2 もう3日目ですねえ It's been 3 days at this point... 早めに病院行っておけばよかったですね Maybe we should've just taken you to the hospital. 4日前 Four Days Earlier 水しぶきって描くの難しいよねー Drawing water spray is always so hard... はあ... Yeah, pretty hard... だからわたし作るので武田さんが写真撮ってくれませんか!? So, how about this! I'll make some, and you can take pictures, all right? むしろ早く止めていれば... Or maybe, we should've cut it short a bit sooner... ちょっと3時間はやりすぎたね You think three hours was too long? 3 武田さん 原稿... Takeda-san, the manuscript... 原稿取ってください Please, bring me the manuscript. え?なんで... What? Why...? します I'll work. しますって Work? Like /that/? 4 線ふわふわじゃないですか Look, your lines are all over the place! でも明日〆切りだから... But tomorrow's the deadline... やらない...と... I have to get it... [smaller:] done... 森下さん!! Morishita-san!! おなかすいた... I'm hungry... 5 なにか食べたいものありますか? Is there anything in particular you feel like eating? 豚の角煮丼 Pork belly on rice. 死ぬ気ですね Looking to kill yourself? あーあと万華鏡がほしいです Oh, and I could use a kaleidoscope too! 眼前がちかちかしてるからちかちかを万華鏡でごまかそうと!? Trying to cancel out your eyes swimming with a kaleidoscope!? やっぱり川口さんに来てもらったほうが Maybe I'd better call Kawaguchi-san here, after all... いやいや 武田さんがいるし... No, no! No need for that... You're here for me, Takeda-san. いてくれてよかった I'm very glad I have you by my side. 6 あっあのじゃあ せめて編集の方に連絡を... Ah... but, well... I'd better at least contact the editing department. 体調悪いって言うんですか? And tell them I'm not feeling well? どうせスルーですよ!手さえ動くなら描けですよ! They won't care! As long as you can still move your hand, they expect you to draw! ちょっと風邪ひいちゃってー てへぺろ! Sorry, I caught a little cold! Te he he! へーー... Well now... それは仮病だったからでしょ! Because you were /pretending/ to be sick that time! えーー Ehhh... ネームうまくいかない上に風邪までひくってもー...ついてないなぁ I can't seem to catch a break lately... as if the writer's block wasn't enough, now I get a cold... まんがみさまが憑いてない And the Mangod just won't take control of my body... 7 まんがみさま!? The Mangod!? そうまんがみさまが憑いていたらうまくいくんです Yes... if the Mangod, the God of Manga, takes possession of you, drawing's a snap. おかげで私今連載3本しかないですもん But he hasn't been, so I've only been able to keep three serializations going... どうやったらまんがみさまが憑いてくれるんですか!? And how do you get the Mangod to take possession of you!? まー運なんですけどね Well... it's mostly a matter of luck, but... 手っ取り早く言うと if you're looking for the quickest method... はっ gasp... もうろう haaaze 8 ただのうわごとですね!?もう黙って寝てください!! You're just rambling half-conscious nonsense! Quiet down and sleep already!! 私は早く引っ越さなければいけないのに... The plan /had/ been for me to move out as soon as possible, but... かわりに人物のアタリまでとっておきましょうか ...I can handle everything up to sketching in the characters for you. キャラの入ってる所なら背景も描きますけど In the places where there are people I can at least do the backgrounds. [?] や...作画は全部わたしがしなきゃ No... I need to do all the drawing myself. わたしの漫画だから... Since it's my manga, after all... 9 武田さん Takeda-san... わたしは一人で生きていけないタイプなのです I'm the sort of person who can't live on her own. そうですよね 森下さんほどの稼ぎがあれば私とシェアなんてしなくても True enough... with what she earns, there's no reason Morishita-san would have to roomshare with me. さみしいんです I get lonely. だから漫画を描いてます That's why I draw manga. 武田さんわたしとこれからも仲良くしてください Will you keep on being my friend, Takeda-san? 10 理衣ちゃーんまた連絡してね! Keep in touch, Rii-chan! がんばってね! Good luck with everything! また会おーね! We'll see you again soon! 理衣ちゃん卒業おめでとう Congratulations on your graduation, Rii-chan. 11 お母さん Mom... 話があるのそろそろ電話に出てちょうだい I need to discuss something with you. Please try answering your phone now and then. 理衣ちゃん! Rii-chan! 12 え!? What!? 13 ちょっと森下さん!こんなところで何してるんですか! Morishita-san! What in the world are you doing down here!? 涼しいから It's nice and cool here. まだ熱があるからですよ!ダメですよ あたたくしなきゃ That's because you've still got a fever!! Come on! We need to get you warmed up! お風呂わかすんで早く入ってください! I'll draw you a bath, so hurry up and get in! あはは やさしいー Ah ha ha... you're so nice. ほんと武田さんが一緒でよかったなー I really am glad I have you here with me... 本当は川口さんと一緒がよかったでしょ ...Really, you'd rather it was Kawaguchi-san, right? 14 先輩と一緒に暮らすなんてドキドキして死んじゃうからムリですっ If I lived with Senpai, I'd die from heart palpitations... it'd never work. あーー...そうですね I see. Well, perhaps you're right. 春ですね It's springtime! 武田さん卒業式いつなんですか? When's your graduation, Takeda-san? ほら 卒業までにデビューしないと You have to make your debut before then, right? 15 えーと お風呂入れてきますね Emm... I think I'll go take a bath myself. 森下さんは部屋の中に入っていてください Don't stay out here on the balcony, go on inside. はーい Okay! 私がもし一人で暮らしたいって言ったら森下さんはどうしますか? ...What do you think of me maybe moving off to live somewhere by myself? やだ I hate it. やだって Hate it, huh? 私だっデビューしたかったけど I mean, of course I wanted to make my debut... 16 デビューできなくても But even if I don't get published, 進学したこと even if I go on to college... 森下さんとの生活は続けられるし that doesn't mean I can't keep living with Morishita-san. 熱を出しながら原稿をしなきゃいけないようなこともない It doesn't mean she should have to be here working on manuscripts with a high fever. 進学 College... お母さん Mom 17 18 This is the first volume release in over a year and half. Thank you very much for reading! And thank you to all the people who continue to help me out! Hirao Auri October 2012