69 ガラッ slide ぱぁん Po p! おっはよー!! Good morning!! あねご!お勤めお疲れさまっした!! Congratulations on your release, boss!! シャバの空気はいかがっすか!あねご!! How does it feel to breathe the free air again, Boss?!! ギリッ clench あ そうだ Oh yeah, that's right. これ Here, 返しておくわ better give these back to you. 70 なになにー? What? What's that? 服!? え? Clothes!? What!? 謹慎処分中に2人に一体なにが!? What happened between these two during her suspension!? え?神奈ちゃんが悠ちゃんの服を? Huh? Kanna-chan had Yuu-chan's clothes? どういう?どういうこと? What is this...? What's going on here...? 処罰が謹慎処分だけでよかったねー Good thing it was just a suspension... 停学とかじゃなくてよかった... Not expulsion or something... だけじゃないわよ No, it wasn't just that. 反省文5枚とあと... I had to do 5 pages' worth of reflection essay, and now... ドドドドド whump whump whump whump whump ほうかごはトイレ掃除だー!! Afterschool!! That means /time to clean the bathrooms/!! びっくりした... Man, that startled me... ドキドキ ba-dump ba-dump あれ? 神奈は? Huh? Where's Kanna? こそこそ sneak sneak 71 え...えっと... W... Well... ちらり glance ガンっ wham いでー!!ちょっと今お留守のようでございますぅぅ Ow!! Um! I'm very sorry!! I'm afraid she's not around!! がっくり sink どしゃっ droop あ...そうなんだ... Oh... is that right... やだ...なんか... Shoot... what do we do... うう... Eueghhh... すごくかわいそう... I feel really bad for her... カーンナちゃんなにしてんの?避難訓練? Kannnna-chan, what're you doing down there? Some kinda disaster drill? げっ Ack! なんというバベル!!! God damn it, Babel!!! なんだあ!いるんじゃないかあ!! What! So you /are/ here!! 暗転 Catastrophe トイレ掃除!!! C'mon!! /Bathroom cleaning/!!! 72 1週間かけてトイレというトイレをそうじしまくるぞ!! One whole week of getting this ol' bathroomy bathroom spick-and-span! ああ...気が重い... Ahhh... this is the pits... トイレ掃除が苦痛ってのはもちろんなんだけど I knew bathroom cleaning duty would be hell, but... それよりもなによりも More than anything, it's... 世良!!! Sera!!! まずなにしたらいいんだ? Where should we start? いくら腹が立ったからって No matter how much she pisses me off... ぶん殴ったのは正直やりすぎたわ!! punching her right in the face like that was just out of line. ガッシガッシ swab swab 9.1...いや 8.2くらいの割合で私が悪かった!! I recognize that. It was 91... no, about 82 percent my fault. 気がする Something around there. あ 謝らないといけないんだけど... G... guess that means I owe her an apology, huh... 神奈さぁ Hey, Kanna... さっきからもじもじしてるけどトイレ You've been acting kinda antsy... do you need to go? いっていいよ? Go right ahead if you do 違うわよ!!! No, I don't!!! えー Ehhm...[above bubble] その...こないだはえぇっと... It's just... err... about the other day... たいへんお日柄もよく...じゃなくて Lovely weather, wasn't...? No no, not that... あー Ahhm... えーそのぉ... Well... you know... そのー Umm... 73 ばちん slap! あぅふっ...!! Oeugh...!! くらっ... stagger これでおあいこ! There! Now we're even! ね 'K? 74 ていうか鼻血が止まらないんだけど... Um... that's fine, but, my nose won't stop bleeding... かみならいっぱいあるぞ! Don't worry! There's as much paper as you need! ぶんぶん!! wave wave 悠ー 神奈ー! Yuu! Kanna! 今日のA定食魚ってきいてたのにイカだったぞ! I heard the daily special was fish today, but turns out it's /squid/! どうなってるんだ このしょくどーは!? What on earth has this cafeteria come to!? ぷんすこ fume それよりあんたはなに自然に相席してんのよ Forget that, why are you just casually sitting down with us? 悠は?今日はごはんなにした? What about you, Yuu? What are you having today? シカトかぁ!! Ignoring me, bitch!? ガターン smack 毎日麺ばっかりだと身体に悪いって怒られたから I got yelled at for eating noodles every day, since it's bad for me, so... はー Sigh... 今日は...A定食... Today it's just... the daily special... 75 きゅん twi nge あーっ だめだ どうしよう神奈 悠がまぶしすぎて目が...!! Eyyeegh! I can't! I can't take it, Kanna! What do I do!? Yuu's shining too brightly! I'm gonna go blind...!! そのまま目つぶれたら? Good. I hope you do. いやーん!! Oh, no...!! ちょっともう神奈ちゃんきいてよ!!