触らないなんてほうが少数派な気がするけど And besides, the pro gamers who never touch a single game outside of their main are the minority, I feel. [11/24 (511.jpg)] ……そんなの ...I know that わかってるけど…… But... そんなに心配なら明日もう一度行ってみたらいいんじゃない If you're that worried, then why don't you go back again tomorrow? じゃ 私はこれで Okay, that's it for me. おじゃましましたー Thanks for having me. (sfx) パタンッ ka-chak 四条って… Man, Shijou... [12/24 (512.jpg)] ……この机って… ...This desk is... ーミノはさ ...So Mino ゲームだ勝ちたいの?楽しみたいの? Do you want to win at video games? Or have fun? どっち? Which is it? んー… Hmm... [13/24 (513.jpg)] 私は…楽しんで勝ちたい! I want...To have fun winning! (flt)できればイノシシで As the boar if I can …わかった特訓開始ね ...I getcha. Training starts now. じゃ 今日説明した中で分かってなさそうな部分から教えていくかな Okay, maybe first, I'll teach you the stuff I explained to you today that looked like it went over your head. まずは操作系から言うと I'll start with stuff about the controls. ステップ全然踏んでなかったけど…あれ超重要だから You weren't boost stepping at all...But that's really super-important. ステップってダッシュよりも動かないし使いにくいなって I was thinking the boost step doesn't go as far as the boost dash, and it's hard to use. (sfx) ギュイイン‼ Vrrrrrm!! (flt) ダッシュ boost dash (sfx) すいー fwp (flt) ステップ boost step (flt) ダッシの場合 On boost dash (sfx) ビュン fwoom (sfx) ドカッ kablam (flt) ステップの場合 On boost step (sfx) スカッ Whff ステップは的の武装の誘導を切ることができるの A boost step can cut the tracking on your opponent's weapons. 要は弾が追いかけてこなくなる Essentially, the shot will stop following you. まあ普通の弾は大体の場合ダッシュでも避けられるけど Well, I guess in most cases you can dodge the shot even with a boost dash. [14/24 (514.jpg)] 銃口補正が誘導な武装や強誘導の高速弾も… Even tracking weapons with muzzle correction or fast shots with good tracking... (flt) 強誘導めちゃ追いかける Good tracking will really chase you down (sfx) ビューン vwom (flt) 銃口補正で振り向く The muzzle correction makes them face you (sfx) ぐるん twist (sfx) ドリュ fshoom ステップを踏むことで回避可能 Can be avoided by doing a boost step. 発射から時間差で誘導がかかるめんどい武装もあるけど… But there are some annoying weapons where there's a delay after the shot before the tracking starts... (flt) サッ hup (flt) そうなんだー Oh, I see さらに…こんなふうに‼ And then... Just like this—!! (sfx) カッ rage (sfx) うおおおお Graaaah わあ Wah! (sfx) ピタッ halt (sfx) スー。。。 slide 格闘攻撃の誘導を切って回避することができるし It can cut tracking on melee attacks to avoid them ステップを踏むと相手の格闘攻撃追従もそこで止まる And doing a boost step can stop your opponent's melee follow-up dead, too. 触れもしない相手の慣性に影響を与えるとか闇が深いわ And some stuff is really weird, like influencing your opponent's inertia even if they're not touching you. [15/24 (515.jpg)] そういえば 殴りにいったのに急に進まなくなったことあったなあ… Now that you mention it, there were some times I'd go in to fight, and all of a sudden I couldn't move forward... (sfx) ピタッ halt (sfx) ブン shake (sfx) ガリ chomp (sfx) シュンッ whush (flt) 虹ステ rainbow step 他にも格闘攻撃のキャンセルやコンボのつなぎにも使うの Also, you can use it to cancel melee attacks or keep a combo going. (flt) よいしょ There we go あとステップ踏みで覚えておくべき操作テクとして『ふわステ』がある While we're talking about boost steps, you should remember the "fuwa step" movement tech. 