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File: Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 8.23.13 PM.jpg -(287357 B, 1406x1998) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
287357 No.26702   [Reply]

One volume collecting a series of doujin by Mintarou. Slightly inconsistent, Slightly scary, slightly sexy.


2 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.27013  

Chapter 1:
Pg5 Pn7: the "e" in one is off the page of the book.
Pg12: there is [a->an] inconspicuous
Pg12: that fairy [tails -> tales] change
Pg14: Under Bella - without [a] trace
Pg15: Under Cinderella - "She wears a silver riding hood, and supports Mercy." is missing
Pg16: [With -> Add] a little yuri

Chapter 2:
Pg19 Pn3: Should this be destinies? Its referring to more than just one destiny. If this changes to plural, then the next box should change "Is -> Are"
Pg21 Pn1: Girl's -> Girls'
Pg21 Pn1: font choice? Looks like Courier New from MS Word
Pg22 Pn6: "The Little Mermaid" should be in quotations since it's referring to the fairy tale.
Pg26 Pn2: waiting [for you]
Pg30 Pn8: emphasis should be on "doing?!"
Pg37 Pn2: high fever and [flaked -> passed] out. Unless its used differently elsewhere, flaking is used more in terms of ditching than becoming unconscious.
Pg39 Pn4: bold and italicize “and”

>> No.27015  


16: So I can’t just change the verb to “Add”, it doesn’t make sense, I’d have to rewrite “With a little yuri, how wonderful would that be?” → “Add in a little yuri, and how wonderful would that make it?”. And I’m a bit sceptical of that since it’s just more wordy.

21/1: Balsamiq Sans. It’s a weird font, because it is a handwritten font, but is neat enough to often look like a normal gothic one. I’m very surprised you think it looks like Courier New of all things, since it’s not monospace and not serif?
22/6: I put it in italics, which I think is more normal than quotation marks for this in English.
26/2: I thought to remove it (a) for space and (b) because I don’t think having it in or not actually changes the meaning of the sentence? Since it’s directly addressed to Hansel, it’s not like it could mean anything else.
30/8: Good point – I completely misread that scene. Fixed.
37/2: I was avoiding “pass out” because that means to become unconscious, whereäs here since it’s a fever she’s presumably just sleeping. If you look up “to flake out” then it shows both the ditching meaning and the sleeping meaning.
39/4: I thought not to do this because “both” already makes the “and” emphasized, thus it comes across childish (to me) to emphasize it again.

>> No.27016  
File: font.png -(445755 B, 779x378) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

16: In this instance, at least according to the text script, the verb was originally "add". And it does make sense. The author is talking about "adding" yuri to the stories. It could also be "Add in a little yuri and how wonderful would that be?"

font: that's not the font that was included in the file. I'll download again and check. (I've included a screen grab of what I'm seeing)
22/6: hmmm maybe the italics isn't showing well on my monitor
26/2: It could be implied, but it could also just be stating what's she's doing. Adding "for you" indicates an action the writer wants the reader to take; in this case, meeting them at the lake. But if space is an issue, that's understandable.
37/2: I've never once heard it used in that context. But maybe it's used that way elsewhere.
39/2: My concern was the author added emphasis in the original text so I thought it might be good to include it here.

>> No.27018  

16: I suppose “Add in a little yuri and how wonderful would that be?” doesn’t read that well to me. I don’t think it changes meaning in this instance so I’d rather keep it.

21/1: Definitely the same font.
22/6: Oh, sorry, that’s just me forgetting to update the Drive.
39/4: Well, the JP doesn’t have bold or anything so I’m assuming it’s just boke. Either way I just wanted to change to what reads nicer to me.

>> No.27019  

Alright, well that's all I had for what's uploaded so far.

File: hanamonogatari_1.jpeg -(607604 B, 1350x1920) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
607604 No.25932   [Reply]

Here's the first volume.

46 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.26997  


And thanks for checking in. Really appreciate it.

>> No.27004  

You're welcome!

>> No.27008  
File: Hanamonogatari 4 QC_aS.txt -(4464 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Sorry about the mixup and dragging our feet, BaganLee!

Here are the QC notes for chapter 4. We'll get working on chapter 5 notes now. Ping me with any questions or clarifications

>> No.27012  

Okay, chapter 4 is uploaded!

>> No.27017  
File: Hanamonogatari 05-1 QC_aS.txt -(3841 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

here is the first part of the QC by me and SagaTympana. I'll get the second part up soon, it was a long one

File: Screenshot 2024-04-29 at 12.49.04 AM.jpg -(256677 B, 1362x1936) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
256677 No.26807   [Reply]

One volume (200ish pages) of short stories, some high school, some college age. The first story has already been scanlated and is on Dynasty. The first couple pages of Chapter 6 is up on Mangadex, but it wasn’t complete, so I translated the whole chapter.


