2 ていう川口さんフツーーにいつも東京来ますよね And anyway, Kawaguchi-san... you keep on coming right up to Tokyo, huh! 来ないと言いつつも All the while saying you won't! ほんっと言ったこと守らないのは仕事に関してだけじゃないんですね Guess work isn't the only place where you can't keep your word. 武田さんだって嬉しいくせにー Takeda-san, don't act like you're not happy to see her! 川口さんとはアシで会ってるんですけど!できれば会いたくないくらいに...! I'm her assistant! I see her all the time! A little /too much/, actually! そんな Hey... 何しに来たんですか? What did you come here for? 何しにだっけ? Good question... what /did/ I come for? えっと 写メを... Oh, there was that cell phone picture... あっ でもあれは解決したんでした Ah, but that got settled already. 何しよっか... So, what should we do? 3 武田さんの原稿の手伝いとかね...? Maybe we could both help out with Takeda-san's manuscript? いーですねー What a wonderful idea! いりませんけど! No!! Thank you!! 自分でやりますし! I'll do it myself!! そういえば言ってたかどうかわからないですけど You reminded me, though... I don't know whether I mentioned this or not, but... 担当の方が新しくなりまして I have a new editor now. 来月までにショート2本あげることになったので He wants two short stories from me by the end of the month. しばらくアシスタントに入れる日減りますね Until then, I won't be available for assistant work as often. え...!?聞いてないよー!! What!? I never heard about that!! ちょっと待って今後のスケジュールとかさあ... Wait a minute here... what about /my/ schedule! スケジュール(笑)漫画家っぽいですね Your "schedule"? (LOL) Did you confuse yourself with someone else? 4 じゃあ武田さんしばらくうちにいるんですね... So, that means you'll be staying home for a while, Takeda-san? わあい 淋しくないですね Yayyy! Things'll be way less lonely around here! いえ 私は本気なのでしばらく遊ばないですから I'm serious about this, so we won't be going out to play, either. 部屋にも入らないでくださいね And don't come into my room. さみしいー How lonely... え 一緒に遊んだりしてるの? Wait, you two go out places together? この前は東京タワー見に行きましたよね! Last time, we went to see the Tokyo Tower! 今更...? Why are you bringing that up... 原宿に買い物に行こうとしたんですけど元気がなくてー We were going to go shopping in Harajuku, but we didn't really feel up to it. 東京タワーも喫茶店から眺めて満足しました So we contented ourselves with looking at the Tokyo Tower from our cafe. 漫画家の体力のなさね... That's a mangaka's physical endurance for you... 5 高校出るまでにデビューできなきゃ一年浪人してでも大学行くように言われてるんですよね If I can't get published by the time I graduate high school, I have to go to college, even if it takes me a year to get in. 親に That's the deal I made with my mother. まってまって高校出るまでってもうすぐじゃん Hold on a second! Your high school graduation's right around the corner! だから最後のチャンスかなと I know. That's why this is something like my last chance. えー...もっと早く言ってくれたら武田さんが自分の原稿できるように時間作ったのに... But... if you'd told me earlier, I could've made time for you to work on your manuscript... まー 私も川口さんのアシするの楽しかったですから Well, honestly I've had a little too much fun being your assistant, あまり勉強になるようなことはなかったけど so I might not have learned as much as I could've. 私だってできればさちさんの専属アシになりたかった...! If I had it my way, I would've been Sachi-san's full-time assistant, anyway! 使ってあげなよ 森下... Use her help, Morishita... あー 自分でやったほうが早いので Ahh... it's just faster to do it myself... 6 じゃあ 武田さんが原稿してるのを応援するね 今日は Well then, we'll spend today cheering on your manuscript work! だからそういうのいりませんから I told you, I /don't/ want that... ヒマなら編集部に言ってみるでもすればいいじゃないですか If you're bored, why not make a trip down to the editing department? あいさつに Just to say hello 編集部なあ... The editing department, huh? 派手な衣装ではなく派手な化粧ではなくかといってキャッチーに... They may not wear showy clothes or make-up or anything, but they're just kinda flashy somehow... [?] と思ったらさあ 彼ママに会うみたいで It's sorta like a meeting with your /kare-mama/, y'know? [margin note:] */Kare-mama/: Your boyfriend's mother. 彼ママ "Kare-mama"! なんかかっこいい単語を! You used a sorta-cool slang word! 先輩が! /YOU/ did, Senpai! 彼ママに会ったことあるんですか...? Have you ever had a "kare-mama" to meet? 7 ありますよね 先輩なら... Of course... of course, you must have! ないよ! No, I have not! じゃあ今度私のママに会いますか? Then, would you like to meet /my/ mama? カノママかー My /kano-mama/, huh...? [margin note:] */Kano-mama/: Your girlfriend's mother. ほんわかするなら外でしてくださいね! If you're going to be all warm and cozy, please do it somewhere else. 8 大学 Colleges 月イチで帰ってきなさいって言ったのに全然帰ってこないじゃないの I told you to come back the first of the month, but you never came at all. シェア生活楽しいのね You must be having fun with your room share. ごめん I'm sorry. 9 これ以上時間をムダにしていると取り返しのつかないことになるから Waste too much more time, and it'll already be too late. 理衣ちゃんが好きなことならって応援はしてきたけど I told you I'd support you in what you wanted to do, Rii-chan, but... さすがにもう18歳なんだし you're eighteen years old now. 将来のことをきちんと考えなきゃいけない年齢 It's time to think seriously about what you're doing with your future. 