Someday, We'll Get There By Nishi Asuka Translation by Multiball [1/24 (443.jpg)] 見せてもらおうじゃない ミノの力を… Show me what you got... Show me Mino's power. わ…私がXXXXちゃんと対戦? M...Me, fight Double-X Two-chan? ミノ Mino. ネコマンジ戦は昨日ちょっと見てたわよね You saw some of the Nekomanji matches yesterday, right? う…うん Uh...Yeah. なら…… In that case.. こんなことになるなんて… Why'd it come to this...? (sfx) ジャリン kshank でもやるからには… But now that it has... (sfx) ギューン ギューン whuush whuush (sfx) バキイン crakk [2/24 (444.jpg)] タチハダカルカゲ A shadow blocks the way [3/24 (445.jpg)] ステージはジャングルか… We're going to the Jungle, huh...? まさに私のホーム Got my home stage. 連戦になるろミノはキレ味が落ちる… As the games drag on, Mino will lose her edge... 短期決戦でわからせてやるのよ Wrap it up quick and show her what's what. 全然勝てなくなってきたよー I can't win at all anymore! まだまだだね You still got a ways to go. まあ最近ZTTにも色々教わってるみたいだし… And I guess recently she's been learning a lot from ZTT, too... 対策不足なのは相手も同じ…なんとかなるかな Her opponent's got the same lack of matchup experience... It should all work out. このゲームにもイノシシみたいに突っ込んでくるんじゃないの? So she'll probably barge right at me like a boar in this game, too, right? それなら… So... (sfx) ゴッ grit [4/24 (446.jpg)] (sfx) トウッ Huaa (sfx) スカッ Whff (sfx) スッ whp いきなりパナしてきた… She threw something out of nowhere... ネコマンジのライトゥーはジャブを潜れる良い暴れわざだけど Well, I guess Nekomanji's hop kick is good abare, it'll go through a jab. (sfx) ウオオ Uoogh (sfx) ドン wham あ… Ah... [5/24 (447.jpg)] スカ崩拳…速い‼ A deathfist whiff punish...that's fast!! (sfx) ゴッ whap (flt) ヤア Hiya (sfx) アア Aaah 左アッパーをガードさせた… I made her block the left uppercut... この後は After this... ミノちゃんはもう少し横移動(横歩き)を取り入れてもいいかもね Might be good if you started using a little more sidewalking, Mino-chan. 横移動 Sidestep 画面奥 into the screen 画面手前 out of the screen 横歩き Sidewalking 画面奥 into the screen 画面手前 out of the screen (flt) ちょん入れじゃなくて2回入れる方のが避け幅が大きいよ If you don't just tap, but do the input twice, you dodge a wider range of things 四条ちゃんにも教えてもらったんだけど Shijou-chan taught me about that, too 使い方がいまいちわからなくて… But I'm not quite sure how to use it... 狙いどころとしては…微有利~微不利(±3F前後)の状況から横移動を仕込んでおけば最速で返してくる相手の攻撃をスカさせるよ So here's what you're trying to do... When you're at a slight advantage or disadvantage (±3 frames), you'll make the attack your opponent's throwing whiff if they input it as fast as possible. 左アッパーをガードされた got a block on left uppercut 硬直-2F(キャラによる) -2 frames (character dependent) 横移動が反撃を避ける dodging a counter-attack with a sidestep (sfx) スカッ Whff スカを取れば強い このゲームにおいて横移動(横歩き)キャンセルからのガード&しゃがみはローリスクハイリターンな行動のひとつだね It's good if you can get a whiff. In this game, doing a sidestep or sidewalk cancel into block or crouch are low-risk, high-reward options. (flt) 横に強い攻撃もあるけどそこは読み合いだね There are attacks that are good against side-movement, too, but you know, that's the reads [6/24 (448.jpg)] (sfx) ひゅっ whush (sfx) ババ fwshh fwshh (sfx) バ fwshh ええっ⁉ Wha—‽ (sfx) ウオオ Uoogh (sfx) ビリビリ fzzzzt (sfx) ドン pow な… The hell... スカに崩拳確らせてくる…思ってたよりきちい She's confirming deathfists on whiff...This is tougher than I thought. 