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File: Vol.9_0307.png -(3340691 B, 1786x2494) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
3340691 No.6155   [Reply]

One-shot, 16 pages.

ED: http://www.mediafire.com/?68awsecb0q9a2u6

>> No.26074  
File: The Me That Looks Good.txt -(5897 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Do you think it's possible I waited a whole year just so this could be a ten year old project? Content warning: Mori girl not good enough - needs the straw sandals, uncomplicated romance, old school lips.

File: Seesaw Game.jpeg -(378016 B, 1352x1920) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
378016 No.19485   [Reply]

RAW: http://www.mediafire.com/download/5y6otgyt34cd3rn

35 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.26041  
File: 00032.png -(412229 B, 1019x864) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Here's what it looks like.

>> No.26046  
File: upside down tag qc 2.txt -(2351 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I've got a few suggestions for lines, boke, if you want to go over them and decide which to change.

>> No.26048  
File: Seesaw Game Ch1 QC2.txt -(1405 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Here is another round of suggestions.

I've kept my pointed suggestions here minimal, and indeed I think they are the bare minimum for the chapter to reach a releasable state. I've opted against a more expansive QC for obvious reasons. I will say that you should review this chapter, look for all the bubbles with expressive fonts, and look to reflect that in your version.

While I can understand the argument of effort vs end results, I think you've fallen short of where you should be in this regard. When you refuse to do even basic redraws or font changes for expressive bubbles, you're doing a disservice both to the work itself and to the translator. Doing these things are not high effort, nor are they minute details—they're basic tasks that should be required of an editor.

It is ultimately schuyguy's decision on whether a work is fit for release, but if the recommendations I've given are too much work for you, consider contacting boke privately to release outside of the group. You can also work on /u/, which has little to no QC requirements. While we do not insist on professional or high quality releases, we do aim for it, and work to help each other improve. To welcome a refusal to put effort in would reflect poorly on all of us involved in this work, and on the group as a whole.

Regardless of what you decide, I will leave my involvement here. I think our attitudes toward scanlating are fundamentally incompatible. While I take no issue with a lack of experience or knowledge in this field, I do take issue with a refusal to do what I see as the bare minimum. If doing the series justice is not worth your time, then twisting your arm to make it releasable is not worth mine.

>> No.26051  

To be clear, I've not refused to do anything you've said. I've made all the changes you requested up until now, including running through waifu2x and everything in the first QC doc. I've also said that I would be willing to read your recommendations on fonts, shaping, etc. you offered in your last post.

I am only honest in what I think and what my capabilities are. I should be able to state my opinion on any matter even if I've then deferred to everything you've then asked for after explaining your own. That you think I'm denying or refusing anything you say is, I think, misunderstanding, and I'm sorry for any part I might have had in it.

The only thing I have said I cannot do is complete redraws. Clone stamps (which I have done plenty on on this chapter) are the most I can do. I am not an artist and I cannot completely re-draw a character's hair or arms where it never even existed before.
If that is necessary then I will not continue on the project if it does not meet the set standards.

I've attached my PSDs for what I've had up through the first QC in case they will be useful to anyone down the line.

>> No.26054  


I'd like to apologize to you both, this dispute seems like a result of me being unclear what's expected for releases. One the one hand, we want the releases to look as good as possible, but on the other, we're all volunteers, and we're all amateurs. For my part, I can read Japanese pretty well, but I'm not fluent, so I know make mistakes, I know my translations could be better. And I know editing and QC both can take a lot of time and effort. At the end of the day, we just want to be able to share this manga with English readers.

I will release this chapter whenever you feel you've done what you can. Please continue to edit this series, if you still want to.

File: image_433.jpeg -(531536 B, 1115x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
531536 No.25286   [Reply]

One-shot, 32 pages.

>> No.26049  
File: Wakagimi-san and Onigyaru-san.txt -(11522 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Fun and well drawn story. Content warning: GL light, horns don't mean horny, Monster with a sense of tactics for once.

File: image_494.jpeg -(525104 B, 1115x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
525104 No.25062   [Reply]

One-shot, 20 pages.

>> No.26044  
File: Just Taking Shelter From The Rain.txt -(6213 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

A nice little one shot by Mozukuzu. Content warning: Angst light, umbrellas as the kiss of death, old school GL ending.

File: kaketatsuki.jpg -(550432 B, 1114x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
550432 No.23954   [Reply]

I've started translating this. The manga gives an English title ("missing month"), but it's a mistranslation, so I wrote my own. It's in Yuri Hime.