操作テクは他にもあるけど…それやることに必死になるからまだいいや There's other movement tech besides, but...They're pretty damn hard to do, so we'll leave them for later. (cat) ふわステ Fuwa Step (flt) ステップ入力+ジャンプボタン Step input + jump button ステップをジャンプでキャンセルすることで誘導を切りつつ姿勢を維持したまま移動するテクニック A technique consisting of canceling a boost step with a jump, cutting tracking and moving while maintaining your angle. (sfx) ガッ chomp (sfx) スカッ whff (sfx) ステ step (sfx) ふわっ fuwah (sfx) ドキューン kablam 敵の攻撃から逃げようとする際ダッシュや慣性ジャンプの場合相手に背を向けることになるけど『ふわステ』なら振り向き撃ちを回避しつつ射撃に迎撃可能 When fleeing an enemy attack, a boost dash or inertia jump will turn your back to your opponent. But if you do a "fuwa step," it's possible to avoid turning around and be able to return fire. 次は立ち回り… Next is positioning... (sfx) すっ whp 3000x2000の組み合わせの場合低コスト側は… When you're a 3k/2k team, then it's the low-cost that... (flt) うーん… Hmmmmmm... …とりあえず調子に乗らないことかな ...Anyway, I guess just don't get carried away. (flt) ガーン shock [16/24 (516.jpg)] 要するに後衛やりたいなら序盤はリスクを抑えた動きをするってこと The important thing is that if you want to be the rear guard, make moves to control the risks when there's an opening. ずっと下がってれば良いってわけじゃなくて体力調整次第だけど前衛先落ち後は少しは前に出て欲しい It's not like you can just hang back forever. It's dependent on your health, but when the forward guard goes down first, you want to to go out a bit in front after that. そのためにもお互いの体力をある程度把握する必要があるから攻撃喰らったら通信ボタン押す癖をつけてね That's another reason you need to have some handle on each other's health. If you eat an attack, you should get in the habit of hitting the comm button. 試合中盤以降の流れだけど… And then after the mid-game... …話聞いてるのか? ...Is she listening? …実際にやりながら説明する ...I'll explain while we're actually playing. ゲーム機動しよ… Let's start the game up... (flt) わーい yay! [17/24 (517.jpg)] とりあいず固定ランクマいくか… Hell, might as well do a ranked match... 色々教えてもらったしがんばらなきゃ! She's taught me so much. I've gotta go for it! わああ! Waah! だから前に出過ぎだって‼ I /told/ you you're going out in front too much!! (sfx) アアア Aaah (sfx) ズコッ thud 位置取りについても色々あるけど…簡単な方法だと There's a lot on taking ground, but...if you want an easy method 画面に敵2体見える位置に移動することを心掛けるといいよ It's good to try to move into a position that lets you see both enemies on the screen at once. (diagram) 画面 screen (arrows) 敵 enemy (diagram) レーダー radar (arrows) 敵 enemy (arrow) 味方 teammate (arrow) 自分 you 敵片側が見えなくなったらL字取られたり闇討ち喰らう危険度が上がるから気をつけて When you lose sight of one of them, the risk of getting taken in an L-formation or eating a sneak attack increases. Watch out. 覚醒は1試合に2回は使ってね でも覚醒落ちはするなよ Use your awakening two times every match. But don't die while it's active. 了解!トランズー‼ Roger! Tranz-Oo!! うわあああ‼ Uwaaaah! 言ったそばから覚醒して無理に突っ込んで死ぬとか… I told you to stay by my side, and you use awakening, rush in, and die for no reason... [18/24 (518.jpg)] (flt) さー okay 昨日の練習の成果を試すか Let's see the results of yesterday's practice. (poster) 終わらない夢、 An unending dream (poster) 魔境求め挑む。 To find and challenge the wicked. (poster) 5on5チーム戦の最高峰 開催 Announcing the highest peak of 5-on-5 team battle (poster) MASTER杯.10 MASTER CUP.10 こんなのあるんだ… So they have team competitions... なにしんの? The hell are you doing? 