自立できるのはいいことだからシェアは認めてるの I let you move to that apartment because I thought experience living independently would be good for you. 10 だからちゃんとそれに応えてちょうだい So it would be nice to see some progress in that area. やめるなら今だなっていうのは私も思ってるから I realize myself that if I'm going to quit, now is the time. 大丈夫 So don't worry. もし Hey, if... もしデビューできなかったら武田さん漫画描くのやめちゃうんですか? If Takeda-san doesn't get published in time, will she quit drawing manga? え? Huh? や...私に聞かれても...それは武田さんにさあ I don't know. I can't speak for Takeda-san... you'll have to ask her. 11 本人に聞く勇気なんてないです!! I'm not brave enough to ask her myself!! そして編集部に入る勇気もない You're not brave enough to go into the editing department, either... わたしはデビューできたけど... I was able to get my work published, but... できなかったらどうしてたなんて考えたこともなかったです I never once thought about what I would've done if I couldn't. わたしには漫画しかないからそれ以上の道なんて... I don't know anything but manga. I don't know what else I could do. 森下には才能があったから You've got natural talent, Morishita, so... 12 私みたいに中途半端にしかできないとねー You can't just do things half-assed like me. [?] 武田さんは私と同じタイプだろうから色々考えちゃうとは思うけど Takeda-san's the same type as me, so she's probably got all sorts of things running through her mind right now, but... やりたいならデビューできるまで続けるんじゃないかな If this is what she wants to do, I'm sure she'll keep at it until she makes it happen. 他にやりたいことなんてたぶん考えてないよ She probably hasn't thought about wanting to do anything else. 森下とか私みたいに Any more than you or I have. 13 そうですね! Of course. You're right. あれっ Oh! さちさんと川口さん二人そろって... Sachi-san and Kawaguchi-san? なんで入って来ないんですか! Why didn't you come inside? 14 たまたま座りやすそうな高さの段があっただけですよ!入りにくかったわけではないですよ! We just happened on something that looked just the right height to sit on! We weren't afraid to go in or anything! 言い訳 Excuse ははは Ha ha ha... 新しい編集がちょうど川口さんに挨拶したいと言ってたんですよ Our new editor was just saying he wanted to meet you, Kawaguchi-san. 私にですか Meet /me/? はじめまして Nice to meet you! 新しく移ってきました新田です I just transferred into this department. The name's Nitta. さわやか... How... fresh え?ここはファッション誌の編集部になったんですか? What's this? What happened? This became the editing department for a fashion magazine? 僕もいますよ!いつも通りじゃないですか It's just the same as always! Look, I'm here, aren't I? 15 武田さんがアシスタント入ってるんですよね? Takeda-san's working as your assistant, isn't that right? 今 武田さんの担当をさせてもらっていて I'm Takeda-san's new editor-in-charge. お世話になっているみたいなので川口さんにはお会いしたくて I've heard she owes a lot to you, Kawaguchi-san, so I wanted to introduce myself. いえいえ 私のほうこそ... No no, not at all... I'm the one in her debt. そういえば武田さん最近忙しそうですね So, it seems Takeda-san has become rather busy lately? そうなんですよねー Yes, indeed! I figured if I could at least get her manuscripts to hold on to, 原稿だけでも預かっておきたくてそうしたらデビューも早くなるでしょう? she might be able to make her debut quicker that way. いつ代原が必要になるかわからないですからね! You never know when a last-minute replacement work might be needed! 16 もしかしてあれは Don't tell me... that was her way of saying... 「川口さんが落とせば私の原稿が載るのでアシスタントに入りたくありません」ということだったの...!? "If you get dropped from the issue, my work will make it in, so no way am I helping you out." 武田さんにはデビューしてほしいけど...私はどうすれば... What do I do!? I want Takeda-san to get published, but... 一回落とすしか! I guess I'll just have to punt an issue! ダメですよ You can't do that. はっ そうなんですー 自主的に落とそうとしなくてもやばいんです Ah! That's right... Even without intentionally sabotaging yourself, you might be in trouble, huh! 今 武田さん以外にアシスタントいなくてー Since Takeda-san is your only assistant right now... 17 南極観測ではたらいたカラフト犬 1959年 Monument to the Sakhalin Huskies of the 1959 Antarctic Expedition 日本動物愛護協会 Japanese Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals カシャ! Click! おまえたちは南極に置き去りにされたんだよね You're the guys who were left behind on the South Pole... 俺みたいだな... You're just like me. 東京まで来てすぐに帰るのも癪だから観光でもしようかと思ったけど It'd be lame to come all the way to Tokyo and just turn right around, so I figured I might as well see the sights, but... 820円... 820 yen, huh... 18 カップルばっか...!! There's nothing but couples here...!! そりゃそうだよ 誰が男一人で東京タワーに登るんだよ Guess that's to be expected... what single guy would go up Tokyo Tower by himself? 俺だよ!! Me, that's who!! キレイー Ooh! It's so pretty!! イラッ twitch 19 でもたしかにきれい Well, she's not wrong. It is pretty. きれいだね It's pretty, isn't it? 幻覚... I'm hallucinating... ふふ すごーい Heh heh! Pretty amazing. 落ちそう It's quite a drop. 20 政人くんなら落ちちゃっても気にしないかなー Though if you were the one dropping, Masato-kun, I don't know that I'd care! って森下なら言うかもなあ Morishita would probably say something like that... かわいい Adorable. 落ちそう!! I'm seriously getting dropped! がんばってください! Hang in there!