184 posts and 30 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.25944  

Hey, folks! Apologies for the delay - here's the ch20 typeset! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Rcq_tCO6l9-a3f3P4QY5-LuJYW_2Ce8c?usp=share_link

>> No.25959  


Thanks everyone, glad we finished this. Good work!

>> No.26005  

Hi, all! Here's the vol 4 extras, as well as some misc. fixes for previous chapters: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dL72Sd_9tI-eQX6kPyNCySBhv4vughHk?usp=sharing

It was a pleasure finishing this up with you all !

>> No.26006  

Just made a few minor suggestions.

Thank you very much for all the hard work you put into this! And thanks as well to Boke and MSN-04! I'm really glad to see this series fully finished, you all did great work.

>> No.26011  


Released. And I've updated the chapter 19 and 20 links with those new pages, thanks.

File: Hirari Vol. 6, page 301.png -(712727 B, 1744x2496) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
712727 No.2529   [Reply]

One-shot, 20 pages.

TL: http://www.mediafire.com/?0n10fcsczb3ida3

Signing up for editing.

8 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.25968  


Thanks, added

>> No.25969  

Here are a few minor adjustments.

"So she / smokes / cigaret- / tes..." -> "So she / smokes / ciga- / rettes..." Move hyphen to syllable break.

"you just have an older brother, ust like me, right?" (fix typo on second "just")

"who / got jea- / lous!?" -> "who / got jeal- / ous!?" or "who got / jealous!?" Move hyphen to syllable break.

"you don't have to pretend. after you're the person who lost your graduation album too, hm, come to think of it." -> "you don't have to pretend. after all, you "lost" your graduation album too. hm, come to think of it—" minor rephrase, "after" -> "after all,", "too," -> "too.", "think of it." -> "think of it—"

"you've got wedding planning meeting, right?" -> "you've got a wedding planning meeting, right?" Add an "a".

""Jealous"" -> ""Jealous.""

>> No.25970  


Nice catches.

>> No.26001  


Updated the link!

>> No.26009  



File: image_079.jpeg -(551984 B, 1115x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
551984 No.25174   [Reply]

One-shot, 42 pages.

8 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.25973  

Much appreciated, thanks! All changes made. I initially assumed "research lad" referred to an old friend of Mama's, but the follow up sentence makes that seem less likely.

I've always had an issue centering in narrative boxes when working by eye. It's strange, even knowing which blurbs were off center, I couldn't really tell until I measured them.

>> No.25979  

Credits page added. Should be good to go unless anyone spots anything!

>> No.25999  



>> No.26000  


>> No.26008  

I've updated the link with a couple fixes.

File: 000.jpg -(191590 B, 1344x1920) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
191590 No.24069   [Reply]

Raws posted by an anon on /u/

34 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.25928  

Here's "girls complex a la mode"!

This one felt quite involved at times. Informative to work on, though. I had fun with it.

>> No.25975  
File: girls complex qc.txt -(750 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Here's a few changes. Some lines that turned out a little awkward, and some typoes. Really nice work on this, the sfx look great.

>> No.25976  

All changes made! Thanks for the kind words.

>> No.25980  

Credits page added. Should be good to go unless anyone spots anything!

>> No.25998  



File: Sis-秘密の恋心_0060.png -(1127037 B, 1768x2484) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1127037 No.3953   [Reply]

One-shot, 20 pages.

Editing files: http://www.mediafire.com/?4xlu82n2r3s08ot

TL files: http://www.mediafire.com/?pfd2jnnc836cu3o

>> No.25996  
File: Abundant Snow Red Madder.txt -(10609 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

A wormhole brings ten year old yuri to the present. Content warning: Can't beat you off with a stick, shouldn't put a ring on it, hapless friend in the wings.

File: Sis-秘密の恋心_0115.png -(911633 B, 1777x2490) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
911633 No.3947   [Reply]

One-shot, 22 pages.

Editing files: http://www.mediafire.com/?p7uu17p0z70qixe

TL files: http://www.mediafire.com/?50ag46v068aq8wj

>> No.3948  

There's no part 5 and part 7? Thank you for the upload!

>> No.3949  


Wasn't interested in them, so I didn't make any projects for them.

>> No.3951  

Could you post links to them anyway?

>> No.3952  



>> No.25981  
File: This and That With Glasses and Fluffy.txt -(7524 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Aged ten years for your discerning palate. Content warning: Wonky title, Yeah - kiss her already, lucky items uber alles.

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