I Don't Know Why, but I Suddenly Wanted to Have Sex with My Coworker Who Sits Next to Me by Miura Kozumi Page 01 突然何となく隣の席の同僚とセックスしたくなりました I Don't Know Why, but I Suddenly Wanted to Have Sex with My Coworker Who Sits Next to Me ベッドルームテレパシー Bedroom Telepathy girls complex a la mode 灰色の日々と幸せの招き猫 Ashen Days and the Lucky Cat of Happiness 突然何となく隣の恋人とイチャつきたくなりました I Don't Know Why, but I Suddenly Wanted to Make Out with My Lover Page 03 Box 速水友香(25)は 切実な悩みを 抱えていた Hayami Tomoka (age 25) had a major issue worrying her. Bubbles あ~ Aagggh! セックスしたい!! I want to have sex!! SFX ギイ "creak" Page 04 Top Right Panel Right Bubble 速水さんデータ作成 大至急ね!! Hayami-san, we need that data generation stat! Left Bubble やってま~す (4割ウソ) Working on it! (40% lie) Top Left Panel Bubbles はあ~ Ugh... 残業面倒 くせえ~ Overtime is such a pain. こんなもん テンプレグラフ 使わんかい!! Gotta use a template for this! ここのデータ 被ってるから いらん!! The data will cover this part, so away it goes! コピペとオートと ショートカット コンボで効率化!! I'll do it faster with copy-paste! SFX ドダダダダ "slam clack-clack" はい次 "Okay, next!" ガダダッターン "clack-clack-clack" はいおわり "And done!" Writing 本気250% 250% serious Box あたしはかなりの 面倒くさがりな性格 I'm the kind of person hates putting up with other people's shit. Bottom Right Panel Boxes 恋する手順を踏んで 彼氏を作るのも Going through the steps of finding a boyfriend, and dealing with love is a pain in the ass. 一夜だけ逆ナンして 変な男に当たるのも 面倒くさい Trying to pick up a guy for one night just to end up with some weirdo just as bad. SFX カタタ カタタタ "clack-clack" Bottom Center Panel Text でも That said, ただなんとなく セックスしたくて たまらなくなる夜ってのが 女にはある women do have nights where we need sex so bad it's unbearable. Bottom Left Panels Box 特別な理由なんかない There's no particular reason for it. Bubble それ言うと 尻軽女扱い されるから 男の前では よう言わん けども Though I'd never say that where a guy could hear, he'd act like I just announced I'm a whore. SFX ダーン "slam" Page 05 Upper Top Right Panel Right Bubble 古橋さん これも お願い~! Kohashi-san, please take care of this one too! Left Bubble はい Okay. Lower Top Right Panel Bubble 生真面目に やるから 次々仕事 押しつけ られて... If you take your work too seriously, they just dump even more on you... SFX あーあ "sigh" どっさり "thud" Top Left Panel SFX カタ タタン カタタ "clack clack-clack" Middle Right Panel Right Bubble なにか What? Left Bubble いえ Nothing. SFX ドキ "da-dum" Middle Left Panel Box 同僚の古橋真美は あたしと正反対 Kohashi Mami is my complete opposite. SFX ウセエ~ "so annoying" Bubble セックス したくて 悩んでるって 知られたら 軽蔑されそ~ If she knew how much I was thinking about sex, she'd feel nothing but contempt. Bottom Panel Right Box 同じ女なのに 接点がまるでない Aside from both being women, we've got nothing in common. Left Box 隣の席なのに 別の世界にいる みたいな距離 We sit next to eachother, but it's like we're worlds apart. Page 06 Top Right Panel Bubbles セヤーッ There! 