今日のA定食!! Kanna-chan! Listen! Listen to this! The daily special, it's... もう信じらんなー!! I can't BELIEVE this!! イカでしょ!?イカのなにが悪いのよ!!! I know!! Squid, right!? What the fuck is wrong with squid!? ガスッ wham 暁 頼んでたA定食買っといてくれた? Akatsuki, did you get me the daily special like I asked? あ リカちゃん?買っといたよー Ah, Rika-chan! Yep, I got it for you all right. 授業で遅くなるってメールもらったからね Got your text saying you'd be in class a bit late... ぱしり... Gofer... でも 今日はのA定食は... But you should know, the daily special today, it's... あれ 今日はA定食イカ!?イカか... Huh? The daily special's... squid!? Squid, huh... イカ苦手なん? What's goin' on? Don't like squid? 76 リカちゃんがええんやったら私のと交換したるでー If ya want, Rika-chan, I wouldn't mind exchangin' with you. ありがと... Thank you so much... おー!!小夜ちゃんまってたぞ! Ohh!! Sayo-chan, you're late! あ 慧ちゃ... Ah, Kei-cha... はっ!! Hah!! ぼやー haaaze は はじめまして!五十嵐小夜子です N... Nice to meet ya! I'm Igarashi Sayoko... リカちゃんからお噂はかぬがね聞いております I've heard all sortsa rumors about ya from Rika-chan... あ!リカちゃんとは選択が一緒でして... Ah! Me and Rika-chan are takin' the same elective course, ya see... ペコペコ bow bow 小夜ちゃん!こんな暁なんかに頭さげなくていいよ! Sayo-chan! You don't have to bow to somebody like Akatsuki! ややや これはご丁寧に... No no no, I appreciate the courtesy... ってリカちゃんひどいなオイ!! Hey!! That's really mean, Rika-chan! うわさってなに!? Wait... "rumors"!? なんだかどんどん騒がしくなってきたわね... Things just keep getting noisier and noisier around here. そうだね... Yeah. 77 ...悠? ...Yuu...? ぐえ!! Gwegh!! ぐいっ yank 神奈!悠となにはなしてんの?いつもどんなはなしすんの!? Kanna! What're you talking to Yuu about? What d'you guys usually talk about? ひそひそひそひそ whisper whisper はあー?なにってべつに... Huh!? What...? I dunno... normal stuff! そういえば普段どんな会話してたっけ... ...Wait, what /do/ we usually talk about? なんでもいいからちょっとおてほんみせてよ! Anything'll do! Just show me a little sample!! あ えっと悠...さん... Ah... ehm... Yuu...-san? ガタっ clatter 78 ごす whump 79 はっ Gasp! あ... H... あれ...? Huh...? 80 悠のあんな顔 I've never seen Yuu... 初めてみた make a face like that before. あんなに表情をあらわにするなんて... I didn't think she ever showed her emotions like that... きゅん... Twinge... いふじんなぼうりょくをふるう悠もステキだ...! Yuu's wonderful when she's committing inexplicable acts of violence, too! そう That's right... 理不尽な暴力ってステキ... inexplicable acts of violence... 81 なにがステキかああああ!! What's wonderful about that!? なんの理由もなくいきなりどつかれたのよ!? She just hit me in the head for no damn reason!! それ言ったらその前の神奈だって... Well, if you recall you /also/-- ギリリ clench 私は理由あったもん!!! I /had/ a reason!!! えーー Ehhh!? ふえーーおうぼうだぞー かんなのぼけなすう Uwueghh... Oppression! Tyranny!! Kanna, you big JERK!! でも私は 殴られた理由を But, for whatever reason, I couldn't bring myself to ask her... なぜか きくことができなかった why it was she had hit me. ビュー voo--- ガタガタ rattle rattle 神奈まだ昼のこときにしてるのかー? You still thinking about what happened at lunch, Kanna? 82 別に... Not particularly... らしくないぞ!げんきだせよ!! Man, this is really unlike you! C'mon, cheer up!! まぁ あたしとしては神奈が悠にどつかれるのはしょうじき小気味よかったけどな!! Gotta admit, though, Yuu whacking you in the head like that was pretty satisfying to watch!! あはははは Ah ha ha ha ha! いっちいちイラッとするわねぇ... You're really committed to pissing me off in every imaginable way, huh... ちっ!! Tch!! じゃーー... voo----sh ごしごしごし scrub scrub scrub ぺーぱーほじゅうするぞー Toilet paper refill, coming through... ガチャ ka-chik まだここ掃除中!!入ってこないで!! Stay out!! I'm still cleaning in here! ゴシゴシ scrub scrub だってここでさいごなんだもん But this is the only thing that's left... 神奈しごとおっそいなー You just move too slow, Kanna. なんですってぇー!? What'd you just say to me!? ああもう狭い!