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File: Screenshot 2024-07-14 at 11.13.54 PM.jpg -(255497 B, 1400x1980) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
255497 No.26969   [Reply]

Chapter two out of five. 24 pages. Same set up, different characters, different bed, just down the hall.


>> No.26970  
File: A Bride Who Gets Married to Vampire Ch02.txt -(8454 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Content Warning: Between putting your gear away, vampire sex and becoming a meal, what would you choose?; the author seems to have a fetish for a certain kind of reuse; We are likely going to see all variations on this theme...

File: campanula_of_the_library_01.png -(3297710 B, 1790x2551) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
3297710 No.10977   [Reply]

24 pages

8 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.26931  

all good!

>> No.26938  


page 8, panel 2: Hop and My soul...
page 9, panel 3: Whisper
page 15, last panel: Sniff

>> No.26940  


Thanks! Link updated

>> No.26967  

Fixed typos and whatnot that were mentioned in the dynasty server

>> No.26968  

Woo! Thanks for the great work, everyone!

File: Screenshot 2024-07-13 at 9.20.52 PM.jpg -(268249 B, 1328x1840) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
268249 No.26965   [Reply]

One shot featuring OLs. 32 pages. The credits page is not included, but the mangaka is Yanai, and the likely circle is No. 9.


>> No.26966  
File: I Was Kissed by my Cheeky Junior .txt -(7112 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Content Warning: Sometimes getting blackout drunk and not remembering jack shit means you get a do over; Girl, I'd be pissed too; Done properly, nothing cuts through the haze like a kiss.

File: Hirari Vol. 7, page 035.png -(1912911 B, 1740x2476) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1912911 No.2487   [Reply]

One-shot, 20 pages.

TL: http://www.mediafire.com/?4qxwaohdj132dzj

Signing up as editor, but will step down if I'm too busy. Raws can be provided.

9 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.26956  


And btw, it's boke, not Boke.

>> No.26957  
> From the last bit of page 19 to page 20, "All I could think of was... That I wanting to go along with her." ? I think I prefer "wanted" here.

Sorry, I was suggesting “All I could think of was… wanting to go along with her”. Using “wanted” makes it read like a double past-tense which is a bit confusing to me. (I mean, it’s not that bad either way)

>> No.26958  


Ah, much apologies. Then boke, can you also take a look at this sentence?

> 06/7: “Like whether it's OK to just hate it, or if you’ll run into it again” – this sentence doesn’t make sense to me? I’m not sure what it’s supposed to mean


> Sorry, I was suggesting “All I could think of was… wanting to go along with her”. Using “wanted” makes it read like a double past-tense which is a bit confusing to me. (I mean, it’s not that bad either way)

Oh, that makes more sense. I changed it to that. Both sound right to me.

>> No.26959  


> 06/7: “Like whether it's OK to just hate it, or if you’ll run into it again” – this sentence doesn’t make sense to me? I’m not sure what it’s supposed to mean

She's talking about assessing all the dangerous things. Maybe a different TL would be:

"Like, is it ok to just hate it from a distance, or is there a chance you'll run into it again?"

Let me know if that makes sense

>> No.26960  


Makes sense to me, thanks!

Pages should be updated: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Il21Ta9QYVjjLrvZqCD2WbcA-8slbxQ1?usp=sharing

File: yuriproject.png -(175821 B, 421x300) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
175821 No.6245   [Reply]

The old thread doesn't bump anymore and project threads get flooded with off-topic stuff (please don't do that) so here is a new one.

641 posts and 48 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.26195  


Welcome Chofli!

There's no real central organization here. Just pick a project, edit it, and post the result on the project page. Other people will proof read and quality check as they have time.

It's helpful if you add a post on the project letting people know you've started to work on it.

>> No.26244  
File: yp board test upload 1.txt -(62 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Test upload

>> No.26946  

I’ve made a spreadsheet of all the threads on this forum, and the state of each. It’s for my own purposes but I can imagine it’d be potentially helpful to other contributors. I’ve yet to index all the threads but I’ll be working on that (probably).


>> No.26947  


Wow, that's impressive. There used to be a Wiki that did a similar thing but it's been defunct for a while. Nice to know you have that!

