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File: Screen Shot 2023-03-18 at 8.19.03 PM.png -(2826058 B, 1220x1602) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2826058 No.26343   [Reply]

This is a really sweet story, much better written than most of it's genre. Nice balance of funny, sweet and a dash of angst. Four volumes overall, here is volume one. Since it's 4 koma, it might be a challenge to edit (certainly takes way longer to TL).

This series has two chapters over on Mangadex, but they are over 2 years old and I'm not crazy about the TL anyway.


>> No.26344  
File: Corporate Slave Lady and Runaway Girl Vol 01.txt -(61245 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Content warning: Age gap, student/teacher, Vrrrm for the win.

>> No.26383  
File: Screen Shot 2023-05-16 at 10.24.38 PM.jpg -(615209 B, 1278x1790) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

More of the same. Fortunately.


>> No.26384  
File: Corporate Slave Lady and Runaway Girl Vol 02.txt -(63076 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Content warning: Miyu's got the best fetishes, requisite unrequited love, mmm - smell that angst wafting up from the ofuro.

File: hana ni arashi vol 11 cover.jpeg -(599196 B, 1365x1920) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
599196 No.25893   [Reply]

Here's volume 11. I've already started on the translation, will post the first chapter soon.

34 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.26362  


Thanks for the feedback! I’ll work on it soon. Will update here again by Wednesday, April 12.

>> No.26366  


Done editing Chapter 124 with your feedback! I really appreciate it, especially the fonts.

I applied most of your suggestions except for "panel 4 bubble 4 should this be "she wouldn't have any problem at all" or "it'd be a breeze for her"?" on Page 5 cos I think the original is fine since Nanoha was thinking in Chidori's shoes.

Also edited Chapter 125 with the editing changes that can be applied there. I'm still open to make changes if needed.

The new pages are uploaded/updated in the Mega links previously posted in >>26266

>> No.26377  

new is 32 with faux italics
old is about 30


For both chapters:
++ the main dialogue font, wild words, is a touch to big. recommend decreasing by 2 pts across all bubbles. With the exception of especially empty bubbles like in ch 124, page 39, panel 2 and 3. right now its too big overall so you're running into situations where the text blobs will almost touch like in ch 125, page 45, panel 5, bubble 2/3. also, you should try not to get too close to the edge of the bubble. leaving some margin makes it easier to read, kinda like why when you write a report you don't go all the way up to the edge of the page.
++ don't use faux italics. this: https://www.lifewire.com/faking-bold-and-italics-photoshop-1700272 , use real proper italics and bold like shown here: https://www.bwillcreative.com/how-to-make-bold-and-italic-text-in-photoshop/ . i'm not familiar enough with wild words to spot it right away, so please double check all of the bubbles for faux bold and faux italics.
++ [suggest you learn how to denoise raws https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sMaxKfWc7ow-Y4LCt191gQDVQDUpd7M3MWAmnyRpMzg/edit if you don't get it, lmk and i'll do it for you]

ch 124
-- page 40
++ panel 1, bubble 2 remove crossbar I from "nice". see this link for the reason why: https://blambot.com/pages/comic-book-grammar-tradition

ch 125

-- page 45
++ already mentioned but, panel 5 decrease the font size to better sperate the two text blobs in bubble 2/3.
++ [panel 5, bubble 4, suggest to change to CC Maladroit or creative block]

-- page 46
++ panel 2, bubble 1 remove crossbar I in "it's"
++ panel 2, bubble 2 remove crossbar I in "it's" (the repeat comment is not a mistake, the same comment for both bubbles)
++ [panel 3, bubble 2, suggest to change to CC Maladroit or creative block]

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>> No.26380  

Seems like some other group has already picked up this manga so it would be best to stop or communicate with them who should be doing it as it was irregular lately. They plan on releasing a chapter each week as we're down alot.

Sho habby scans discord - https://discord.gg/GdV76sQs7d

>> No.26381  


Might be best to stop working on it. They already released Chapter 126 too.


Thanks for the additional feedback! Since another group has already picked up the series and released both chapters I was working on, I see no point in further editing the work I've done.

File: Screen Shot 2023-03-12 at 9.36.29 PM.png -(909789 B, 642x904) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
909789 No.26312   [Reply]

One part sexy, one part comedy, one part slice of life. All in one volume.

RAW: https://www.mediafire.com/file/akumzexbx971zzn/Sachi_to_You_Ka_v01.zip/file

>> No.26313  
File: Sachi and Yuuka ch01.txt -(4226 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Content warning: girl running hot and cold, when you make a point make it with a knife, flowers and dildos are the next instagrammable moment.

>> No.26370  
File: Sachi and Yuuka 01.txt -(65687 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Content warning: densest straight you can find, Sachi and Yuuka so canon that their juices are everywhere, happy floppy ending.

File: Screen Shot 2023-04-09 at 8.57.18 PM.png -(3131196 B, 1410x1408) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
3131196 No.26359   [Reply]

Sweet two volume series that does what it says on the tin. Nice slice of life story that balances school stuff and adult lesbians.