終わった 帰んぞ オラアーッ All done. Time to go home. Gah! SFX ドウン "thud" Top Center Panel Right Bubble あれ古橋サン まだやってんすか Oh, Kohashi-san, you're still working? Left Bubble はいでも これで 終わりです Yes, but I'll be done after this. Top Left Panel Upper Bubbles 「これで」が めちゃくちゃ あんじゃん! "After this"? But that's a ton! ちょ貸してみ あたしのグラフ作成技 早いから! (別名手抜きテンプレ技) Hey, give it here. I've got a technique for generating charts that will make short work of that! (Also known as "cutting corners") Lower Bubbles あ... Oh... お時間 取らせたら 申し訳ない ですから... But, I'd feel terrible about wasting your time. Middle Right Panel Bubbles いーよ 帰っても 寝るだけだし It's fine. I'd just be sleeping at home anyways. あ なら一杯 奢って ください Oh, how about you buy me a drink later? SFX ウィーソ "alrighty" カタ "clack-clack" Middle Left Panel Right Bubble 私で いいんですか? You want to get a drink, with me? Left Bubble え? Huh? うん いいじゃん Yeah, why not. あヤダ? You don't want to? Bottom Right Panel Upper Bubble いいえ No, it's fine. SFX ズドド "bam-bam" ダダダ "clack-clack-clack" おっら "Grrr!" Lower Bubble はや... She's fast... Bottom Left Panel Text 残業は したくないけど そのまま家に 帰りたくもない I don't like doing overtime, but I don't want to go straight home either. ただなんとなく 誰かと呑みたい 夜もある Sometimes you just feel like getting a drink with someone. Bubble かんぱーい Bottoms up! Page 07 Top Right Panel Right Bubble うおあ 古橋イくね! Woah, you're really going at it! Left Bubble 焼酎好き なんです I like shochu. Top Center Panel Right Bubble なんっっで こんな忙しいのに 人取らんかな あああ~っ!? We're so busy, why won't they bring on more people!? Agggh! Upper Left Bubble 取っても この前みたく すぐ辞められても 困りますけどね Even if they did, they'd just quit right away like last time, and we'd be in trouble again. Lower Left Bubble 本っ当 そのこと!!! Seriously!! SFX ぐぬあ "seeth" Top Left Panel Bubbles 意外に 話せるな She's surprisingly easy to talk to. そうだよね 同期女子社員 だもん 共通点なら いくらでも ある Well, yeah. We're both company women of the same age. We've got some shared interests. SFX ふふ "fufu" Middle Right Panel SFX トン "tap" Bubble あ... Ah— Bottom Right Panel Upper Box 生々しい 肌の温度 The warmth of bare skin. Lower Right Box 楽しい会話 A nice chat. Lower Left Box 程よく回る アルコール Just the right amount of alcohol. Bottom Center Panel Box こういうとき セックスしたくて たまんなくなるん だよなあ... At moments like this, I want sex so bad I can't stand it... Bottom Left Panel Upper Bubble 割り勘だけど 良かったんですか? Are you sure you're fine with splitting the bill? Writing 楽しくてつい I was having fun, so... Lower Bubble んーいーよ すごい飲み食い しちゃったし Mnn, yeah, it's fine. I ended up eating and drinking a ton. Page 08 Top Right Panel Right Bubble 女相手でも ムラムラする なんて限界 来てるな She's a woman, but I'm getting so horny I feel like I'll burst. Left Bubble はあ... Haah... Top Left Panel Bubbles ...古橋さん ってさ ... Kohashi-san, 最近何か 悩んでます? has something been bothering you lately? Bottom Right Panel Right Bubble え? Huh? Left Bubbles 隣の席だから 溜息たまに 聞こえるんだよね I can hear you sighing every so often from the next seat over. あたしでよければ 相談聞きますよ? You could talk about it, if you want? Bottom Center Panel Upper Bubbles 古橋さんのことだから 深刻な悩みだよね But knowing you, it's probably something serious. あたしなんか 頼りにならんか Maybe you don't want to ask someone like me. SFX はは "haha" Lower Bubbles いえっ No, そんな...! of course not! Bottom Left panels Right Bubble ...