>> No.26952  


Very nice! Thanks for the spreadsheet!

File: 00177.jpeg -(563488 B, 1114x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
563488 No.21348   [Reply]

Oneshot, 20 pages.

>> No.26285  
File: Throw Away The Glass Slippers.txt -(7405 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Title story for a collection of short stories by Kiriyama. Four of them have already been done over on dynasty. Content warning: player one gets game, player two's into it, player three gets an award for being pent up and useless.

>> No.26296  

Thanks for the translation! Gonna edit this.

>> No.26306  

Editing/typesetting done, needs QC.


>> No.26951  

only 16 months late…

Just some nits that can be ignored.

06/4: Questions without question marks read weirdly to me; perhaps use “?!” or “!?”
19: Preferable to remove the Japanese text on the side
20/3: I’m not really fond of punctuation on next line

File: image_425.jpeg -(477464 B, 1115x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
477464 No.25178   [Reply]

One-shot, 16 pages.

3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.26235  

>>26232 oh that's weirdTT. thanks so much for posting it

>> No.26245  
File: yp board test upload 2.txt -(64 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Upload testing again.

>> No.26247  
File: Schrödingers Girl.txt -(3456 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.26258  

ed complete!

>> No.26950  

only 16 months late…

428/1: “house the” → “house; the”
432/3: “Well done!” is a bit weird, because it’s not like she asked Nezu to do the task for her? I’d suggest “Wow!”, “I’m impressed!”, “Amazing!” or something
440/3: move “And” to the next bubble

File: Screen Shot 2023-06-22 at 6.35.38 PM.jpg -(643763 B, 1386x1974) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
643763 No.26403   [Reply]

This story completes a volume of one shots by Usui Shio called “The World Is Only For You”.


2 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.26414  
File: The World Is Only For You - Omake pages.txt -(2983 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Here are the translations for those short bonus chapters. This should complete the translation for the volume.

>> No.26939  

the jewel of you extra broke my heart :(


>> No.26941  

That was a nice blast from the past.

Talk About A Storm Blowing In

page 41, panel 2:

Putting / out travel / books, / volunteering, / making stuff. -> Putting out / travel books, / volunteering, / making stuff.

She doesn’t / stay by / my side. -> She / doesn’t / stay by / my side.

page 43, panel 4:

This tiny room -> this tiny room

page 44, last panel:

That no matter / how much I / look at you, / I never get / tired of it. -> That / no matter / how much I / look at you, / I never get / tired of it.

>> No.26942  

thanks! updated.

did you also QC the bonus chapters and just not have comments?

>> No.26943  


> did you also QC the bonus chapters and just not have comments?

Right, they looked fine to me.

File: Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 8.27.07 PM.jpg -(254665 B, 1366x1936) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
254665 No.26936   [Reply]

Early works from the artist who did "A Yuri Story About a Girl Who Insists "It's Impossible for Two Girls to Get Together" Completely Falling Within 100 Days". One story has been scanlated already, this TL completes the volume. Contrasted with how sex forward "A Yuri story..." is, this is more subdued and slightly more twisty/angsty.


>> No.26937  
File: One Night Friend.txt -(33625 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Content Warning: the first story has the typical trifecta of blackout drunk, waking up naked next to a stranger, and cosplay making everything better; The last story is a paean to courage and open communication - so no doubt most people will skip right over it to go look for the angsty incest hentai; to no one's surprise the artist is totally up front with having a thing for boobies.

File: watashi_dakeni_misete_hoshii.png -(4967261 B, 2150x3035) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
4967261 No.25947   [Reply]

Chapters 1-4

RAW: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e9zd7cqs1kina70

44 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.26738  
File: Only Show Yourself To Me ch05.txt -(8976 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Orange Otter seems to be MIA since March of last year. Anyone want to pick up the RD/TS?

>> No.26781  

I’ll do the others… eventually


>> No.26830  

Was this qc? I saw someone qc it on discord, but not sure.

>> No.26934  

This took a while. This author really really loves making me do redraws. At least none were that hard.


And yes, ch4 was QC’d by Damien on Discord. I’ve sent the upload request to Dynasty.

>> No.26935  

Wootie! Thanks for all the hard work!

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