(part 7) Winter KajuMomo by Hakone Odawara Translation by Multiball [1/15 (0052.png)] (title) ふゆかじゅもも Winter KajuMomo え What? 先輩帰ちゃったんすか? Did Senpai head home? 用事ができたらしいです It sounded like something came up. 先輩が何も言わずに帰るなんて… Man, she left without saying anything... どんな用事か言ってたっすか Did she say what came up? さ、さすがにそこまではー W— Well, as you might expect, she didn't go so far... (sfx) じっ stare な 何ですか Ah— What is it? [2/15 (0053.png)] かおりん先輩 様子がおかしいっす Kaorin-senpai, there's something off about you, dude. 先輩隠したんですか…? Did you hide Senpai...? (sfx) オォォォ rumble 隠してないですー‼ I'm not hiding her!! …わかりました、いいますよぉ ...Okay, I understand. I'll talk. こわいです! You're scaring me! 実はーー The truth is— 足元、ふわふわする My footing feels iffy [3/15 (0054.png)] こんな次期に風邪を引くなんて Catching a cold in this season... …いや No... 私は肝心な時に上手く立ち回れない人間だったか I guess I'm someone who can't come through in the clutch. はあ Sigh ーあの時だってー ...And at that moment... [4/15 (0055.png)] ー勝ちたかった、な… ...I so wanted to win... …なんて ...But 今更すぎる It's far too late to be thinking that. 思考がちぐはぐだ My thoughts aren't matching up 頭と身体が熱を持って My mind and body are feverish うまく I'm not 動か ない moving well (sfx) ふわっ shrff ん? Hm? [5/15 (0056.png)] 冷たい? A cool touch? モモ… Momo... [6/15 (0057.png)] あ Oh. 冷たかったのはこれか This was the cool touch. いたのか There you are. …先輩酷いっす ...That was harsh, dude. ー風邪? A cold? はい 今は保健室に Yes. She's in the infirmary right now. 桃子さんには黙っててくれっていわれたのですが… She told me not to tell you... [7/15 (0058.png)] 「モモは心配しづぎれだろうから」ってー She said, "I'm sure Momo would worry too much." …妹尾はこういう役に向かないな ...I guess Senoo isn't suited for that role. 笑い事じゃないっすよ Dude, don't joke about this. 心配したら、駄目なんすか? Am I not supposed to worry about you? 心配だって I can worry 先輩と一緒に居られるからこそ出来る事じゃないっすか /Because/ I can be together with you, right? [8/15 (0059.png)] …心配させて欲しいっすよ ...I want you to let me have my worries, okay? 冷たい A cool touch. ーああ ...Sure. 触れていると 溶かしてしまいそうだ Touching her, it feels like she's going to melt すまない、モモ I'm sorry, Momo. [9/15 (0060.png)] …一人でも歩ける ...I can walk on my own. 足元危ないっすから The footing's bad, dude. 溶かしてしまったらそうしよう Were she to melt, what then? せっかく And after 見つけることが出来たのに I managed to find her... [10/15 (0061.png)] 思考がちぐはぐで纏まらない My thoughts aren't matching up, I can't collect them モモ Momo いなくならないでくれ Don't disappear on me. 浮かされているのは What's making me feel so floaty? 熱になのか Is it the fever? それとも Or maybe... [11/15 (0062.png)] 風邪はもう大丈夫なんすか? Is your cold better, dude? ああ 二日ほど寝たらすっかり良くなった Yeah. Two days' rest, and I'm right as rain. 油断は禁物っすよー Dude, no getting lax, okay? 先輩 Senpai 手、また繋がないっすか Are you not gonna hold hands again? [12/15 (0063.png)] 足元危ないっすから The footing is bad. もう熱は下がったとー Like I said, my fever has— さあ! Come on, dude! あ Oh この間ほどは冷たくない Her touch isn't as cool as the other day かも I think. [13/15 (0064.png)] 私 I'm not いなくなったりしないっすよ Disappearing to anywhere, dude. 先輩がいなくなれーって言いでもしない限り You could tell me to get lost, and I still wouldn't. As long as I can ずっているっすよ I'll be here. 足元が、ふわふわする My footing feels iffy [14/15 (0065.png)] 私の心はまだ 恋に浮かされたままだ My heart still feels floaty Buoyed up by love. おわり End [15/15 (0066.png)] ふゆかじゅもも Winter KajuMomo ・アニメ版ハルヒ「サムダイインザレイン」の、何気ない日常話なのにふと寂しさと暖かさが交互に来る感じが大好きだったので、そんな話が描けたらいいなぁと思って描きました。 I loved the casually alternating feeling of loneliness and warmth, even in a nonchalant story of the everyday, in the Haruhi anime's "Someday in the Rain." I thought "Man, I want to be able to draw a story like that," so I drew one. 思うだけならタダです…‼ It's harder than you might think..! ・今回の総集編を作ってる最中に自分も熱を出して寝込んだのですが「思考がちぐはぐで纏まらない…」とか言ってる余裕なんぞ当然のようにありませんでした。 In the middle of making this anthology, I broke out in a fever myself, and was bedridden. As you might expect, I didn't have any spare cycles to say "My thoughts aren't matching up, I can't collect them..." or anything. 寒いし暑いしだるいしモウネ I was cold, and hot, and sluggish...enough already. 手を握ってくれる可愛い後輩の女の子が私にもいれば違うんでしょうけどね。 If I'd had a cute kouhai girl to hold my hand, too, I'm sure things would have been different.