1Rは圧勝… The first round is a blowout... 横移動も使えるようになってきてる She's gotten so she can use sidesteps, too. [7/24 (449.jpg)] 今のは油断した…このRは慎重にいこう I was sandbagging... This round, I'll be careful. (sfx) スス… shwhp (sfx) ドド wham bam (sfx) ゴッ bang (sfx) ガ whack (sfx) うくおう blargh 相手が日和ったところにすかさず詰めて… She's keeping the pressure up on a retreating opponent without whiffing... 下段を通した! The low went through! (sfx) バ fwshh (sfx) ヒュ whoosh 近寄んな‼ Get off me!! この技はたしか… Oh, this move must be... (cat) 中断→上段の連携技 mid→high linking moves 中断部分をたちガードした後しゃがみ入力で上段部分をスカすことができる After performing a standing block on the mid portion, a crouch input can cause the high portion to whiff. 中断 mid (sfx) ガッ whack 上段 high (sfx) ブン swing (sfx) スカッ whff (flt) しゃがみ crouch 上段攻撃は硬直が短い上にガード後の距離が離れる技も多いからしゃがまないと相手は出し放題よ In addition to having short blockstun, a lot of high moves will put on some distance after block. If you don't crouch them, your opponent can just keep hitting buttons. 逆に対応できない相手には一生擦り続けてやればいいわ On the other hand, against an opponent you don't know how to deal with, feel free to keep them right up against you. [8/24 (450.jpg)] (sfx) ヒュッ whoosh (sfx) バ fwshh (sfx) スカッ whff (sfx) ザッ fwp やった I did it! 上手く対応できた! I dealt with it! (sfx) ガッ whack (flt) おかわりっ have some more (sfx) アア aah 2発目きっちりしゃがんで浮かせてきた‼ She instantly crouched the second hit and launched me! (sfx) ド pow (sfx) メリ crackle (sfx) うおお Uoogh (sfx) ドサッ thud [9/24 (451.jpg)] (sfx) ガッ whack このレシピは…寝っぱ殺しのダブるアップネタ! This is..An OTG to set up for a reset! コンボ終了後に受身を取らないと4RPLPの最大溜めをダウン状態で喰らう‼ After the combo, if they don't tech, you can hit 'em while they're On The Ground with a max-charged b,1+2! さらに壁際だと… And right against the wall... 起き上がりで再度択れる‼ You can mix 'em up again on wakeup! (sfx) スッ shf これで壁強やられ And here's the wall splat. (sfx) メリッ crackle (sfx) ド wham ガードできなかった⁉ I couldn't block‽ セットプレイでハメられた‼ She set me up! I've been had!! (sfx) ド pow [10/24 (452.jpg)] このままじゃ終われない! Like hell it can end like this! (sfx) ヒュッ whoosh (sfx) ガッ whack (sfx) バ fwshh (sfx) あ agh (sfx) ビリ crack (sfx) ズル slip ネコマンジの3LKしゃがみ移行からの汁払い… Nekomanji's d/f+3 crouch stance into a sweep... あの技って妙にしゃがみ移行するのが速いのよね… That move gets you into a crouch stance oddly fast, huh... もう1回… One more time... (sfx) ヒュッ whush また同じ動き…今度はしゃがめる! The same movement again...I can crouch it this time! もう1回やると見せかけて… Make it look like you're doing it one more time... (sfx) ガコン kachunk ライトゥーぶっぱ! And throw out a hop kick! [11/24 (453.jpg)] (sfx) ズバッ fwoosh (sfx) ドテッ thunk やられた! She got me! でもコンボの途中で落としたこれは…ミスかな? But I fell in the middle of the combo...did she drop it? (sfx) スッ shp それはわからん殺しの受け身狩りよ That's a tech chase gimmick! 起き上がっちゃ駄目なやつ‼ You can't get up against that!! (sfx) ズバッ fwoosh ガード不能技…! An unblockable move...! (sfx) ゴッ pound (sfx) メリメリ crunch [12/24 (454.jpg)] まずい… This is bad... 