1 Letter from an Unknown Sender Tanaka Minoru 2 チュンチュン cheep cheep 藤徳司様 Fujinori Tsukasa-sama チュンチュン cheep cheep あらもう郵便きてたの?誰宛? Oh my, there's mail? Who for? 私 Me. 忍ぶれど色に出にけり我がこひは...ってなに? "Mine love, which I have but vainly labored to conceal"... what is this? 百人一首か That's from the 100 Poems. 恋の歌ね It's a love poem. あらやだっ司ちゃんラブレターもらったの!? Oh my heavens... Tsukasa-chan, you got a love letter!? まあああぁ和歌で告白!? Dear me! And a confession through classic poetry...!? 大正ロマンだわあああ That's Taisho-era romance!! い い い 行ってきます!!! I- I- I've gotta go, okay!!! 3 ラブレター A love letter? 百人一首で? Through the 100 Poems? そう! でコレなんて意味 That's right! So, what does this mean? 誰にも知られないように秘めてきた恋心が溢れてしまいましたって歌 ...It's about trying to hide away your love so nobody knows about it, but it overflows and spills out on to your face anyway. さっっっすが文芸部部長 Thaaaaat's the president of the Literature Club for you!! Thank you!! Grazie!! Spasibo!! Danke schön!! 離せ Let go. 他になんて書いてあったの? What else was written on it? 私あての名前とSってだけ Just my name and an 'S'. じー staaare あとは And also... この手紙桜もちのにおいがする The letter smells like cherry blossom-flavored rice cakes! 桜の香りって言いなよ Just say it smells like cherry blossoms. 推測するとだなワトソン君!! Let us deduce, dear Watson!!! なんだいホームズ Deduce what, Holmes? 4 この時代に和歌を使ったラブレター *A love letter, in this day and age, written in classic poetry. 名前を書かない書けない理由 *No name, so there was some reason it couldn't be written. でも頭文字は書いちゃう 私の想いに気づいて欲しいの *But the inclusion of an initial nonetheless says "Please notice my feelings!" 手紙に香りをつける繊細な心配り *The attachment of a scent shows delicate attention to detail. イコール!!! !!! 間違いありません 女子です No doubt about it. It's a girl. テュリィィィィィン ja-jaaaaaan 男子かもよ It could be a boy. 草食系の Just a sensitive one しかも絶滅危惧種の大和撫子ちゃん What's more, that rarest demure beauty in the classical mold. 断言か Already sure, huh. この行動の可憐さからして間違いなくTKO23のあずかちゃん並の可愛さ...! Judging from the sweetness evident in her actions, I can state definitively that her cuteness is exactly on par with Asuka-chan's, from TKO-23!! ハー ハー ハー pant pant pant 出た アイドルオタク There's the idol groupie we know so well 実は目星ついてるんだよネ! And, I actually already have a candidate! 早いね Quick work. 朝の電車でよく一緒になる子なんだけど There's this girl who rides the same train as me most mornings. 5 最近よく目が合う Lately our eyes have been meeting a lot. で 合った瞬間そらされるの But as soon as they do, she'll look away. それだけ That's it? まだある! Nope! There's more! すみ花ちゃん おはよー Sumika-chan, good morning! おはよー Good morning! SUMIKAちゃん!!! Sumika-chan!!!! すみ花... Sumika... その子 ロングのストレート Does she have long, straight hair? うん Yeah. 白道の制服着てた? And wear Hakudou's uniform? うん Yeah. 今日うちの学校来るよ She's coming to our school today. 6 なんで Why!!? うちの文芸部とあっちの演劇部で合作劇やるから打ち合わせに Our literature club and their drama club are doing a joint production, so we're having a meeting here. マジで!? For real!? 入部させてください Please let me join your club! いいけど Fine by me. キーンコーン カーンコーン Ding dong... ding dong... えーと じゃあ Okay, well then... まずは自己紹介から We can all start by introducing ourselves. [paper:] Hakudou Acad Drama Club Umegaoka Literature Cl Joint P 7 今田桜子です My name is Imada Sakurako. キリッ glint 藤徳司です! I'm Fujinori Tsukasa! 遠藤すみ花です My name is Endou Sumika. 