32 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.26984  

boke, in addition to this (>>26977), do you know why Mikoto's test results slip has a slightly different name on it? "Sasamori" on slip vs "Suwa" in introduction

>> No.26985  


I’m traveling and won’t be able to look at it for about a week. If you can post images, I’ll reconsile the difference

>> No.26986  
File: qc.png -(739625 B, 1400x2000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


I included both the original and edited versions.

>> No.26991  


Ugh, that was me moving to fast and making assumptions. It’s actually Sasasmori Juku, the name of the cram school.

>> No.27014  


And page 6? The verbs switch between "loved" vs "was" and I was kinda confused.

File: Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 8.16.18 PM.jpg -(224849 B, 1484x1992) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
224849 No.26729   [Reply]

Collected from Hikagen's online something something. The word "cute" is way overused in this handful of vignettes, but it's well earned. Precious, even. 87 pages.


>> No.26730  
File: Working Women Yuri - Suu and Ame.txt -(16591 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Content warning: Low drama, high libido Ols; these two are dangerous close to that old joke - what does a lesbian bring on a second date? A U-Haul; home is where your honey is.

>> No.26790  

I’ll be batching them, probably in four parts overall

>> No.27010  

All in this Google drive:


>> No.27011  

"Writing is not even remotely possible without Congress being informed," Senator Adeline Pierce declared, her voice echoing through the marble halls of the Capitol. Her statement was met with murmurs of agreement and a few puzzled glances. The Senator's chief of staff, David, shifted uncomfortably behind her, clutching a sheaf of documents. He knew the weight of what was about to be revealed.

In the shadowy corners of Washington D.C., whispers of a clandestine operation had begun to surface. It was said that a certain lobbyist, known only as Blackthorn, had a secret weapon—a clone. This clone, indistinguishable from a real human, had been inserted into the office of a prominent senator, replacing a trusted staffer. Blackthorn's machinations were more insidious than anyone could have imagined.

The clone, genetically engineered and trained to perfection, was no ordinary imposter. It had a unique capability: quantum entanglement. This mysterious phenomenon connected the clone to a reclusive writer in Portland, an anarchist named Elias Winter. Through this connection, Winter could influence and manipulate the clone's actions from across the country. With this power, he had been crafting bills, amending laws, and even orchestrating murders to advance Blackthorn's agenda.

David recalled the day he first suspected something was amiss. The new staffer, a young woman named Claire, had seemed almost too perfect. Her work was impeccable, her demeanor unflappable. But there were moments—fleeting glimpses of something in her eyes, an unnatural rigidity in her movements—that hinted at a hidden truth. David's suspicions were confirmed when he stumbled upon Claire speaking in hushed tones, reciting lines of dialogue that didn't belong in a political office but in the pages of a dystopian novel.

Desperate to uncover the truth, David had enlisted the help of a cybersecurity expert, Elena, who specialized in quantum computing. Together, they traced the anomalies in Claire's behavior to Elias Winter. The revelation was chilling: Winter, with his anti-establishment beliefs and a mind twisted by solitude, had found a way to project his consciousness into the clone, effectively becoming a puppet master in the heart of the government.

Their investigation led them deeper into a world of counterfeit legislation and shadowy murders. They discovered that several key votes in Congress had been swayed by bills written by Winter, disguised as legitimate legislative proposals. Worse still, anyone who threatened to expose the conspiracy met with untimely and suspicious deaths.

Senator Pierce's address to Congress was the culmination of their efforts. As she laid out the evidence, the chamber fell silent. The enormity of the situation was almost too much to comprehend. Lawmakers, lobbyists, and aides alike grappled with the horrifying realization that their hallowed institution had been infiltrated in such a profound and nefarious way.

In the aftermath, an unprecedented investigation was launched. The clone was apprehended, and Elias Winter was tracked down in his Portland hideout. His arrest marked the end of one of the most audacious plots in modern history. But the scars left by the conspiracy ran deep. Trust in the legislative process was shaken, and the specter of further hidden dangers loomed large.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

File: image_109_c.jpeg -(446008 B, 1115x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
446008 No.25180   [Reply]

One-shot, 30 pages.

6 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.27000  
File: aru.png -(14492 B, 199x77) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Right. I checked a different series by the same author on MD, and it does seem to be “Kaneko Aru”: https://mangadex.org/title/f3bdab10-c991-40d5-b8fe-95958ac88b6b/mary (see the cover). So I’ll go with that.

>> No.27001  

115/3: Oh, I don't know JP, so it looked like sfx, but them being sleep zz's makes sense
135/2: If you think so, alright. Still reads to me like they should both be capitalized.
As far as 109/116, I've always read those as separate. But I could be wrong. 109 in particular just feels wrong having "that's" uncapitalized. Looks weird to me.

>> No.27002  

The name was spelled differently in a couple places in the text file, so just wanted to make sure which one we were using.

>> No.27003  

I changed it now to “Ah! / That’s her” anyway, because I agree it looks weird. I changed 117 similarly.