わたし... I... Left Bubble 私っ... I— SFX ぐっ "yank" Page 09 Bubble セックスしたくてしたくて たまらないんですっ...!!! I want to have sex so bad I can't stand it!!! Page 10 Top Right Panel Right Bubbles は?! Hah!? えっ!? Huh!? なっ... Wha— 落ち着いて!! たっ、たぶん 酔いすぎてから!! Calme down! Y—You probably drank too much! Writing とりあえず ひといない とこいこっ Let's get away from all these people ねっ? Okay? Upper Left Bubbles 酔ってます!! 酔ってるけど 酔ってるから 言えるんです!! I'm drunk! I'm drunk, but— No, that's why I can say! ずっと悩んでたんです私 It's been bothering me for so long! セックスしたいって!!! I need to have sex!!! Lower Left Bubble ちょ 声デカい から!! Hey—you're yelling! SFX あわわ "Uhhh" Top Left Panel Right Bubbles 古橋さんて... Kohashi-san... その...なに? Ummm... Uh? 性欲強い人 的な... Do you have a strong libido...? Left Bubbles 違います!! 普通です!! No! I'm normal! 尻軽とかでも ないです!! I'm not a slut!! でもっ It's just— Lower Bubble 声デカ... You're yelling— Bottom Right Panel Right Bubbles 彼氏と別れてから だいぶ経つし It's been so long since had a boyfriend. 合コンとか 出会い糸も無理だし And I can't stand group dates or online dating. SFX はっ はあ "ah— ahhh" Left Bubble でも人肌に触れたくて 体が疼くときがあって But sometimes I want to feel another person's warmth so badly my body aches with it... Bottom Left Panel SFX サア "sshh" Upper Bubble 吐き出すところがなくて そういうのがずっと 溜まっていって... I never talk like this, I've been keeping this bottled up. Lower Bubble こんな恥ずかしいこと 男の人には絶対に 言えないけど... I could never talk about something so embarrassing with a man. SFX ザワ ザワ "rustle" Page 11 Right Bubble なんとなく セックスしたくなる 夜があるって But some nights, I just get the urge. Left Bubble 同じ女の人なら わかってもらえます よね...? As a woman, you understand, right...? SFX ザワ "whoosh' Page 12 Top Right Panel Right Bubbles ...すみません... ... I'm sorry. 変なこと言って... That was very weird. 恥ずかしくて 死にそうです 忘れてください... I feel like I'll die from embarrassment. Please forget all that— SFX かああ "blush" Left Bubble いや... No... Bottom Right Panels Right Bubble え... Huh...? Left Bubble 速... Haya— 水... mi— Page 13 [this is a mess, I'll just go through the bubbles and then SFX one-by-one] Bubbles んんっ... Nmn— はっ Hah あっ? Ah—? ちょ Wh— や N— あ... Ahh... あっ...! Ah—! ー...わかります ... I understand. SFX ちゅ "kiss" ぬる "slip" スッ "slide" ビク "twitch" はっ はっ "pant pant" Page 14 Top Panel Upper Bubbles あたしも今すごく Me too. なんとなく セックスしたいって 気分になりました I really, really want to have sex right now. Lower Bubble あなたと With you. Bottom Right Panel SFX ズル... "stagger" Bottom Center Panel Right Bubble 終電過ぎましたね The trains have already stopped running. Center Bubble そうですえね... You're right... Left Bubble あたしでよければ If don't mind me as your partner, Bottom Left Panel Bubble 近場のホテルで 続きしませんか? shall we find a hotel nearby and continue? Page 15 Text 仕事が終わり 家に帰って 電気を消して 布団に入って After work, once I go home, turn off the lights, and get under the covers, 「ああ今日も昨日と 同じ一日だった」と ふと思ったとき sometimes I can't help but think, "Ah, just another day, the same as yesterday." ベッドの中がしんと冷えて In the cold silence in my bed, 得体の知れない 巨大の闇にがじわじわと 腹の底を這いずり回った a heavy, unfamiliar dread slithers