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File: Screenshot 2024-05-19 at 2.14.07 PM.jpg -(248550 B, 1342x1922) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
248550 No.26848   [Reply]

It looks like there are two editions of this. The first one is in a single volume (which I previously translated), and it includes the stories up through chapter 4. In the second edition, the stories are broken into two volumes, and volume two includes several additional postscript stories. This translation only includes the additional content.


Volume one is at:

>> No.26849  
File: My Goddess Spurs Me On Vol02.txt -(19044 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Content Warning: Testing a new relationship can make you testy; looks aren't everything, even old money like to dress down on occasion; and when being busy messes with your love life, you got to get creative (and handsy).

>> No.26885  

The raws link you provided, is that for a different story?

>> No.26886  


Looks like it, my bad. I've uploaded a new file.


>> No.26888  


So only half of Vol 2 is new content? That's... interesting. I didn't understand what you meant until I flipped through the raws.

File: Screen Shot 2023-01-08 at 8.21.04 PM.png -(3535618 B, 1306x1716) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
3535618 No.26081   [Reply]

Nice Hakamada Mera project in five chapters. Content Warning: Lesbians making the earth shake not like that, honesty wins for once, little sister makes sure the deal gets done.

Full disclosure - in some blurred, drugged out yuri haze, I thought I got the raws for this project here. If I did, I can't find the project page any more. Maybe it came from the gaping abyss that is /u.

>> No.26082  
File: Just Before The End Of The World.txt -(23038 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.26083  


>> No.26842  

Whoa! I missed that!
I can do CL/RD. Who wanna do TS?

>> No.26883  

I can typeset.

File: 73823721_p0.jpg -(1016899 B, 1493x2048) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1016899 No.26850   [Reply]

Short 4 Page Yuri NTR by Sal Jiang. I can't tell if she end's up leaving the guy or not but looks good. Old work from 2019. Pulled from Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/73823721

>> No.26852  

Sal Jiang? I'm in.

>> No.26854  
File: Cause I'm Bored.txt -(2689 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Short and easy. NTR for the masses.

>> No.26855  

Thanks! I’ll get on this soon!

>> No.26856  


Fun and easy while waiting for the other stuff to be reviewed.

>> No.26872  

Request for upload has been sent to Dynasty. I'll upload to MD if/when Nobody tells me how I f'd something up.

File: 90852832_p0.jpg -(1323717 B, 1250x1759) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1323717 No.26851   [Reply]

Short yuri oneshot from ODAICOMICS. Could find any of their stuff on MD. Also only yuri I saw from them. Pulled from pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/90852832

3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.26860  
File: Boyish.txt -(2908 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Bada bing, bada boom.

>> No.26865  

here it is! both png and psd in the file, to allow for easier editing


>> No.26866  

Looks good! Cute story as I expected! Couple things that stuck out to me:

Pg8 pn3: that -> that's
Bubbles with just ellipses: the ellipses tend to be too far down (off center). Up to you if you want to fix that.

>> No.26870  

ok i fixed the thing on p8!
the ellipses being far down is a thing i do bc i prefer it that way, but here's it fixed, too!


>> No.26871  

Looks good! Just needs a credit page and should be good to go, at least from my perspective, for what it is.

File: Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 3.05.40 PM.jpg -(260237 B, 1406x1992) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
260237 No.26837   [Reply]

The second chapter of the series? Anthology? And the last one that I know of.


1 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.26862  

Will start working on this now

>> No.26863  

I love these realistic slice of life stories that touch upon realistic situations and feelings, thanks for the translation!
And once again, if you spot any mistakes please tell me.

>> No.26864  

Thanks for doing these! I'll review them tomorrow!