くっつかないでよ私まで日焼けしちゃう! Argh! God damn it! I told you, it's too cramped!! Quit crowding me like that, your tan'll rub off on me! ひとをなんだとおもってるんだこの天パぁ!! How do you think tans work exactly!? You mophead!! ゴン!! ガン!! knock!! bang!! 83 なんで個室に2人で入んなきゃいけないのよ!! Why would you try to jam 2 people into 1 bathroom stall!? もう私が出... That's it, I'm out of... ガッ crack ボロッ drop ふたりとも帰ってくんの遅すぎへん? Ain't they takin' a while comin' back? もうこんな時間や- Look how late it's gettin'... 風えらいつよなってきたし心配やわぁ... The winds're really kickin' up outside... I'm startin' to worry... うおー!! Uwohh!! なんや台風みたいでワクワクしてきたで-! It's like a typhoon's comin' or something! Kinda excitin'!! わくわく bounce bounce こういうのを春の嵐っていうんやろ!! "Spring storm"! Ya know full well it's too early in the year for a dang typhoon!! み みんな小夜ちゃんのことばうつってる... Wh... why are they all catching Sayo-chan's accent...? 84 強風注意報が発令されました An official severe storm alert has been issued. 校内に残っている生徒はすみやかに下校してください At this time, we ask that all students remaining on school grounds please return home immediately. ゴォーッ vwooooo 肝だめ...じゃなくて神奈ちゃんたちを迎えに行こう-!! Time for a game of courage... I mean, time to go pick up the bathroom cleaning squad! は はやく捜してはやく帰ろ... L... let's find them and hurry on home... 2人の鞄はここにあるし 先に帰ったんじゃないよねぇ Their bags are still here, so they couldn't have left before us. 携帯も鞄の中みたいや... And their cell phones are in their bags... うわー!!なんか楽しくなってきた--!! Uwoohoo!! Suddenly this all got kinda fun!! いい? Understand? 私達に残された道はただひとつよ There's only one course of action left to us now. 85 ドアをぶちやぶって出る...!! Bash this door down and get the hell out of here...!! ユラァ... lean どうして神奈はぼうりょく的なほうこうにしかあたまがはたらかないんだ!? Why is violence the only answer you can ever come up with, Kanna!? だって鍵が壊れちゃったじゃない!ドア破壊しないでどうやって出るのよ!! Well the damn lock broke! So how are we supposed to get out without destroying the door!?? どないするじゃー!! Haven't heard your brilliant idea!! でもさー神奈 But Kanna, think about it... きんしんあけてそっこーでトイレこわすとか If we break the school bathroom right after getting back from suspension... つぎははんせいぶん300枚くらいかかされちゃうぞ how long of a reflection essay d'you think we'll be writing this time? Around 300 pages? へたしたらてーがくかも Heck, we might even get expelled ぐぅ...! Geh...! きっと教室のみんながさがしにきてくれるって Don't worry, I'm sure they're all headed up here to look for us right now. よもやあのちゃらんぽらんずの世話になる日が来ようとは... Never thought the day would come when I'd have to rely on those freaking screwballs... うぐー... Gweughh... 86 その頃のちゃらんぽらんな人達 Checking In on the Screwballs 幽霊出ないかなぁ Think we'll get any ghosts around here? 出たら楽しいねぇ I hope so! That'd be pretty fun... いやや~ Noooo!! リカちゃん うでいたいたい Rika-chan... you're hurting my arm, come on それにしてもカンナちゃん達どこにいるんだろ Still, I wonder just where those two got to? ぴちゃ ぴちゃ drip drip 下にはいなかったからこの階だよ きっと Well, we couldn't find them anywhere downstairs so they've got to be on this floor. 今...なんか水音しなかった? Did you... hear that? Sounded kinda like... water? えー雨ふってきたのかな Water? Has it started to rain already? そういう音じゃなくてなんか No no, it wasn't that, it sounded... 足音... More like... みたいな... footsteps... 87 きゃあぁあぁ Eyyagghhhhh な なに今の... Wh... what on earth was that...? わかんない...けど小夜ちゃんの Dunno, but... pretty sure that was Sayo-chan's voice... 緊急事態だ!!神奈!ドアこわすぞ!! This is an emergency!! Kanna! C'mon, we're bashing this door down!! 嫌よ! No way! 私 停学にはなりたくない!! I don't wanna get expelled!! もー!くうきよめよー!!こわしたドアはあたしがなんとかするからぁ!! Geez!! Grasp the situation here a little!! I'll do something about the broken door afterwards!! 