流れをもってかれた…残り体力はミリ She lost the momentum... She's got a millimeter of health... だけど… However... (sfx) ギュイン bling (sfx) ゴゴ rumble ニャンポーの火事場発動は恐いわよ… Nyanpow is fearsome when his desperation actives... 残り体力的に火事場アーツを重ねられても勝てる… In terms of remaining health, I can win even if she tacks on a desperation art... あと1撃‼ One more hit!! (sfx) ヒュッ whush (sfx) ガ whap (sfx) バ fwshh え…今下段を見てからしゃがんだような… What...? It looked like she blocked low on reaction... (sfx) バキ krack (sfx) ア ah [13/24 (455.jpg)] 確反ぶんぶんフックからの… Confirm the punish off a swinging hook... (flt) ちょっと安いけど… Sorta cheap, but... 受け身狩り前ステ鉄山靠! Tech chase with a forward-step shoulder slam! (sfx) ドン wham やられた…あと一発削れば倒せるのに… She got me... But I can beat her if I can tag her one more time... まだ体力は6割ちょいある I still have about 60% health. 1コンボ喰らってもなんとかなるはず Even if I eat one more combo, I should still be able to make something happen. (sfx) ゴゴゴゴ rumble なのに… But god damn... このプレッシャーはなんなの‼ This pressure is something else!! (sfx) アア aah お願い死んで! Please, just die! (sfx) ズイッ fwp (sfx) バ fwshh [14/24 (456.jpg)] (sfx) ドッ whack (sfx) メリッ crack (sfx) アア aah 飛び膝! A flying knee! パナしてきた‼ Just threw it out!! でもこの技なら致命傷にはならないはず… But this move shouldn't be enough to kill me... 火事場ドライブのスーパ崩拳で拾って… Pick it up with a desperation drive super deathfist... (sfx) バキイン whack (sfx) ドカッ slam 壁までイッキにぶっとばせ! And fling her all the way against the wall! [15/24 (457.jpg)] (sfx) ゆらり swoon ダブニャン天脚! Furniture shredder! (sfx) バ fwshh (sfx) ガッ smack (sfx) ゴ whack (sfx) ガ whack (sfx) ゴッ smack 壁強からの壁がしコン… Wallbreak combo off the wall splat... 最大取りにいった‼ She went for max damage!! (sfx) ドカッ kapow [16/24 (458.jpg)] ……え ...Uh あそこから死ぬの……? I died from there...? (sfx) ほっ phew やったねミノ‼ You did it, Mino!! ……さてこの子と長期戦になると面倒だから ...Now, fighting this kid forever would be a drag, so 逃げるわよ! We're making a break for it! ……えっと ...Um XXXXちゃんまたね! I'll see you later, Double-X Two-chan! [17/24 (459.jpg)] じゃ 私 一旦家に帰るけど Okay, I'm going home for a bit 夕方また来るから But I'll come back in the evening. (flt) あとでね See you later うん Okay. XXXXちゃんに悪いことしたかな I wonder if we treated Double-X Two-chan right. (sfx) でーん bong [18/24 (460.jpg)] 遅かったじゃない You're a bit late, aren'tcha? (sfx) カチャッ ka-chak ミノー Minoooo! お母さんが鶏肉くれたからこれで親子丼作ろー… My mom gave me some chicken, so let's make oyakodon— きゃあああ! Kyaaaaah! な…なにこれ… What... What on Earth... 私が持ってきたの I brought it over. [19/24 (461.jpg)] XXXX…! Double-X Two...! ……家まで追いかけてきたわけ⁉ ...You chased her all the way to her house‽ ……でなんなのこのイノシシは ...And what's the deal with this boar? RG等身大超動物イノシシJNー001チェア It's an RG life-size Super Animal Boar JN-001 chair. ミノの家椅子足りないのかと思って I thought Mino's house might not have enough places to sit. これ椅子なの⁉ That's a chair‽ …椅子ならいっぱいあるじゃない ...If you need a chair, aren't there plenty? だってミノが言ってたから But Mino was telling me 家ではいつも四条ちゃんのとなりに座ってゲームしてるんだ Whenever I play video games with Shijou-chan at my house, she always sits next to me. (flt) こんな風に like this ひとつのソファで? On the same sofa? 