部長の中川です I'm the Club President, Nakagawa. どしたの What's wrong? かーわーいー So... Damn... Cute... ちょっと Nah, just... nothin'... では --Well then, 今日はこれで解散ということで we can declare this adjourned for today. ガタン ガタ slide clatter 遠藤さん! Endou-san! あの よく朝の電車で一緒になってるよね? Er... we see each other on the morning train a lot, don't we? あっはい! Ah, yes! あの Um... 覚えてますか? Do you remember? 8 前に駅の駐輪場で... It was a while ago... in the bike parking zone at the station... キャー Eeegh! グシャー crunch 大丈夫?手伝うよ Are you okay? Let me help あのときはちゃんとお礼が言えなくて I never got to thank you properly for that. 過去の私グッジョブグッジョブグッジョブ Good job, past self! Great work!! Great work!! すみ花ちゃんとメル友になったんだけど~ メールがね ちょーかわいーの!! なに天使みたいな!! Sumika-chan and I are text buddies now!! And let me tell you, her texts are soooo totally adorable! I'm sitting here like, What is this, an angel!?!? あーハイ 良かったねー Oh, I see. Well, I'm glad for you. どんな内容? And what do the texts say? やだ 教えない 独り占めする No way, not telling you! I'm keeping her for myself!! プッ Pbh! 9 なんかさー Hey, you know... クスクスクス snicker snicker snicker カワイーカワイーって司ちゃんちょっと変じゃない? Tsukasa-chan, kinda getting weird, isn't it? You going all "So cute!! So adorable!!" イキすぎっていうかさー Think maybe you're a little /too/ into her? ねー I know! 人は皆 Every person in the world... S極とN極...!!! is either an S. Pole or an N. Pole! 10 リーゼントとライダースが似合いすぎて困っちゃう Sゲーカッコイイ系の私が That the //S//uper Cool, Can't Believe She Looks This Good in a Ducktail and Bike Jacket me... 対極のNなんてカワイイ すみ花ちゃんに would be attracted to my opposite, the //N///o Way Anybody's Really This Cute In Real Life Sumika-chan... 何だ What is that? 何だ What on earth? ちょ Hey... 足ギター Leg Guitar 吸いよせられるのは宇宙の真理な訳よ!!!! is an unshakable, undeniable law of this universe!!!! 分かったら パンツ We get it, so please... your underwear... まる見え... It's showing... くっくっくっくっくっ Ha ha ha ha ha ha 11 思い出し笑いしないでくれる? Don't laugh at your own memories... だってさー But, I mean! ぶっくっく Bwa ha ha! どーせやりすぎましたよ~ You have to know you took it too far, right? だーってさ I mean, seriously! [note: these could be Tsukasa's lines] もらった手紙までバカにされたみたいで ...but, it was like they were even making fun of the letter itself. 嫌じゃん! I hate that! ぶっ Pbth! 恥ずかしい奴 Man, you're embarrassing... 悪いか! Well sorry! Is that wrong!? 悪くはないよ No, it's not wrong. あー Ahhhh 悪いかも Okay, maybe a little wrong 12 じゃーねー 'Bye then! また明日ー See you tomorrow! 駅組 Train Team バス組 Bus Team 幼なじみ取られてくやしい? Is it hard to see your childhood friend stolen away from you? 全ッ然 Not at //ALL//. アハハハ Ah ha ha ha! もーやだ司ちゃん! Geez...! Cut it out, Tsukasa-chan! ん? Hm? にゅっ ブフー Pwha ha! くすくすくす giggle giggle giggle ふわん float 今日 調理実習だったの? Were you cooking in Home Ec today? え? Huh? すみ花ちゃんから甘いにおいする I smell something sweet on you. 13 あ 家が和菓子屋なんです Oh! My family runs a traditional sweets shop out of our home. この時期お団子とか桜もちとか沢山出るから私も手伝わされてて多分それで... We'll sell a lot of candy dango or cherry-blossom rice cake this time of year, so I'll help out a little. That's probably what you're smelling. へー えらいね Wow, hey! Good for you! 桜...もち...? Cherry... blossom... rice... cake? くんくん sniff sniff これは This is it. あっ でも分かる なんか和菓子っぽいもん すみ花ちゃん Oh, but that makes sense! You're a bit of a traditional sweet yourself, Sumika-chan. え? Huh? 