本当でしょうね!なんとかならなかったらあんたの片眉そるからね!? You better, you hear!? Screw it up and I'm shaving one of your eyebrows!! じゃあ せーのではやぶるぞ! Then... on the count of three, all right? 了解 Got it. 88 せー... One... ドゴン WHAM うげっ Eugh! 開いた!! Got it!! ってちょっと世良!!なに寝てんのほっとくわよ ...Hey! Sera!! What're you doing, taking a nap!? I'm leaving you! トイレでねるとかひくわー!!! Sleeping in the bathroom?? Seriously gross だっ!! DART 叫び声はあっちからきこえたわ!! There! I hear shouts coming from thisaway!! 一体何事なの!? What the hell's going on out here!? 神奈ちゃん! Kanna-chan! よかったーさがしたよー Great to see you! We've been looking for you! その死んでるヒトはだれ...? Who's the corpse...? か K. 死んでないです 五十嵐さんです It's not a corpse, it's Igarashi-san. 89 幽霊をみた? You saw a /ghost/...? 半信 半疑 Between doubt and credulity そうー!!黒くておっきい人影が Yeah! It was like this huge, black, shadow... なんか長い棒もってて And it was holding some kind of long stick... ビショビショだったのー!! And it was dripping wet!! 全然わからん They're not making any sense... それで五十嵐さんは幽霊みて気絶しちゃったわけ? So Igarashi-san saw this... ghost and fainted? ぱっ!! Flash!! あなた達何をしているの? What are you all doing still here? 早く下校するようにと放送があったでしょう You heard the announcement. You need to hurry home. ん?その子... Oh? That's... ぐったり slump あっわわわごごごごめんなさい!すぐ帰ります!! Ah! Y- y- yes, of course! We're very sorry! We'll head home right away!! さよーならー! Please excuse us! Goodbye! 90 ドキドキドキ ba-dump ba-dump ba-dump はー... Sigh... どうしてうちの連中はみんなしてこう... Why do they all have to be like this... 91 翌日 The Next Day 生徒会に呼び出されるってなんだろね I wonder why the Student Council wants to see us...? 昨日あそこにいたメンバーで来いって... "Everybody who was there yesterday," they said... 小夜ちゃんと世良っちがたんないよ- But Sayo-chan and Seracchi aren't coming... もう先に行ってるのかな? Maybe they're already there? トイレのドアのことだわ... This is about the toilet stall door... 今度こそ停学になる I'm finished for sure. にげたな 世良... Sera probably ran away... トンテン カンテン CLANG CLANG ギュルルルル whirr whirr ガンガンガン bang bang bang ガシーン ガシーン wa-wham wa-wham ガスっ ゴスッ bam bam はっ 昨日の... Oh! From yesterday... 生徒会のお方ですか! You're a member of the Student Council? トンテン カンテン CLANG CLANG ガンガン bang bang どうも昨日ぶり Hello again to you all. 生徒会長の藤です I'm Student President, Fuji. 無事帰れたみたいで良かった Very glad to see you all made it home safely 今日来てもらったのは... The reason we've called you here today... 停学 Expulsion おいこら藤!なにひとりで自己紹介してる! Hey! Fuji!! What d'you think you're doing, out here just introducing yourself!? 私も生徒会長だ! I'm Student President too! ぬけがけよくない!! Trying to get a head start, are you!? あたしだってなにをかくそうせいとかいちょうだぞー!! I'm actually Student President too! Sorry I never told you guys!! 92 生徒会長 Student President 大王千津留 Daiou Chizuru というかなんで私がトイレの修理などせねばならんのだ Someone please explain to me why /I/ have to fix the toilet stall! 生徒会長 Student President 藤雪緒 Fuji Yukio 大王が生徒会長 Because you're Student President, Daiou. おまえもだろう!? So are you!! ほらー!神奈もはやく手伝うんだぞ!! Hey! C'mon, Kanna, get in here and help us out!! 生徒会長 Student President 世良慧斗 Sera Keito 副会長 Vice President 服部綾姫 Hattori Ayame 昨日はごめんね... I'm really sorry about yesterday, everyone... 副会長 Vice President 五十嵐小夜子 Igarashi Sayoko へ? Huh? な、なんのことやろ? Wh... what does she mean...? えっと... Ehhhhm... えーと?あんたが?生徒会長 Um...? You're... Student President...? うん Yep. 93 大王様はなんでそんなにえらそーなんですかー? Why do you always act so high and mighty? 偉いからだよ Because I am high and mighty 世良はつまらんことをきく奴だなー You ask some odd things sometimes 大王のそういうバカっぽいとこ嫌いじゃないわ I can't bring myself to totally hate Daiou's idiocy