>> No.26360  
File: Living With My Mother's Ex-Girlfriends Vol 01.txt -(42625 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Content warning: bitter but good hearted lesbians, legacy child-rearing, a guarantee of at least one good new fashioned lesbian relationship.

>> No.26361  

Zip it to one archive, coz mediafire wants you to pay for bulk download, lol.

>> No.26364  


>> No.26369  
File: Living With My Mother's Ex-Girlfriends Vol 02.txt -(50310 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This concludes the series. Content warning: father head fake, power hand holding, the adults get less action than the kids.

File: Screen Shot 2023-04-13 at 7.38.36 PM.png -(1557025 B, 1360x754) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1557025 No.26367   [Reply]

The raws for this anthology is available online to read for free. A great collection of stories, well written and with a variety of subject matter.

>> No.26368  
File: GirlxGarden Collection.txt -(106298 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Some of these stories have been scanlated already, but I have noted which ones. Great variety of stories from school girls to lesbian prostitutes to lesbian assassins.

File: Screen Shot 2023-04-09 at 3.21.41 PM.png -(859018 B, 608x616) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
859018 No.26356   [Reply]

One shot from the mangaka of Miss Sunflower. The link goes to the ComicWalker site where you can read the story for free.

>> No.26357  
File: Foam On The Water.txt -(4694 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Translation was requested by Sika over at Dynasty. Open for editing if anyone is interested. Content warning: useless lesbians x2, nurses are co-dependent, mermaidism as a symbol of repression.

File: image_071.jpeg -(279224 B, 1114x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
279224 No.23502   [Reply]

One-shot, 42 pages.

8 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.26321  

Unless there are more changes, this one is ready to be released.

>> No.26326  



>> No.26330  
File: p13.png -(242163 B, 556x716) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

pg 13, "every since" -> "ever since"

>> No.26351  

was this fixed?

>> No.26352  
File: 13.png -(922900 B, 1114x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I forgot to reply; I've been busy.
If anybody wants to update the page, here it is the corrected version.

File: 1.jpeg -(929692 B, 1332x1864) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
929692 No.25409   [Reply]

Two separate shorts about some characters. 5 pages total.


7 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.26176  


If I haven’t comment on a change, I’m fine with it.

I'm not sure where the "Love!" from the script was supposed to end up here

—> Near Beni-chan’s head

The ghost line here is kinda stilted either way, my own suggestion would be
"I'm not pretending to be a ghost!"
Mainly because I don't think kids play ghost (unless it's the band of course, but this would be a category of playing pretend), or do ghost poses so it ends up being odd.

—-> I think the ghost image is simply and artistic affectation. There’s no mention of it in the story.

The daily life to has no life change is kinda big, thematically, so might need a review on that one.

—> “Has no life” is lively, but not accurate to the original text. The flavor is more of Beni-chan has a hard time keeping up with the day to day stuff.

>> No.26177  


>>26174 Some things I want to add before I apply the quality changes.

1f2: After re-reading this panel, I think Ekio (light hair one) suggests Beni (dark hair one) move in with her. Beni asks if it's okay for her to not pay any rent or utilities, and so Eiko quickly changes the subject. As such, I think something more along the lines of "Is it fine if I don't pay any rent or utilities?" would better convey the original Japanese dialog.

--> This is accurate. I'm fine with the change.

2f3: I'm not sure where love is supposed to go. Boke would have to clarify.

--> see above

Beni: Regarding "loves Eiko," the original text conveys the message that Beni loves Eiko despite not understanding her hobby of yuri. "But Beni loves her anyway," conveys that liking yuri is a negative trait that Beni is able to look past, when in actuality, it's more so about loving someone despite not being able to understand them. As such, something like "Beni loves Eiko despite that fact that she had never heard of the word 'yuri' before she met her," would probably be a better translation.

Also, I would say that "has no life" is a better translation of 生活力 than "not great at daily life" and "basically" is a better translation of 基本的 than "to tell the truth," but I'm open to talking about it with Boke if he disagrees.

--> Changing 基本的 to "basically" works just fine.

--> After having consulted with a native speaker, the consensus was "has no life" is a big harsh. My TL is certainly clunky here, so maybe something in the neighborhood of "sucks at daily life"?

>> No.26187  

Applied all the suggested edits to the pages.

>> No.26249  


This looks fine, just needs a credits page.

>> No.26346  

What's going on? Release it.

File: my_graduation_01.png -(3595246 B, 1797x2579) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
3595246 No.10976   [Reply]

20 pages

>> No.26341  
File: My Graduation.txt -(6842 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Some crushes keep burning even after graduation. Content warning: silent crushes mature like wine, girl plant that seed, courage grows over time.

File: 00446.jpeg -(489140 B, 1114x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
489140 No.20325   [Reply]


Only oneshot from this issue. Raws from >>20321

>> No.26336  
File: You Wanna Dream? I Wanna Destroy!.txt -(6899 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

School girl story with property damage. Content warning: super powers get in the way of school girl love, punch as symbol of female ejaculation, so cool she could be a blue.

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