2 さちさんはデビュー当時から注目され続け仕事を切らしたこともなくしかも優秀 From the moment she debuted, Sachi-san has constantly attracted attention. There's always been demand for her work, and she unfailingly delivers with quality every time. 私も最もあこがれる漫画家だけれど There's no mangaka I admire more than her, but... なんの苦労もなく生きてきたひと She's a person who's never faced any hardship in her life. 3 森下さん引っ越しましょう! Morishita-san, we have to move! え...!? What!? なんでわたしまだ段ボール開けきってもない! Why!? Some of my moving boxes aren't even unpacked yet... うちの親ここの場所知ってるんです My mom knows where this place is. だから逃げましょう! So we have to run! 4 このお菓子おいしくないですかー? Aren't these snacks just the best? 編集さんにもらったんですけどお気に入りでー I get them from my editor, but I liked them so much, お店も聞いたんですよね! I just had to find out where she gets them from! カフェも併設してるみたいで The store that sells them has its own cafe built right in! 今度行きましょうよー Next time we'll have to go there together! これはガールズトークですか? What is this? Girls' talk? 5 武田さん何味がいいですか? Which flavor do you like, Takeda-san? チョコかなあ--! Probably chocolate, right? にあうー! That would really suit you! いえ そんなことよりですね No, forget about that right now... まだこれからですよ!! No! This is just the beginning! これからむかつく上司の悪口を言い合うんです! This is where we start badmouthing our super-annoying bosses! 上司なんていませんけど I don't really have a boss... 私にもいません Yeah, I don't have one either. だってこれからの話重いでしょ...? It's just... The discussion's going to start getting real heavy soon, right...? 軽くは...ないですけど... Well, I don't think it'll be especially light... 聞きたくありません I don't want to hear it! 6 苦労からは逃げて生きてきました I've spent my life running away from any kind of difficulty... そもそもわたしには敵がいたことなどなかったのです... I've never had enemies or anything like that. ちょっとスーパーに行ってきます I'm headed out to the supermarket! 逃げないでくださいよ! Don't run away! Please! 大丈夫ですよ ちゃんと武田さんの好きなしらすと梅のあえたやつ買ってきますよ...! Don't worry! I'll pick up that thing with sardines and apricots you like! べつに好き That isn't something I like... それ好きなの森下さんでしょ! That's something /you/ like! 7 武田さん ごめんなさい Takeda-san, I'm very sorry. 思ったより早く帰ってきましたね You're back sooner than expected. おわびに今日はふんぱつしてのせました As apology, I'm splurging on you today. しらすと梅のあえたやつ Here, the thing with sardines and apricot 森下さんそれ食べていいですよ You can go ahead and eat that yourself. やさしい...!! How kind...!! いけませんわたしが優しくしないといけませんので No! I can't do that! I have to be kind to /you/! 同情はやめてください Please, that's enough of your sympathy. プロの森下さんに優しくされる筋合いはないです! You're a professional, Morishita-san. I don't deserve your kindness. 8 葛藤 Discord 武田さんに優しくしなきゃ I have to be nice to Takeda-san! 優しくしないでください Please, don't be nice to me! わたし〆切からは逃げたことないですけど I've never once run away from a deadline. この場から逃げたい But right now, I really feel like running away from this... ピン ポーン ding-dooong 吉永さん!いいところに! Yoshinaga-san! Wonderful timing! あら?あらら? Oh? What's this? 9 さっきプリン買ってきたんですよね I picked up some pudding on the way here. 何味がいいですか Which flavor do you want? 武田さんはチョコです! Takeda-san will have chocolate! 勝手に決めないでくださいよ Don't decide for me... いつもお菓子ありがとうございます Thanks so much for always bringing snacks! いつもすみません Sorry about the trouble... いえいえ~ Not at all! 森下さんがお菓子好きなので Morishita-san loves sweet things, so, おいしいもの見つけると食べてもらいたくなっちゃうんですよね any time I find something especially delicious, I can't wait to see her try it out. ちやほや ちやほや cod dle 10 森下さんはそこそこに外見がよくてコミュニケーション能力も高い Morishita-san's relatively good-looking, and communicates well with others. 普通に生きていても他人に好かれるひとは漫画家になんてならなくてもいいのに If you can lead a regular life and be liked by everyone, what's the point in becoming a mangaka? 吉永さん! Yoshinaga-san! 私に枠をください! Please, give me some print space! 11 でも武田さんは武田さんの力でがんばるんだって森下さんが言っていましたし But Morishita-san said you wanted to make it on your own effort, Takeda-san. 私であげられませんけど And it's not up to me to hand out print space anyway. そういえばそんな余計なこともされてたな Oh yeah... I forgot she stuck me in the back like that. すぐにデビューできないと私は漫画さえ描かせてもらえなくなるかもしれない If I can't get published soon, there's a good chance I won't be able to draw manga at all anymore. 12 武田さん Takeda-san, デビューできないのは編集のせいじゃないですよ it's not the editing department's fault you haven't debuted. おもしろいものさえ描ければすぐにできます Write something good, and it'll happen. って担当作家じゃないから言えるんですよねー ...though I guess I can only say that because I'm not your editor. とにかくおもしろいと思うものをたくさん描いて見せてください For now, just produce a lot of work you think is quality and show it to us. 13 森下のように寝る間もなく描けば... If necessary, keep right on drawing without even stopping to sleep, like Morishita-san. えっ Eh!? そういえばいつ原稿して間に合っているのかと思っていましたが寝てないんですか!? I always did wonder how you manage to finish your manuscripts on time... You don't /sleep/!? あっ いえ そうじゃなくて... Ah, no no, that's not it... あまり寝ないでも大丈夫なほうで I'm just the type who can get by without sleeping much... このひとは生まれながらの漫画家向き体質...! This woman was born with the constitution of a manga artist! 14 あっ でも 最近は... Ah... but actually, more recently... 森下さんそういえば Oh yeah, Morishita-san, that reminds me. 近々打ち合わせしたいんですけどお約束のネームはどうですか? I'd been hoping we could set up a meeting soon. How's the outline you're working on now? あの-... Ah, well... それは... About that... 憎らしいことにそれがさちさんのはじめてのスランプらしかった Somewhat maddeningly, it seemed this was the first time in her life that Sachi-san had hit a slump. 明日には何かあるんじゃ...そう思っても何日も頭の中がからっぽなままで... I keep thinking, "Well, I'll come up with something tomorrow!" But day after day, my head stays totally blank... 15 わたし今までこんなことってなかったからどうしたらいいのかわからなくて I've never had anything like this happen to me before, so I have no idea what to do... 漫画家はメンタル面に大きく状況を左右されてしまう そんなことは分かっていた I know that a mangaka is unusually finely tuned to fluctuations in her mental state. 焦ってもどうにもなりませんからね 大丈夫です It won't do any good to panic. Just calm down. Everything will be fine. 持ちますから If I have to, I'll wait for you, okay? 16 だからもしかしたら私の悲観的な気持ちがうつってしまったのかもと思って So, I began to worry that perhaps my own gloomy feelings had somehow infected her. ひとりで引っ越すしかないかな Maybe the only one who needs to move out is me.