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File: 00001.jpeg -(161428 B, 1114x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
161428 No.20580   [Reply]

RAWS: https://mega.nz/#!10QzWDoS!BnL0gSPmr2fXEdXE8-rd0cd5vTHz0Lp5upKlOiZypEU

Digital Version

No.17096   [Reply]


I found a really good Korean yuri webtoon. anyone please help out in translating in english? thanks

3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.20495  


Yes, I would need the raws. My email is just my name with @yahoo.com on the end. Creative, right? XD If you can send me the raws, that'll be great and I'll get started on it. Thanks in advance.

>> No.20496  

Sent you a mail. I name my emails like that too.

>> No.20498  

Isn't it a het?

>> No.20500  


Sadly, it is both.

>> No.20557  

I finally got around to cleaning it. Just seven chapters. I'll wait until the translation comes out to clean the rest.

File: cover.jpeg -(188692 B, 1114x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
188692 No.20521   [Reply]

RAW: https://mega.nz/#!dk5niCyR!CR8mYpF9pIHxWisdSn0K5Jke_0YTcwszKRGjJOT17ao

Digital version.

File: 00215.jpeg -(660896 B, 1114x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
660896 No.20443   [Reply]


Oneshot. Raws from the digital version: >>20441

File: Comic Yuri Hime (May 2017) .jpeg -(230832 B, 1114x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
230832 No.20441   [Reply]

RAW: http://www.mediafire.com/file/9agtc7f6uwa7297

Digital version.

File: Last Waltz.jpg -(12695 B, 245x350) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
12695 No.20070   [Reply]

I have the 1st Volume. Is there anyone willing to translate? I'll do the editing.

7 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.20279  


>> No.20359  

Do you happen to have the 2nd volume too?

>> No.20393  

>>20359 I have em

>> No.20394  

Would be great if you can post it. Thanks!

>> No.20426  

found better raws on the internet.

File: 2DK, G Pen, Alarm Clock (4).jpg -(283130 B, 1441x2048) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
283130 No.20410   [Reply]

RAW: http://www.mediafire.com/file/38xzmyiw88z8p8o

File: 2DK, G Pen, Alarm Clock (3).jpg -(409169 B, 1008x1433) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
409169 No.19711   [Reply]

RAW: http://www.mediafire.com/download/9uusnibiubpoia8

File: 00269.jpeg -(220256 B, 1114x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
220256 No.20404   [Reply]


Raws from the digital version: >>20388

File: Hone no Zui Made Aisu.jpg -(35793 B, 729x416) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
35793 No.20360   [Reply]

I'm just gonna quietly leave this here and see if anyone is interest in picking it up. It's a pretty nice manga with a twist.
Title: Hone no Zui Made Aisu
Ch.1-2 http://plus.comico.jp/manga/1163/
Ch.3 http://imgur.com/a/ly31X
Ch.4 http://imgur.com/a/9QOc8
Ch.5 http://imgur.com/a/O4Hkq
Ch.6 http://imgur.com/a/ocZBA
Ch.7 http://imgur.com/a/SwDbu
Ch.8 http://imgur.com/a/mCCVT
Ch.9 http://imgur.com/a/AJ9tl
Ch.10 http://imgur.com/a/1c4Rv
Ch.11 http://imgur.com/a/fBvBh
Ch.12 http://imgur.com/a/6aIT7
Ch.13 http://imgur.com/a/E1ROS
Ch.14 http://imgur.com/a/H56D8
Ch.15 http://imgur.com/a/aBkT3
Ch.16 http://imgur.com/a/GYCKo
Ch.17 http://imgur.com/a/oy7Oz
Ch.18 http://imgur.com/a/YREdE
Ch.19 http://imgur.com/a/mup5j
Ch.20 http://imgur.com/a/w0JUM
Ch.21 http://imgur.com/a/juBvS
Ch.22 http://imgur.com/a/Xw6eZ
Ch.23 http://imgur.com/a/x6Uda

>> No.20371  

There's 29 chapters total.
I grabbed ch 24: http://imgur.com/a/CFY5Q
All but the last one can be viewed for free. I might pick it up if someone uploads the remaining chapters.

>> No.20395  

Thanks! I'll try to upload the rest.
Chapter 25

>> No.20396  

Sorry the other one is chapter 26, this is chapter 25

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