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File: doropanda_vol.12_001.jpg -(2363508 B, 1168x1650) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2363508 No.3117   [Reply]

Manga part from Volume 12 of Doropanda TOURS. 11 pages.


I'd like to edit this one.

5 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.7543  

How to play with a cute beast.

>> No.7546  
File: love_match0001.jpg -(331803 B, 905x1280) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Wow, that was fast. Glad to see people interested \O/ Eh but the black border is part of the page itself... xD


Everything related to Doropanda Tours V3-12.5 is in that page =w= I don't want the paste the links here =P there are simply too many.

>> No.7551  
File: scan001.png -(331563 B, 1345x2000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.7552  
File: scan00.jpg -(592415 B, 1345x2000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>Eh but the black border is part of the page itself.

No not the black borders, the areas which I've marked in the image.

>> No.7553  

pretty sure that's the line of her back.

File: Please My God, Please_0073.png -(1538856 B, 1773x2484) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1538856 No.6171   [Reply]

Chapter 09, 8 pages.

ED: http://www.mediafire.com/?zghd4ojtuzzbtda

Chapter 10, 8 pages.

ED: http://www.mediafire.com/?rv40qxar029ike4

Chapter 11, 8 pages.

ED: http://www.mediafire.com/?o7n0dmrogtpindt

>> No.7035  

Chapter 10's download appears to be broken.

>> No.7036  

I was downloading these earlier today, and kept getting problems with that one. It did eventually work, but here's a reupload anyway.


File: 06c (141).jpg -(351725 B, 1145x1646) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
351725 No.6978   [Reply]

Raw: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?4277b0xe2z7a7z0

The first chapter was translated by Tranquil (source - http://www.tranquilspring.com/2012/03/point-at-infinity-01/) , but since they've been inactive for almost a year and it seems interesting I figured it would be okay.Also it's short - 4 chapters total.

Note: It seems that the author changed the name of the series (for ch2-4), but the last two characters are the same as the first chapter, he may have changed the infinity symbol for the "infinity" word, alas I don't understand so it's speculation on my part.
Note2: I can't find the fourth(final chapter) it's in Tsubomi vol.9.I'd be glad anyone who has it to please post it.Thank you.

11 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.7026  

>>7025 I see, but I still don't understand what overleveled means for a translator/scanlator so if you could point me to a thread where it's best explained I'd be grateful, of course you don't have to do that.Maybe just a general explanation, if you can.

>> No.7027  

A scanned page usually looks like this: http://safe.yuriproject.net/src/another_kiss_ch05_09.png
You level to turn those white areas into actual white and black areas to black. If you overdo it however you turn things white (and thus destroy) you actually want to keep, like those patterns there.

>> No.7030  

>>7027 I see, so basically it means no grain,right?

>> No.7031  


Sort of. When you level a page, you'll want the parts of the page that should be white to be white, and parts that should be black to be black. However you want to keep all the other patterns as they are. If you level too much on the white side, the patterns in the brighter shades of gray start disappearing, they just turn white, and others just doesn't look as dark as they were intended to. Overleveling on the black side has the same effect for the darker shades of gray. It's not really about making grains disappear, but rather giving the page colours close to what was intended. As a sideffect the grains will disappear.

>> No.7033  

>>7031 Yeah, didn't phrase/finish the sentence as I should have,sorry.Thanks for the explanation :]

File: 掃描0175拷貝.jpg -(158439 B, 700x1053) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
158439 No.6994   [Reply]

Raw: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?pkis0740ea9bwiy

The first chapter was translated by Tranquil (source - http://www.tranquilspring.com/2012/03/point-at-infinity-01/) , but since they've been inactive for almost a year and it seems interesting I figured it would be okay.Also it's short - 4 chapters total.

Note: It seems that the author changed the name of the series (for ch2-4), but the last two characters are the same as the first chapter, he may have changed the infinity symbol for the "infinity" word, alas I don't understand so it's speculation on my part.

Found the last chapter.

File: 65.jpg -(271676 B, 711x1024) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
271676 No.6977   [Reply]

Raw: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mdd1waj57uq1ikn

The first chapter was translated by Tranquil (source - http://www.tranquilspring.com/2012/03/point-at-infinity-01/) , but since they've been inactive for almost a year and it seems interesting I figured it would be okay.Also it's short - 4 chapters total.

Note: It seems that the author changed the name of the series (for ch2-4), but the last two characters are the same as the first chapter, he may have changed the infinity symbol for the "infinity" word, alas I don't understand so it's speculation on my part.

File: lisblanc_ch02_01.png -(3306088 B, 1785x2529) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
3306088 No.6922   [Reply]


This is the continuation of http://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/lisblanc - figured since we did that we might as well do the sequel if there's any interest.

File: 9bcc596af3e7d36dca37b68126ceed7d.jpg -(154898 B, 708x1000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
154898 No.6354   [Reply]


anyone would like to work on these? last two pages not translated

File: Please My God, Please_0097.png -(3060348 B, 1795x2480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
3060348 No.6172   [Reply]

Chapter 12, 8 pages.

ED: http://www.mediafire.com/?41eec7te8wpnpe7

Chapter 13, 8 pages.

ED: http://www.mediafire.com/?as7yyvvfovvabfx

Chapter 14, 6 pages.

ED: http://www.mediafire.com/?oujwhqtod8cemzr

Afterword: http://www.mediafire.com/?luce9xkzdeq2ybp

And that's it for the first volume of this tank. There's another volume, but I haven't gotten around to scanning it yet.

File: 040030070917-1p.jpg -(91719 B, 600x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
91719 No.6165   [Reply]

This would be the second story of a series thing, and I haven't got the first book. Scanned this anyways.

ED: http://www.mediafire.com/?b1ax881bw9av4el

File: Vol.9_0261.png -(3723282 B, 1777x2484) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
3723282 No.6153   [Reply]

One-shot, 22 pages.

ED: http://www.mediafire.com/?hiwb8m2eanfnft4

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