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File: mv.png -(55908 B, 350x200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
55908 No.15836   [Reply]

Ralen has begun translation of Yuririn, the newest short story series based on A Kiss For The Petals, under the name Yuricycle. The prologue and first two chapters have been translated.


I would like to request the title graphic cleaned of its text.

>> No.15871  

You might have a better chance at getting this request fulfilled here: http://boards.4chan.org/w/catalog#s=imt

Best of luck.

>> No.15906  

Page 4 has been translated. The site will be published when page 5 is translated.

>> No.15908  

The translation is now public.

File: 0003.png -(1931657 B, 2145x3027) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1931657 No.15907   [Reply]


7-page (+2) special for Ayanero Taicho's The Christmas Witch.

I will typeset/edit this if it gets a translation.

File: ちありん劇場 第01話 - YouTube.webm_snapshot_00.03_[2013.05.24_08.10.51].jpg -(53802 B, 640x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
53802 No.8243   [Reply]

Yurin Yurin began a YouTube series to promote A Kiss For The Petals - Longing of an Angel. The format of Chiaki-Ringo Theater appears to be similar to that of Risa-Miya Theater, but no schedule details have been released at this time. Longing of an Angel is due for release in one week.

Episode 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fbLk5fgZro

87 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.15560  

episode 07

>> No.15635  

episode 08

>> No.15716  

episode 09

i'll try to get episode 10 done within next week

>> No.15757  

for episode 10, i've got a suggestion.
instead of using 'Mwah', what about using 'chu' instead? it sound more appropriate

>> No.15774  

episode 10

i have not changed the kiss sound effect.

File: 落書きまとめ_pg9&10.jpg -(51692 B, 450x571) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
51692 No.15735   [Reply]

My friend and I only try to translate page 9 and 10. We are not entirely sure about our translation.

I'm newbie about this, so please be kind, and point out what I've did wrong.

Also, I don't think I want to further edit this, so I welcome anyone to pick this up and do further editing. Thanks.

Pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=36563530
RAW: http://www.mediafire.com/download/6jciosrqv3hjk0d/落書きまとめ_raw.rar
Clean (Typeset?): http://www.mediafire.com/download/y6jij215iq86fja/落書きまとめ_clean.rar
QC: http://www.mediafire.com/download/feiv8mggj2hwfas/落書きまとめ_QC.rar

>> No.15736  

Photoshop: http://www.mediafire.com/download/x2nozu3b59o5127/落書きまとめ_photoshop.rar

File: ちびきょうこ Book!.jpg -(3453013 B, 2139x3028) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
3453013 No.15486   [Reply]

And that's everything Madoka wise by Gumichoco

38 pages

File: LD.jpg -(5068245 B, 2137x3025) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
5068245 No.15262   [Reply]

38 pages

Scanned this to try the way Phyis told me.

File: mischievous_butterfly_cover.jpg -(1516184 B, 1480x2149) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1516184 No.8058   [Reply]

My copy arrived a couple of days ago, so I thought I should scan it.
Chapter 04 to 06 will get a separate thread, didn't get around to scan them yet.

Chapter 01 (32 pages): http://www.mediafire.com/?u1qx1rbi3q7inv4
Chapter 02 (24 pages): http://www.mediafire.com/?tm82l1ccu3fqzz7
Chapter 03 (26 pages): http://www.mediafire.com/?t96t4uu3apmw1ml

6 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.9175  

Just got the second volume in the mail and holy hell, what a cliffhanger. I wonder when volume three is out...

>> No.9961  

Next week.

>> No.9962  

Doesn't seem like it.
Which begs the question; why?
This series looks really good.

>> No.14692  

someone working?

>> No.14696  

Links are down. Can anyone reupload the first three chapters? I'm a bit interested in taking up the editor job but I haven't had a good look at the raws yet. ^^;

File: 子猫のよう、小鳥のよう Cover Not Finished.jpg -(2081178 B, 2850x2000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2081178 No.9801   [Reply]

Even more Maria-sama ga Miteru doujinshi! These are some ridiculously cute 28 pages.

Raw: http://www.mediafire.com/download/h4dct75762vv3cq/

AS you can see the cover is a spread that I started on, but didn't really finish. If anyone wants to have a go at it I'll upload the .psd, but it's kinda 500mb big.

Please don't upload this anywhere else.

5 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.14636  

I'll still do this, but I am fairly swamped at the moment. So it might take me a little bit.

>> No.14638  

No, content

>> No.14640  

If you don't think it's worth doing I may not bother with this. Because my backlog is so long right now.

>> No.14672  
File: [Studio Konpeitou] Koneko no you, Kotori no you.txt -(0 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Gaah, finally finished this. Holy hell, those author's notes. I think I managed to get most of it but I'd still appreciate other translator input on two particular parts:

Page 11, a suitable translation for the onomatopoeia/psychomime "dekideki", presumably derived from 出来; and

Also Page 11, finding some way to at least romanize "とらぶりゅー" (if my transcription's not wrong). Based on where it comes in in the sentence I would've believed it's a reference to one of Marine's previous doujins -- the previously translated prequel, even -- but I wasn't able to find any reference under http://www.doujinshi.org/browse/author/42267/?order=date. I also have trouble parsing it into any coherent words.

I personally take this to be a really sweet doujin so I certainly hope you'd still take a look.

>> No.14673  
File: [Studio Konpeitou] Koneko no you, Kotori no you.txt -(14072 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Small revisions. Also a quick note if it isn't obvious, the troublesome points mentioned above are marked with '???'.

File: yulips_chu_ch01_02.png -(494347 B, 1394x2000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
494347 No.13268   [Reply]

Took me a while.

32 pages

>> No.13278  

Great! I'll get to translating this as soon as I can!

>> No.14603  

Sadly, I think I'm going to have to resign as translator for this series. I forgot about it entirely, and I just don't have the motivation to pick it up now.

For what it's worth, the series is on hiatus for the time being, and I recall Morishima-sensei saying she would like to get it running again starting next year.

I may come back at a later date if no one else wants to translate this, but for now, please consider the spot as translator open. I don't want to delay this any longer by not getting anything done.

File: Ever_Dance_With_The_Devil_In_The_Pale_Moonlight (2).png -(3993685 B, 2550x3507) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
3993685 No.14594   [Reply]

33 pages, MadoHomu doujin one-short
Raw: http://www.mediafire.com/download/o9sewuauf0lbm1g
Any suggestion for improvement will be appreciated.

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