狭くない? Isn't that cramped? (sfx) モニター1つで? On only one monitor? そうかなー You think so...? すぐ近くで教えてもらえるし Well, she can teach me if she's right nearby [20/24 (462.jpg)] もう四条ちゃんがとなりにいないほうが変なくらい And anymore, it'd be weirder for her not to be next to me. ーって —And stuff. あ 四条ちゃん Oh! Shijou-chan! XXXXちゃんがおいしそうなハム持って火てくれたの Double-X Two-chan brought some ham that looks really good. あとでみんなで食べよう! We should all eat it together later! あ…うん…… Uh... Yeah... せっかくだからZTTさんも誘ったの Seeing as we're all here anyways, I invited ZTT-san, too. 地図送ったけど道わかるかなー I sent her a map, but I'm not sure she'll know the way. あれ?そういえばXXXXちゃんはなんでうちの場所… Wait... Now that I think about it, Double-X Two-chan, how did you know where my...? あー Oh. ミノ私の服着て帰ったでしょ? You wore some of my clothes home, right? 私の服には全部GPS埋め込まれてんの My clothes all have GPS embedded in them. (flt) ゼロに by Zero [21/24 (463.jpg)] おじゃまします Thank you very much for having me. これつまらないものだけど Here. I know it's not much, but... そんな気を使わないでください Please don't use those kinds of manners. ……あぁ ZTTか… ...Oh, is that you, ZTT...? ねぇそれどういう意味? Hey, what's that supposed to mean? いや… あの黒いパーカー着てないの初めてみたから It's just... I've never seen you without that black hoodie before. だっておうちにお呼ばれしたんだから But Mino-chan invited me into her home! ミノちゃんのご家族に失礼のないようにと思って…… I was just trying not to be rude to her family... (flt) すみません I'm sorry (flt) うちの両親海外にいて… My parents are abroad... (flt) そうなの⁉ They are‽ おまたせー Alright, it's finally ready! [22/24 (464.jpg)] 特製親子丼よ! Specialty-made oyakodon! …おいしい ...This is good. たしかに For sure. 玉ねぎも四条ちゃんが畑で作ってるんだよ! Shijou-chan grew the onions in her plot, too! すごいね四条 That's awesome, Shijou! 料理と農業の才能あるんじゃない? You must have some talent for cooking and gardening. ゲームよりも! Even more than for video games! …なんかむかつく ...You know /just/ want to say, huh? はいお茶 Have some tea. ミノに格ゲー教えたのって四条なんでしょ? Mino, Shijou's the one that taught you fighting games, right? そうだよ? Yes, she was. ……ねぇ四条 ...Hey, Shijou [23/24 (465.jpg)] 私にも格ゲー教えてくんない? Lemme get some fighting game lessons, too. べ…別に教えてあげてもいいけど O...Okay, I guess that's fine 私の指導はきにしいわよ? But it's not going to be easy studying under me, you know? まずは年上への礼儀から教えていかないと First, you need to show your elders some respect. あなた小学何年生? What year are you in grade school? は? What? 私高2だけど Bitch, I'm a second-year in high school. えぇー⁉ Wait, whaaaaaat‽ (flt) 年上ー!⁉ Older than me!‽ (sfx) ペッポペー ペッポペー boop badoo boop badoo (sfx) ピポッ badip [24/24 (466.jpg)] (sfx) ペッポペー ペッポペー boop badoo boop badoo (sfx) ピポッ badip はいはい Yes, I'm coming. みのるー! Minoruuu! 元気?ちゃんと学校行ってる? How are you? Are you going to school and everything? うん Yeah. ごめん今お客さん来てて…… Sorry, I have company over right now... お客さんって引っ越しの日に来てたあの子? Company? Is it the same girl who showed up the day we moved? うん!もう二人 Yeah! And two others! (flt) ほら見て Here, take a look いつの間にそんなに友達が… When did you get those friends...? どこで仲良くなったんだ? Where did you get to know each other? んー… Uh... ゲームセンター! At the arcade!