>> No.26868  

Pg4 pn4: remove "on" -> "iniviting her out over"
Missing Page 6
Pg7 pn2: "more that" -> "more than"
Pg15 pn5: "would've have" -> "would've had"
Pg16 pn1: "There's" -> "There're" or "There are"
Pg16 pn4: no comma before the ellipse
Pg25 pn2: "sometime" -> "sometimes"
Pg37 pn2: remove "from" -> "makes you suffer at work"
Pg38 pn2: "I'm not [a] kid"

>> No.26869  

Thank you for this! I updated the mentioned pages for both this and the first chapter.

File: Screenshot 2024-05-14 at 12.15.14 PM.jpg -(258653 B, 1372x1946) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
258653 No.26831   [Reply]

Chapter one of a short series of unrelated stories. 35 pages of adult(ish) yuri.


>> No.26832  
File: Doing that thing, with that girl.txt -(8295 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Content warning: Age gap and incest but it's defined as a third degree relationship so everything's swell!; Crawling out of the trash heap is something we all need a little grace about; the future is bright when a lithe teen is wriggling into your futon.

>> No.26846  

Thanks for the translation, I'll start working on it now.

>> No.26861  

I think I'm done, but if you spot any issues please tell me.

>> No.26867  

Pg6 pn1: pre-packed
Pg11 pn5: "And I've been unemployed for who knows how long [now]"
Pg29 pn2: Missing text on bank card (doesn't look like it was TL'd
Pg30 pn2: change period to a comma
Pg30 pn4: hyphenate thirty-four
Pg33 pn1: hyphenate twenty-five

File: 00124.jpeg -(336196 B, 1114x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
336196 No.20406   [Reply]


Raws from the digital version: >>20388

>> No.26319  
File: The Other Side Of a Blank Page.txt -(8505 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Just doing this one because it's Hamuro Kei. Content Warning: The slow dawning of a new lesbian, first crushes are often built on shaky ground, failing exams as a symbol of lesbian happiness.

>> No.26323  

Looks cute. Will edit this.

>> No.26325  

Here is the edited version of this cute gay awakening story. The small speech bubbles were a bit troubling, but I think overall it turned out alright.


>> No.26841  

Another one. It's on MD, but not on dynasty? Anyway, it doesn't matter where it's released first, but reply here when releasing.

File: Starlight Melody.jpeg -(309620 B, 1352x1920) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
309620 No.19556   [Reply]

RAW: http://www.mediafire.com/download/c9sup6ya36plwpb

18 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.26255  


I'll take care of Dynasty, I've got uploader permissions there. Do you want me to include "Bokita" as a second group alongside Yuri Project on Dynasty?

>> No.26256  

Even though it's not actually a real group, sure, that would be nice. I just wanted an excuse to put the Bokita pairing somewhere.

>> No.26257  


Sure thing.

And it's released on the site, go ahead and put it up on Mangadex whenever.

>> No.26348  

Ch2 looks good to me.

>> No.26840  

Um, is this finished? I see the whole tank is on MD, but only the first story on dynasty?

File: Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 12.35.23 AM.jpg -(251471 B, 1396x1994) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
251471 No.26828   [Reply]

Your last and final dose.


>> No.26829  
File: More Than a Friend, More Than a Lover Ch03.txt -(6854 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Content Warning: What do you do with a lesbian who gets more anxious the more kisses she gets?; Mouth to mouth resuscitation now comes in flavors - who knew?; It's nice to see schools are finally assigning bondage as homework.

File: Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 1.47.26 PM.jpg -(247714 B, 1258x1796) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
247714 No.26821   [Reply]

Chapter one of a series from the famed yuri doujinshi group No. 9. Typical insecure high school highjinks. But sweet and relatively drama free. Chapters 2 and 3 to follow.


>> No.26822  
File: More Than a Friend, More Than a Lover.txt -(8760 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Content Warning: Very short sub-chapters, almost as if they were scraped from twitter or something; This is the problem with most yuri - when you have a girlfriend who (eventually) gives you what you want, the author has to gin up some drama somewhere and most of the time it's dumb; Why wait for white day when you can say "french me now"?

>> No.26826  

this will be edited (fr no cap)

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