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File: image_295.jpeg -(387728 B, 1114x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
387728 No.23309  

One-shot, 36 pages.

>> No.25770  
File: Idola the Coward.txt -(13446 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Another one raised from the dead. Content warning: Kansai accent, OLs, (literal) cute-angst.

>> No.25771  

I am planning to pick up cleaning and typesetting for this work. I am not sure how this website work, let me know if there are any requirements.

>> No.25772  


Thanks for coming by, and thanks for volunteering to work on this. The way the site works is pretty simple. When you've completed typesetting this chapter, post a link in this thread where people can download the typeset chapter. Then other volunteers will review the draft to check for errors and make suggestions, you'll make any changes necessary, then I'll post it to the website and we can upload it to other manga readers.

We have a wiki with some general guidelines, but unfortunately many of them are out of date https://wiki.yuri-project.net/Guidelines

If you have any questions, go ahead and post here and we'll try to answer.

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