上品で柔らかそう? You're sweet, and elegant, and seem kind of soft! やだもう Oh, geez! You! モチモチ Squeeze squeeze!! アハハ Ah ha ha! 14 司さんて面白く Tsukasa-san, you're so funny! そう? I am? 優しいですよね And so kind. だから 本当に私 So... you know, the truth is, ずっと I've always... これは This is it! わっ M- 「私もすみ花のことが」 "Me too, Sumika-chan! I feel the same way!" 15 私もっ Me too! 私の彼氏よりカッコいいなぁって thought you were even cooler than my own boyfriend! 今 なにか言いかけました? Sorry, did you start to say something? ブンブンブン shake shake shake 彼氏いたんだー? You have a boyfriend!? えへへ Eh heh heh! あっ ハイ 先月から Ah... yep! As of last month! 忍ぶれど "Mine love, which...?" ブレード Meinlovich? Who? ピンポーン Ding dong! 16 砕けて消えました... It's all gone... everything... crumbled away to dust... あっそー Oh. I see. 差出人は誰なんだよおおおおお Then who the heck sent that letterrrrrrr!? ミストリー所説だと犯人は身近な人物だけど In mystery stories, the culprit is always the person closest to you. 身近 Closest... 身近っつったらもう今やんしかいないしー But there's nobody close to me except you, Imayan... はぁぁぁぁぁ Sighhhhhhh あ~もう迷宮入り Ahhh, I give up. It'll just have to stay unsolved... グシャッ smash 17 ッ ... いっ... Ow... ちょっとなにすん Hey, what do you think you're- 18 の... doing... 19 えっ Eh... ウソ No way... 私の下の名前!!! My first name!!! 今田桜子です My name is Imada Sakurako. まんまじゃん!!! That's right in the open!!! ぎゅっ clench そんな直球で分かりやすいことをするとは思わなかったっ だっ But... I never thought you'd do something so obvious and straightforwa- agh! ばしっ whack ばし whack ばん smack 悪かったね 可愛くも分かりやすくも繊細でもなくて!!! Well, excuse me! Sorry I'm not cute, and I'm obvious! Sorry I'm not refined or delicate! どうせあんたはそうだろうと思ってた That's what you were thinking anyway, right!? 20 私を You never... 一瞬も even... 疑いもしないで... suspected me for a second. 21 ごめ Sorr- 帰れ!!! Go home!!! バン slam ゴン whack 22 誰にも知られないように秘めてきた恋心が "I tried to hide my love away so no one would know about it. ついに表に出てしまった But it finally spilled out on to my face. なにか悩みでもあるのかと人が尋ねる程に Now, everybody asks me if there's something troubling me." これからどんな顔して What kind of face am I supposed to make now... 会ったら if I see her...? 23 がばっ jump おはよう Good morning. おはようございます GOOOOD MORNING! うるさい Be quiet. 数学予習した? Did you do the math homework? えっ Eh? あ Um, まだ nope. あれ? Huh? 指されても知らないよ If she calls on you, don't come running to me. 今やん普通だ Ima-yan's... just like normal. ほ Hoo ズキッ sting 24 ズキッ sting 無かったことになるかもしれない Maybe we'll just both pretend it never happened. 前と同じに Things will go right back to how they were before. ズキッ sting いつも Just like... 通り always? 今やん Ima-yan. 25 昨日 About... の last night... 人はいさ How man's heart is, none can tell. 心も知らず古里は But the sweet flower in my birthplace, 花ぞ昔の香ににほひける as of yore, still emits the same perfume. 26 えっ Eh? なにソレなんて意味? What!? What does that mean!? 「人の心がどう変わっていくのかは分からないけれど」 "One can never tell how a person's heart may change... 百人一首 Is that the 100 poems!? 今やーん Ima-yaaan! しーん ignore この古里の桜の花は but the cherry blossoms in my hometown... 昔と変わらない香りで咲いている still smell the same they always did." [tank-only extra] Unknown Sender 0.5 「残念ですがお嬢さんの脚ではもうバスケを続けられません」 "We're very sorry, but because of your leg... I'm afraid you'll have to quit playing basketball." バスケやめたら I told myself, if I ever give up basketball... TKO23のASUKAちゃん追っかけようって I'd devote my life to chasing after Asuka-chan from TKO-23...