around in my belly. そんな夜が多くなってきていた I've been having more and more nights like that. Page 16 Top Panel Bubble あっ Ah— SFX びく "twitch" ツー "slide" Middle Right Panel Bubble やっ... Ah— SFX ぞわ "shiver" は はあ "hah haah" Middle Center Panel Bubble くっ "tug" ぴちゃ "drip" Middle Left Panel SFX びく びくん "shudder" はっ "hah" Bubble あっ...! Ah—! Bottom Panel Right Bubbles 古橋 いい反応するよね Kohashi, you're very sensitive, aren't you? どこをどうして ほしいか言ってみ Tell me what you'd like me to do. SFX はっ はあっ "pant pant" Left Bubbles えっ... Huh...? やだ そんなことっ...! No, I can't! Page 17 Top Panels Right Bubble ほら Come now. Center Bubble あっ Ah— Left Bubble や... 恥ずかし... No—It's embarrassing... SFX はっ はあ "hah hah" ぬ ぷ... "squelch" びくん "twitch" ぶる ぶる "shiver" はあ はあ "haah haah" Bottom Right Panel SFX は は "pant pant" Bubbles 古橋の感じる 場所知りたい I want to know what you like. お互い気持ち良くなりたくて こういうことしてんだから So we can feel good together while we do this. Bottom Center Panel Bubble 恥ずかしがってちゃ もったいないでしょ It'd be a waste to hide in embarrassment. SFX はっ はっ はっ "hah hah hah" Bottom Left Panel Upper Bubbles ...あ ...Uh あの Umm, Lower Bubble わたし その... I, uh... SFX はあ は "haah hah" Page 18 Top Panel Upper Right Bubble もっと奥... Deeper... Middle Right Bubble 強く Harder. Lower Right Bubble して P— Left Bubble ほしいです... Please... SFX はぅ はあ はぅ はあ  "hah haah hah haah" ビク ビクン "shiver shake" Middle Right Panel Bubble あっ! Ah! SFX ズッ "shove" Bottom Right Panel Right Bubble どう? So? Upper Left Bubbles あっ Ah— やっ N— Lower Bubble 気持ちいい? Feel good? SFX ズッ "push" はあ は "haah hah" ぐちゃ "drip" ぬぷ "squelch" Bottom Center panel SFX はあ "haah" ズプッ "shove" はあ "haah" ズッ "slide" ぐち "squish" Bubble 恥ずかしいっ... It's embarrassing... Bottom Left Panel Bubble 気持ちよすぎて 恥ずかしいですっ... It feels too good... Page 19 Top Panel Right Boxes 抑えていた ドロドロの欲望が It's like all the turbid desire she usually keeps in check 一気に噴き出す ような... suddenly comes out all at once... Left Box 古橋真美は そういう セックスをする That's what Kohashi Mami is like during sex. SFX はっ はっ "pant pant" Middle Panels Boxes みっともなく 赤裸々によがる その姿は Her expression of raw, naked pleasure とても素直で なんだか 可愛かった was so cute and honest. SFX ギシッ "creak" ぎゅ "squeeze" Bottom Panel Right Bubbles はーっ! Haah! お疲れ様!! Good work!! Left Bubble 今日も めちゃめちゃ イきまくってたね 古橋ー! You sure came a lot today, Kohashi! Page 20 Top Right Panel Right Bubbles やめてください... Please stop.... 死ぬほど 恥ずかしくて 毎回後悔 してます... I'm so embarrassed I'll die. Every time, I feel so ashamed... SFX あああ "aaagh" Left Bubble なんで いいじゃん! Why? What's the harm? Top Left Panels Right Bubble 女が性欲あっても 恥ずかしいことじゃ ないよ Women have desires. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. Left Bubble あたしも 気持ちよかったし 楽しかった! It felt good for me too. It was fun! Bottom Right Panels Upper Right Bubble ...