早くやろうよ Let's hurry up and play. (flt) あ oh はーい Okay! (flt) テレレレン dun duh nuh nuuuh (flt) テッレレレ duh nuh nuh nuh nuh やったー! Alright! (flt) ぐへへ bwah hah hah 勝てるようになってきたんじゃない Feels like we can win now, eh? [19/24 (519.jpg)] 一夜漬けでここまでやれるなんて Coming so far after one night of cramming— 正直あんた才能あるわ I gotta say, you have some talent. (flt) へへっ tee hee 相方ゲーでした It was a co-op game. 次の対戦相手は…… Our next opponent is... (nameplate) ユニコーン Unicorn (nameplate) パナーシ Panache (nameplate) B覚醒 B awakening (nameplate) クロサイ Black Rhino (nameplate) リディ醤油 Riddhe Soy Sauce (nameplate) B覚醒 B Awakening (nameplate) 課長補佐 Boss's Aide (label) サイド Side こいつ昨日の! These are the bastards from yesterday! …絶対殺す! We /will/ kill them! 開幕ラインを上げた後速攻で私がユニコーンに詰めるから… On opening, I'll rush the unicorn with a quick attack... ついてきて! So stay on me! (flt) アア Aaah (flt) ピュイイン pshwiiing お前は…俺が望んだジャングルではない… You...Are not the Jungle I was hoping for... 了解! Roger! [20/24 (520.jpg)] JNバスターネック! JN Buster Neck! 斬り…裂く! shreds! (sfx) ババ whsh whsh (sfx) シ whoosh (sfx) バ whsh (sfx) ブン whff (sfx) スッ fwp (sfx) ガリ crunch (sfx) ドン blam (sfx) ギュル twist JNタケノコライフル! JN bamboo shoot rifle! (sfx) ドヤア hiyaa (sfx) ドテシ thwump ナイスタケノコ! Nice bamboo shoot! (sfx) ガキン clang (sfx) アア Aaah よし…BD格入った! Good...The BD melee attack connected! (sfx) ドドド clop clop clop [21/24 (521.jpg)] まだここにいるんじゃ… It doesn't look like she's still... …いた ...She is. いい流れ That's the way. じゃあ落ちてくるから離れといて Okay, I'm backing off, so get away. その後は…まだ体力に余裕もあるし少し前に出るね After that... I have some extra health, so I go in front, right? …なんか楽しそう ...It kinda looks like she's having fun! ミノも無視してこっちにきたよ! They ignored you and came after me! (sfx) ギュイン bling 了解! Roger! (sfx) キュイイン gleam [22/24 (522.jpg)] (sfx) ガ whack (sfx) ビュー pew (sfx) ドガン ka-whump このまま覚醒技につないで… And now I can connect my awakening moves into... (sfx) タタンッ tak tak いくぞ!JN大イノシシアーマズ! Here we go! JN great boar arms! 俺が… I... (sfx) ドドド clop clop clop 俺たちが…ジャングルだ‼ We...Are Jungle!! (sfx) ドド clop clop (sfx) バーン pow やった! We did it! リベンジ成功だね We got our revenge! 協力して対戦するのって楽しい…! It's fun to fight in co-operation with someone else...! こういうゲームもあるんだ… And there are games where you can do that... …ミノ ...Mino. [23/24 (523.jpg)] 四条ちゃん! Shijou-chan! …また来たの? ...What, you came back? XXXXちゃん私そろそろ帰るね Double-X Two-chan, it's about time for me to be leaving. え…… Huh...? すっかりお世話になっちゃて… You've already done a lot for me... 借りたお洋服洗って返しにくるから  I'll come back to return the clothes I borrowed once I wash them. 帰らないで Don't leave. どうせ一人暮らしならここに一緒に住めばいいよ If you're living on your own, then you can live here with me. うーん…さすがにそれは…… Uuuuh... I don't think that's... 格ゲーの練習もしたいし I mean, I want to practice fighting games, too. なら格ゲーも私が教えるから Then I'll teach you about fighting games, too. (sfx) ピクッ jolt ……へぇ? ...Oh, yeah? おもしろいこと言うんじゃない Well, how about that. [24/24 (524.jpg)] どっちが教わる立場か… Why don't we see who should be teaching... ミノと猫で対戦してみたらどう? With a fight against Mino on Cats? えぇっ⁉ What‽ …わかった ...I got it. そういうことなら… If that's what we're doing... 見せてもらおうじゃない…ミノの力を Show me what you got... Show me Mino's power.