2 うおおお おまえ!! Aghhh, you bastard!! くっそー時間ねーから怒らないでおいてやるけど将来的に潰す God damn it... I don't have time to get mad so I'll leave it. But I'm gonna beat your ass later. だってムリだって武田さんの代わりなんてさあ I told you, there's no way I can just fill in for Takeda-san! しょうがないでしょ武田さん来ないだから! What other choice do we have!? Takeda-san's not coming! 武田さんいてもギリギリなんだから今回は落ちるに決まってる... Even /with/ her here, I'd be pushing it... we might have to admit defeat here... 誰かいねーの政人の友達で漫画描ける子 Don't you have any friends that are manga artists, Masato? 普通に生きてきているわけないじゃん What are the odds I would have a friend like that? 3 じゃあ 漫画好きな子でもさあ Then how about somebody who just /likes/ manga? 好きなだけの子なら... Who just /likes/ it...? まー... Well... [top of manga:] Kawaguchi Asuka まー... Well... 4 楽しいこと考えてればー Just think of something fun! きっと早く終わりますよ Then it'll all be done with in a flash! どうします どうします What do you think?? What shall we use? お菓子のこととか考えてるといいかもー Try thinking of candy or something like that! マカロンがひとつ One little macaron, マカロンがふたつ two little macarons! ゼリーとグミも忘れずにね! Don't forget gummies and gelatin too! くまちゃんが怒っちゃうぞー Watch out! Mr. Bear is angry! 5 うさぎさんとねこさんがお花畑でハニワ栽培 And the kitties and bunnies are in the Alps, growing ancient clay figurines! つい想像しちゃうたびに手が止まるよう... Every time this shit pops into my head, my hand stops moving... あっ 見て見ておめかししてきちゃいました Ah, look, look! I got myself all dolled up for today! 川口さんのおうちに来るからって Because I knew I was coming to your house, Kawaguchi-san! 6 声かけたの俺なのに... But /I'm/ the one who invited her... でもこの原稿が完成しちゃったら I can't help thinking... if I manage to finish this manuscript, 武田さんは漫画家をあきらめるのかな... will that mean Takeda-san has to give up on becoming a mangaka? イネ Rice Plant とか...ねことか...うさぎとか... Or, like... kitties and stuff... and bunnies and stuff... これがのちの縄文時代である This takes place in the late Jomon Period ああ もう 何も考えられん Ahh, God damn it... I can't think anything anymore... 7 アシスタントしてみてもらったらめちゃめちゃ上手かった I gave her some assistant work to do. She actually turned out to be great at it. 間に合っちゃった We made it... ごめんね 武田さん I'm sorry, Takeda-san. でも私が生きていくには If I'm going to survive... 王手 Checkmate! こうするほかないから...! This is just what I have to do! 8 いやー 武田さんいないわりに頑張りましたね! Well, well! You really pulled through in Takeda-san's absence. 背景入ってないけど Though, there don't appear to be any backgrounds... 背景描ける人がいませんでした We didn't have anybody who could draw them. 背景うめるためにむりやり貼ってるトーンのせいで全編亜空間って斬新ですね! The way you had to paste over all those missing backgrounds with different sorts of tone effects made it seem like the whole chapter was taking place in hyperspace... kind of a fresh look! 単行本で直してくださいね!! Please, fix it all for the tankoubon!! すみません... Yes... forgive me... あ Ah! 9 今回誰か落としてないですか!? Did anybody have to get dropped this time!? えっなぜ人の不幸を笑おうと...? Huh? Why? You just like to laugh at other people's misfortune? ちがいます ちがいます No, that isn't it... 落ちたりなんかしてないですよ No, nobody was dropped. 今回は川口さんが最後だって言ったじゃないですか I told you yours was the last for this issue, right? あー... Ahh... そっかぁ... I see... 川口さんいつからそんな人間になっちゃったんですか... When did you become such a person, Kawaguchi-san? 武田さん ごめんね Takeda-san, I'm sorry. 10 私だって武田さんには I really wanted you... デビューしてほしいのに to make your debut, too. むずかしいな Man, this is hard... 武田さんの担当さんは向井理を意識してんのかな... I wonder if Takeda-san's editor is consciously going for Mukai Osamu...* [margin note:] *Japanese actor. 川口さんの原稿さっき届いたんですよ Kawaguchi-san's manuscript just arrived. 見ますか? Do you want to take a look? いえ...普段飽きるほど見てるので No, thank you... I've seen enough of her work that I'm sick of it. 今回なんだかSFみたいですよ Looks like it's got kind of a science-fiction theme this time. えっ Eh? 川口さんはどんな意図でこんなトーンを...? What was Kawaguchi-san going for with this sort of tone use...? 11 ということで武田さんも原稿ありがとうございました So then, thank you very much for your manuscript, Takeda-san. 今回は載りませんけどまた機会があればということで It didn't make the issue this time around, but in case another opportunity arises, 預かっておきますね I'll hang on to this for you. あーー... Ah... でも私は But, I... 今回載らなければ... It has to be this issue... え? Huh? やっぱり原稿持って帰ってもいいですか? Can I actually take that back with me? 12 なんでですか?そうしたらこれは... Why? If you do that, I can't... 相談してきます I need to discuss this with someone. 誰に? Who...? 親にです My mother. たぶん意味はないけど Though I don't think it'll make any difference.