速水さん だからです... ... It's because it's you, Hayami-san. Upper Left Bubble え? Huh? Lower Bubbles 速水さんは私の したいこと 聞いてくれるし You ask me what I want to do. みっともない姿を 見せても 受け止めてくれる Even when I act shameful, you accept me. Bottom Left Panel Bubble だから 安心して自分を 曝け出せるんです That's why I feel safe laying myself bare. Page 21 Top Right Panel Bubble 速水さんって 優しくて 気遣い屋ですよね You're so kind and considerate. Top Center Panel Upper Bubble ... いや 買い被り過ぎ だって ... No, you think too highly of me. Lower Bubble え でも... Huh? But... Top Left Panels Upper Bubbles セフレだから 都合いいとこしか 見えてないんだよ We're sex friends, so you're only seeing the good parts. ガチで恋人だったら 嫉妬されたり 独占欲出されたり すんじゃん If we were actually lovers, we'd have to put up with jealousy, and possessiveness, and all that stuff. Lower Bubble あたしは そういう関係 面倒でやだな I don't want to deal with any of that. Bottom Right Panel Upper Bubble あたしらは このままの 関係が一番 楽でいいよねっ! The way things are is the easiest for both of us! Lower Bubble そう... ですね... I... guess so. Bottom Center panel Bubbles さっ そろそろ 着替えるよ! Now, time to get dressed! サクサクやって サクサク帰ろ! Take care of business and get home! Bottom Left Panel Text ...これは 面倒くさい パターンになる やつだなあ ... This is starting to fall into a familiar pattern. A troublesome pattern. Page 22 Top Panels Right Bubbles うぎゃっ!? Ghuhn!? データ 吹っ飛んだ!! The data vanished!! SFX どっへええ!! "Wha!?" Center Bubble めんどがって バックアップ 取らないから~ That's what happens when you can't be bothered to back it up. Left Bubble これどうぞ Take this. SFX スッ "hand" Bottom Right Panel Upper Bubble あ... Ah... Lower Bubbles 古橋 Kohashi ...サン ...san. Middle Left Panels Right Bubble よかった じゃ~ん Isn't that nice. Left Bubble ...どうも... ... Thank you. Lower Bubble いえ No problem. Page 23 Top Right Panel Text 触れた古橋の指先が しっとりと籠った 熱を持っていた As Kohashi's fingertips brushed mine, they held her heat, calm and banked. Top Left Panel Bubbles ...古橋はこういう仕事 コツコツやるの面倒じゃ タイプなんだよなあ ... Kohashi's the kind of person who takes pains to do her work thoroughly. あたしと正反対 My complete opposite. Box 今はそういう性格 お互い補い合って 便利だけどさ Right now, we complement each other, it's convenient. Middle Panel Boxes 深く 付き合ったら 絶対嫌になる ときはくる But if we started dating seriously, she'd come to despise me. そんなん 面倒じゃん That'd be trouble. Bottom Panel Text この距離感の ままがいい It's best to keep this space between us. Page 24 Top Panels Text それでも いつまでこんなこと してられるかな ... Still, I wonder how long we can stay like this. SFX がや がや "chatter" Bubbles あ 古橋 Oh, Kohashi, おまたせー... Sorry to keep you— Middle Panel Right Bubble 俺と 付き合ってほしい I'd like you to go out with me. Left Bubble 前から君のこと 控えめでいいなと 思ってたんだ Since way back, I've admired how reserved you are. Bottom Panel Right Bubbles えー!! Huuuhh!? 古橋に告白!? あれ営業の 高橋さん じゃん!! He's asking her out!? Isn't that Takahashi, from sales? Writing ずりー イケメン じゃんか! No fair, he's so hot! SFX サッ "hide" Bubble いい返事が もらえる 期待してるよ I'll be waiting for your response. Page 25 Top Left Panel Right Bubble よかった じゃん Good for you. Left Bubble あ... Oh— Middle Right Panel Upper Bubble みっ 見てたん ですか Y—You saw? Lower Bubble うん 告白され てたね Yup. He asked you out. Bottom Right Panel Upper Bubbles 大学の先輩なんです We went to the same university. 