Upside Down Tag QC 1 Page 07 >As a kid I had a childhood friend I really liked >And sometimes I dream about her. These pieces of text are in the wrong boxes, they should be switched. Page 09 >No way? A premonition dream...? I'd recommend changing this to just "No way? A premonition...?" since I think "dream" is kind of implied by premonition. Or we could change it to "A prophetic dream...?" or something else. Page 12 >Oh, it's okay. Well, let's get along... >Nice to meet you... This "nice to meet you" here is a bit of a problem since she just said she remembers her, so they've both met before. Since よろしく is the kind of polite phrase that doesn't translate literally, I'd change the first line here to "Oh, it's okay. Nice to see you again..." and then the "Nice to meet you..." to "You too..." Page 13 >That kind of revenge goes on forever, so you win! >If you win, you'll feel better, right? I think these lines are connected, 復讐は続くからここは勝負で勝ったらスッキリするでしょ? My read is that she's saying "revenge is an endless cycle, so if you can win in a fair match, you'll get it over with, right?" Doesn't have to be that exact wording, but I think it should be something along those lines. Page 14 >And to top it off, she's too cool! Change this to: "And to top it all off, she's so cool at everything she does!" The いちいち here shows that it's specifically saying she's good at each event individually. Page 21 >So nice the weather's good, huh? Change this to "Good thing the weather's nice, huh?" I think the original is just a little awkward. Page 27 >What? No! change to >No, that's not true! >But I'm right! change to >Yes it is! just make these two lines fit together better, since it's 違うよ! 違わない! Page 32 >I'm heavy, I'm sure. change this to "I bet I'm heavy." or "I must be heavy." or something like that. This isn't wrong, I just think it's a little awkward. >After ten years, >I'm just realizing >that these feelings >are from my first love. I'd change this to "After ten years,/ I'm just now realizing/ that this feeling/ was my first love. Maybe that's a little better, I don't know, what do you think?