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File: 04000995150.jpg -(83699 B, 556x810) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
83699 No.26387  

raws from crypticmeta: dl in name link above
TL by me: https://pastebin.com/FGnDpeDR

Here is Daishinrin, or dsr, back when they still went by the handle Mori and their first of three Marimite doujinshi. (second one here: https://safe.yuri-project.net/res/25388.html) again being mostly NoriShima.

This is mostly a gag manga and doesn't have a connected story to the other ones or anything.
It's kinda historically significant because it was their first non-Hayate x Blade doujinshi and an important step to what they would become. On their blog they tell how they went to a cafe with a friend where they were introduced to Marimite and were lent some of the books and got so hooked that they impulsively started making this dj in addition to the Hayate x Blade one they had planned for C72 and so barely had any time to put together a story or anything. What a time it must have been. Waiting for new volumes of the book to be published and new seasons of the anime to come out...

>> No.26389  

Thanks for the raws! Nice blast from the past.

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