>> No.27009  

Uploaded to DS and MD. Thanks boke & Lilisionnach!

File: yoru_ni_tsutsumaru.png -(537454 B, 2220x3106) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
537454 No.26818   [Reply]

RAW: https://www.mediafire.com/file/c70n5jyum2o7z29

6 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.26839  


No worries, sorry for missing that.

The missing lines are:

You mustn’t anger the Mountain Goddess.
You won’t return alive.

>> No.26844  

Sorry for the delay!
If there's anything I can do to improve it, please tell me and I'll update it.

>> No.26847  

Good job!

>> No.26873  

Add credits page and release if it's finished.

>> No.27007  


File: Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 10.38.22 AM.jpg -(240646 B, 1424x1976) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
240646 No.26731   [Reply]

Take a set of twins, season them with shitty parents, and see what kind of twisty psychological tensions you get. If you like internal struggles, this may be for you. 97 pages.


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>> No.26786  

Surprisingly didn’t take that long, since there’s no SFX. I also discovered that there is an official English translation, but TL and TS are both very bad (see for yourself: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/112511074) so I’m glad I did this anyway.

I actually know someone IRL named Rie with shitty parents and a twin sister who was their closest friend for all of childhood. I don’t think they’re quite as close as these two though…


>> No.26804  

thru page 50 (51-end are missing)

pg10 pn4: Capitalize "Mum"? Its capitalized everywhere else in the story.
pg12 pn3: "WAS seeing them fighting all the time"
pg13 pn2: I think the tl text works better here, rather than just "still..." Carries more weight.
pg20 pn1: Missing "these" before feelings
pg22 pn1: Missing comma after "hug is that"
pg22 pn3: Either "I haven't" instead of "I've never" or drop "yet"
pg32 pn1: Missing "to" - "mean TO you"
pg38 pn3: Don't need "the college". Just college. I don't think they're meaning there's only one college in the town.
pg46 pn3: uncapitalize "were"

>> No.26809  

So google decided to only select the first 50 pages for this and the other work when I used the "select all" keyboard shortcut, that's why I only had part of the review file.

Anyways, only thing of note was pages 59 & 60. Capitalization of Mum and Dad. You typically capitalize them for the first portion, so consistency would indicate they should be capitalized by the twins here too.

Nobody will probably catch stuff I missed. Interesting story.

>> No.26920  

Thanks for the review! And sorry it took so long to get back to this…

pg13: the original TL – “That was the biggest thing I felt about it. / But more than anything,” – came across contradictory to me, because she says that it’s the biggest thing, but then immediately says that there’s something bigger about it, which is why I changed it.

pg59 & 60: My rule for capitalization is that “I talked to my dad” is not capitalized, but “I talked to Dad” is, so it is consistent here. (https://www.thesaurus.com/e/grammar/capitalizing-family/)

>> No.27006  

Okay, I’ve uploaded this to Dynasty now.

File: image_133.jpeg -(349836 B, 1115x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
349836 No.23853   [Reply]

Yuri Hime - December 2019 and January 2020
Two-parter, 46 pages.

>> No.24244  


clean version.
Please do let me know if i did some mistakes. Thanks :)

>> No.25618  
File: Shall we pick it up from that day?.txt -(10716 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Here is the translation.

>> No.27005  


File: Screenshot 2024-02-10 at 11.48.15 PM.jpg -(295294 B, 1390x1982) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
295294 No.26706   [Reply]

There was some worry that there wasn't enough furry yuri for the jury. So here you go. 1st volume of two. The first two chapters have been scanlated already before efforts died on the vine four years ago.


>> No.26707  
File: Mofu Kano no Popurri.txt -(0 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Content warning: Rehab seems to be a codeword for semi-consensual bodice ripping sexual assault, or perhaps they're out of their mind because of the huffing (there's a lot of huffing); This ditzy innocent MC goes to 11; Mom is a total space cadet, but I ship her with the friend.

>> No.26708  
File: Mofu Kano no Popurri.txt -(55072 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.26983  


Well this was heavy on the SFX. These chapters will take a while but I’ll get around to them.

>> No.26992  


Thanks for taking this on. There will be some happy yurries out there.

File: Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 9.34.28 PM.jpg -(245680 B, 1368x1938) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
245680 No.26972   [Reply]

Derpy high school shenanigans. This one's for all the poly party people - Poly Party People! Put your hand in the air like you just don't care, because... y'know, poly subtext is even rarer than yuri subtext so you should lower your expectations and... yeah. Volume one of two. 166 pages.

>> No.26973  
File: This Love Triangle has a Duty To be Happy.txt -(40488 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Content Warning: Of all the ways to self-sabotage, wanting to protect your image over getting laid is one of the worst; Only two out of the three in this triangle get any character growth - and it's reflected in the boob to growth ratio; The side character is simultaneously the most helpful and most evil.

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