同じ会社なことが 最近わかって 話すようになって... He found out we worked at the same company recently and we ended up talking... Lower Bubble ふーん... Ohh? Text 古橋が「控えめ」か... So Kohashi's "reserved"... Bottom Left Panel Text ロクに知らないくせに He barely knows her. Bubbles ちょうどいいし やめようか Good timing. あたしらの関係 We should end this. Page 26 Top Right Panel Right Bubble じゃね See ya. Center Bubbles えっちょっ Huh? 待ってください Please, wait. Left Bubble 私 断るつもり です! I'm not going to say yes to him! だって I mean, SFX キイ "creak" Top Left Panels Right Bubble 私... Hayami-san... Left Bubble 速水さんの ことっ... I lo— Lower Left Bubble やめて! Stop it! Bottom Right Panel Right Bubble あたしあんたと そういう関係に なりたくないん だってば! I said I don't want to have that kind of relationship with you! Center Bubble 速水さん... Hayami-san... Left Bubble 言ったじゃん! I told you! 面倒は嫌だって I don't want to deal with that. Bottom Left Panel Upper Bubble だって あたし I... Well, Lower Bubble あたし... I... Page 27 Right Panel Upper Bubble 嫉妬したり 独占欲が出たり... When I'm in a relationship, I get really jealous, and possessive. Lower Bubble 絶対面倒な女になるから... You'd definitely get sick of dealing with me... Middle Left Panel Right Bubbles 速水さん... Hayami-san... 素直で 可愛い...! You're so cute when you're honest! SFX きゅん "kyun" かああ "blush" Left Bubble 可愛くないよ!! 見ないで 死ぬほど 恥ずかしい!! It's not cute at all! Don't look at me! I'm so embarrassed I'll die!! Bottom Left Panel Upper Right Bubble 「セックスしたい」とか 社内で言う方が 恥ずかしいと思うん ですけど... Personally, I think it's way more embarrassing to yell, "I want to have sex!" at work... Upper Center Bubble 聞いてたの!? You heard that!? Upper Left Bubble 隣の席ですから I mean, I sit right next to you. Lower Right Bubble いやでもそれは 生理現象だもん 恥ずかしくないよ!! Well, but that's just a natural part of being human, it's not embarrassing! Lower Left Bubble 速水さんの基準 よくわかりません... Hayami-san, I really don't get your standards... Page 28 Top Panels Right Bubble 感情曝け出すのは 恥ずかしいことじゃ ないですよ There's nothing embarrassing about opening up about your feelings. Left Bubble 素直な速水さん すごく可愛いです The real you is totally adorable. Middle Right Panel Right Bubble ...ほんと? ... Really? SFX ぐじゅ "sniffle" Left Bubble はい Yes. Bottom Right Panel Right Bubble こんな女 面倒じゃない? I really am hard to put up with, you know. Center Bubble 私気が長いんで 大丈夫です! I'm very patient, it'll be fine! Upper Left Bubble じゃあじゃあ 絶対さっきの男 断ってよ!? Then, then, you'll definitely reject that guy!? Lower Left Bubble はい Yes. SFX ぐじ "sniffle" うじ "sniffle" Bottom Left Panel SFX ぎゅっ "squeeze" Page 29 Text お互いの指先から 熱が溢れて The heat overflowed from our fingertips 体中に伝わる into eachother's bodies. Upper Bubble あっ Ah— Middle Bubble はあっ Haah— Lower Bubble はっ Hah Page 30 Upper Text 誰でもいいんじゃない It can't be just anyone. Lower Text なんとなく なんかじゃない It's just a whim. Page 31 Text たったひとり It has to be her. この人だけ セックスしたい I want to have sex with her. Page 32 Upper Bubbles 速水さん Hayami-san, 速水さんもちゃんと 気持ちいいですか...? do you feel good too...? SFX はっ "hah" はあっ "haah" Middle Bubble うん Yeah. Lower Bubbles 好きな人とする セックス There's nothing better 最っ高に気持ちいい! than sex with the person you love! END